
Michael Z. Land Songtexte
The Kozy Krypt

Geboren 1961

Mehr Songtexte

  1. Main Theme
  2. Difficulty Selection
  3. LeChuck's Hold
  4. Episode Intro
  5. Puerto Pollo
  6. Plunder Swamp
  7. Voodoo
  8. The Voodoo Priestess
  9. Plunder Island Overview
  10. Outside the Barbery Coast
  11. The Barbery Coast
  12. The Barbery Coast Remix
  13. Stuck in Quicksand
  14. Danjer Cove Overview
  15. Blondebeard's Chicken Shop
  16. Plunder Beach
  17. Tarred and Feathered
  18. Caber Tossing
  19. A Pirate I Was Meant to Be
  20. The Sea Cucumber
  21. Puerto Pollo Armoury
  22. Sailing
  23. The Shipwreck
  24. The Clearing
  25. Blood Island Overview
  26. Goodsoup Hotel
  27. Goodsoup Family Crypt
  28. Melee Forest
  29. Stan's Insurance
  30. Blood Beach
  31. The Cannibal Village
  32. Falling
  33. The Carnival of the Damned
  34. The Rollarcoaster of Death
  35. End Credits
  36. Twangy Shanty
  37. Monkey Island Main Theme
  38. A New Adventure
  39. Guybrush and Elaine Love Theme
  40. Plunder Island
  41. Voodoo Mix
  42. The Three Barbers
  43. Caber Toss
  44. Belly of the Snake
  45. Cabana Club
  46. Hot Sand Boogie
  47. Captain Rottingham
  48. The Sea Battle
  49. The Barbershop Quartet
  50. Nighttime in the Caribbean
  51. Blood Island
  52. The Goodsoups
  53. The Death of Guybrush Threepwood
  54. The Graveyard
  55. Mutual of Stan
  56. Minnie's Lament
  57. The Horror of Skull Island
  58. The Lovers Reunited
  59. Carnival of the Damned
  60. Suite from 'The Curse of Monkey Island'
  61. A Blast from the Past
  62. Theme from 'The Secret of Monkey Island'
  63. The Shores of Melee Island
  64. The SCUMM Bar
  65. Elaine's First Wedding
  66. Suite from 'Escape from Monkey Island'
  67. Theme from 'Escape from Monkey Island'
  68. Theme from 'Curse of Monkey Island'
  69. Introduction: Main Titles
  70. Tied to the Mast
  71. The Mast Cue
  72. Act Screen
  73. Options Screen
  74. The Docks
  75. Mêlée Town
  76. Mêlée Map
  77. Outside the Governor's House
  78. Inside the Governor's House
  79. Destroying the Catapult
  80. Catapult Destroyed
  81. Charles L. Charles Appears
  82. Talking With Carla and Otis
  83. The International House of Mojo
  84. The Harbor
  85. Outside Meathook's
  86. Scumm Bar (main)
  87. Scumm Bar (Mr. Cheese)
  88. Scumm Bar (The Bar Tender)
  89. Lucre Town
  90. Lucre Island Map
  91. The Lawyers
  92. House of Sticks
  93. Protheses Paradise
  94. Bait Shop
  95. Termite Circus
  96. The Bank
  97. Prisoner in the Vault
  98. Guybrush Escapes From the Vault
  99. Switching on the Lights
  100. Hall of Justice
  101. Speaking With Inspector Canard
  102. Ozzie Mandrill
  103. Outside Ozzie's House
  104. Inside Ozzie's House
  105. The Ozzie Mandrill Cue
  106. The Swamp
  107. Pegnose Pete
  108. Arriving at Pegnose's House
  109. Pegnose Panicks
  110. Outside the Booty Showcase
  111. Pegnose's Booty Showcase
  112. The Curtain Opens
  113. The Woods
  114. Under Water
  115. The Scumm Bar Cue
  116. Finding the Wedding Gifts
  117. The Lua Bar
  118. Meathook's
  119. The Knuttin Atoll: Jambalaya Town
  120. Jambalaya Map
  121. Jambalaya Map Near Knuttin Atoll
  122. The Knuttin Atoll
  123. Star Buccaneers Coffee Shop
  124. Microgroggery
  125. Planet Threepwood
  126. Stan's Theme
  127. The Diving Competition
  128. Talking With Jumbeaux Lafeet
  129. Losing the Diving Competition
  130. Winning the Diving Competition
  131. Admiral Ricardo Casaba
  132. The Admiral Casaba Cue
  133. The Transmogrification School
  134. Miss Rivers Gets Angry
  135. The Miss Rivers Cue
  136. A Life of Endless Puzzles
  137. Monkey Island Beach / Canyon
  138. Monkey Island Map
  139. Herman Toothrot
  140. Boulder Machinery
  141. The Mine
  142. Machinery Room
  143. The Lava Field
  144. Hectic Lava Cue
  145. First Church of LeChuck... Orthodox!
  146. The Monkey Head
  147. The Monkey Village
  148. Talking to Jojo Junior
  149. A Monkey in the Woods
  150. Monkey Combat
  151. Monkey Combat - Loser
  152. Monkey Combat - Winner
  153. Monkey Combat - Finale
  154. Herman's Memory Returns
  155. Transmission Tower
  156. Ultimate Monkey Combat
  157. Closing (medley)
  158. Hotel Bar
  159. The Journey
  160. Big Whoop & End Theme
  161. LeChuck & Largo
  162. LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 2)
  163. Slappy Cromwell's Speare: A Theatrical (medley)
  164. Governor Phatt
  165. Field of Honor (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  166. Plunder Island Map
  167. Cemetary
  168. Alongside the Sea Cucumber
  169. "If This Is Three..."
  170. Parts V - The Kiss of the Spider Monkey
  171. Credits
  172. Map Spire Klein
  173. Mr. Fossey
  174. Demo tracks: Caribbean Nights
  175. Losing the Caber Toss
  176. Stabbing Largo & LeChuck Returns
  177. Griswald Goodsoup
  178. Planetarium Spire Ambience
  179. Slappy Cromwell Juggling
  180. Voodoo Swamp
  181. The Guardhouse
  182. Edward van Helgen
  183. Quicksand
  184. Monkey Island
  185. End Titles
  186. Brimstone Beach Club/Palido Domingo
  187. Fighting the Smugglers
  188. Elaine & Guybrush
  189. Main Titles
  190. Museum Tram Platform
  191. Mocking the Voodoo Lady & Voodoo Jazz
  192. Plunder Island Map (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  193. Stage (After the Play)
  194. Organ Prelude
  195. Sam & Max Theme
  196. LeChuck's Ship
  197. Meeting Lemonhead
  198. Stalking the Shopkeeper
  199. Fake Credits (When Guybrush Is in Stan's Tomb)
  200. Torture and Escape
  201. On the Hill
  202. LeChuck Attacks
  203. Arriving at Skull Island
  204. Rooms of Ugly Bone Things
  205. Blood Island Map
  206. Swordfighting
  207. Clearing
  208. Rubber Caber Tossing
  209. The Cemetery
  210. Monkey Island Jungle (ambient)
  211. Passing Out
  212. Sea Map
  213. Cutthroat Bill's Theme
  214. Losing the Caber Tossing
  215. Stage (When the Play Has Started)
  216. Tomb Spire Ambience
  217. Mr. Fossie
  218. Woodtick Revisited
  219. Captain Capsize
  220. Firing the Cannon
  221. The Wreck of the Sea Cucumber
  222. Love Theme
  223. Boarding the Sea Cucumber
  224. Down the Tunnel
  225. LeChuck's Evil Stories
  226. Brink's Madness
  227. LeChuck's Sinister Stories
  228. Human-Like Sacrifice to Sherman the Volcano God
  229. Shaving Rottingham's Head
  230. Monkey Island 2 - (medley)
  231. Porthole (After Making Wally Cry)
  232. Phatt Island Waterfall
  233. Part
  234. Cue 2
  235. Stan's Previously Owned Coffins
  236. Diving
  237. The Weaponary Shop
  238. Plunder Island Fort
  239. Part I
  240. Falling Off the Cliff
  241. Fortress Diorama
  242. Governeur Phatt's Room
  243. Smugglers
  244. Human-Like Sacrifice
  245. King of the Creatures
  246. MI1 Forest
  247. I'm Not Dead
  248. Altar
  249. Governor Marley's Mardi Gras Fish Fry
  250. Confronting Largo
  251. Swamp (Talking to Murray)
  252. Cabaña (Before Proving Membership)
  253. Wheel of Fortune
  254. Monkeyed Lightshow
  255. Part V
  256. Voodoo and Things
  257. The Planetarium
  258. In the Row Boat
  259. Just Married
  260. Carnival of the Damned (Background Noise)
  261. The Fort
  262. Phatt Island Alley Dealer
  263. Tomb Tram Platform
  264. "Time Out, Young Man!"
  265. Phatt Mansion Guard
  266. Chapter 2: The Curse Gets Worse
  267. Largo at the Bloody Lip
  268. Lice on Comb and Shaving Head
  269. Woodtick
  270. Scaring Mort the Grave Digger
  271. The Goodsoup Family Hotel
  272. Stan's Crypt
  273. Edward Van Helgen's Theme
  274. Murray
  275. Monkeys of the Sea Cucumber
  276. Largo & Mad Marty
  277. Danjer Cove
  278. Rottingham Losing
  279. Parts II - The Curse Gets Worse
  280. A Storm Approaching
  281. LeChuck's Treasure Hold
  282. LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 4)
  283. Choose Your Destiny
  284. Monkey Island 2 Theme
  285. Rottingham's Theme
  286. Elaine's Party
  287. Jazzy Voodoo in the Swamp
  288. Wardrobe 3 (When Slappy Cromwell is Juggling)
  289. In the Rowboat Next to the Sea Cucumber
  290. Wardrobe 2 (When the Play Has Started)
  291. Introduction & Main Titles
  292. Blood Island Beach
  293. Cannibals' Village
  294. Monkey Island Cannibals
  295. Lighthouse
  296. Captain's Log
  297. Ending
  298. LeChuck Attacks Again
  299. Stan's Previously Used Coffins
  300. The Combat Map
  301. Banjo Solo
  302. Rollercoaster of Death
  303. Blowing Up a Rubber Tree
  304. Cemetery
  305. Rottingham Winning a Sword Fight
  306. King André, the Smuggler King
  307. The Airlock
  308. Cabaña (After Proving Membership)
  309. Goodsoup Hotel (First Floor)
  310. Scaring Mort
  311. Time Out, Young Man
  312. Effete LaFoot to the Rescue
  313. Blondebeard's Chicken Shoppe
  314. Cathedral Tram Platform
  315. Map Spire Canyon Ambience
  316. Largo
  317. Phatt Island Map
  318. LeChuck's Booty
  319. Monkey Island Theme
  320. Waterfall
  321. Rum Roger's Cottage Exteriors
  322. Combat Map
  323. The Escape From LeChuck's Fortress
  324. When Guybrush "Dies"
  325. LeChuck's Revelation
  326. On the Deck of the Sea Cucumber
  327. Barber Shop
  328. Monkeys on the Sea Cucumber
  329. Field of Honor (After Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  330. Gold Statue of Elaine Sailing Away
  331. The Crypt Guards
  332. To Blood Island
  333. Outside the Voodoo Lady's
  334. Stan's Crypt (Before Releasing Him)
  335. Volcano
  336. Stage
  337. Melee Island Circus
  338. The Crypt
  339. Voodoo Swamp, Part 1
  340. Sacrificing to the Volcano
  341. Phatt City
  342. Griswold Goodsoup
  343. Captain Marley, Rum Roger, Rapp Scallion & Young Lindy
  344. Voodoo Swamp, Part 2
  345. The Caber Tossing
  346. "Wow, What a Dream" & The Bone Song
  347. Outside the Asteroid
  348. LeChuck's Lament
  349. Wally (After Making Him Cry)
  350. The Spitting Contest
  351. Mêlée Island
  352. First Visit to the Barber Shop
  353. Parts IV - The Thief, the Barkeep, His Aunt and Her Lover
  354. Scabb Island Cemetery
  355. Snow Ape
  356. Elaine Gets Kidnapped
  357. Haggis McMutton
  358. Haggis McMutton's Theme
  359. We're Closed
  360. And Yet Some More Swordfighting
  361. Wally's Kidnapped!
  362. Melee Island Shopkeeper
  363. Swamp (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  364. Brimstone Beach
  365. Beach With Wreck
  366. Deep in the Caribbean
  367. Ramp to the Power Room
  368. Melee Island Map
  369. Wally Crying
  370. Parts III - Three Sheets to the Wind
  371. Captain Dread and the Map
  372. Banjo Duel Intro
  373. Jail
  374. Field of Honor (Background Noise)
  375. Meeting Elaine
  376. Sharks
  377. Using the Row Boat
  378. Parts I - The Demise of the Zombie Pirate Lechuck
  379. Deck
  380. Exploring the Canyon
  381. Map Tram Platform
  382. Clock Tower Bells
  383. I'm Shaking
  384. On Deck of Guybrush's Ship
  385. Fighting Rottingham
  386. Rottingham Gets Shaved
  387. Winning a Sword Fight
  388. Museum Spire Ambience
  389. Winning the Caber Tossing
  390. Cannibal Village
  391. And Once Again...
  392. Following the Shop Keeper
  393. Scabb Island
  394. Blowing Up the Rubber Tree
  395. Part III
  396. Stan's Previously Used Ships
  397. Captain Dread
  398. More Swordfighting
  399. All Lessons Learned
  400. The Sea Battles
  401. Walking Across Hot Towels
  402. Chapter 3: Three Sheets to the Wind
  403. The Bigfoot Shuffle
  404. LeChuck's Fortress
  405. Asteroid Core
  406. Mount Acidophilus Erupts
  407. Ville de la Booty
  408. Madam Xima's Theme
  409. Weak Insult
  410. The Undead Lovers
  411. The Cook
  412. The Booty Boutique
  413. Rottingham Stealing the Map
  414. Puerto Pollo (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  415. Outside Fortress
  416. Phatt island
  417. Guest Room
  418. The Mad Cook
  419. Cabana Boy
  420. Cue 1
  421. Losing a Leg
  422. Ice Diorama
  423. Ship Combat
  424. Rum Rogers Diorama
  425. "Danjer Cove"
  426. Return to Mêlée Island
  427. Hotel Exteriors
  428. Captain Rottingham Attacks
  429. Voodoo Doll & LeChuck's Beard
  430. Descent Down the Asteroid
  431. Phatt Island Wheel of Fortune
  432. Voodoo Lady's House (Before Pulling the Rope)
  433. The Creator's Resting Place
  434. The Barbery Coast "... Where Every Haircut Is an Adventure!"
  435. Demo tracks: Something Weird
  436. Choose Your Weapon
  437. Porthole (Before Making Wally Cry)
  438. Dimly Lit Torture Scene
  439. Bloodnose the Pirate
  440. LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 3)
  441. The Drinking Contest
  442. Fighting Captain Rottingham
  443. "Speares: A Theater-Medley"
  444. Growing Up Again
  445. Guybrush and Elaine
  446. Inside the Snake's Stomach
  447. Bloodnose
  448. Elaine is Stolen!
  449. Chapter 6: Guybrush Kicks Butt Once Again
  450. The Crypt / Rapp Scallion
  451. Planetarium Tram Platform
  452. Parts VI - Guybrush Kicks Butt... Again
  453. Dreaming of Bones
  454. Lice on Comb
  455. Finding the Wreck
  456. Opening Themes & Introduction
  457. Return of Largo LaGrande (bonus)
  458. In the Belly of the Snake
  459. Amusement Park
  460. Scabb Island Overview
  461. Edward 'Snugglecakes' Van Helgen
  462. Winning the Caber Toss
  463. Captain Kate's Boat / Booty Island
  464. Winning Insult Sword Fighting
  465. The Fettucini Brothers
  466. Monkey Island Diorama
  467. Acid Pit
  468. Boarded by Captain Rottingham
  469. Closing Themes
  470. The Windmill
  471. Voodoo Lady Theme
  472. Rehearsal and Preparation
  473. The Map Recovered
  474. "Choose Your Weapon..."
  475. Blondebeard's Chicken Parlor
  476. Clearing (Elaine)
  477. Recovering the Map
  478. Brink's Crevice Dilemma
  479. Mr. Fossey's Theme (When in the Bucket)
  480. Monkey Island Night (ambient)
  481. Introduction
  482. LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 1)
  483. El Pollo Diablo
  484. Melee Island Forest
  485. Phatt Island Jail
  486. Opening Themes / Introduction
  487. Governor's Mansion
  488. Murray's Introduction
  489. Talking With Griswold Goodsoup
  490. Juggling
  491. Wardrobe 1
  492. LeChuck
  493. Rottingham Giving You the Map Back
  494. Falling From the Cliff
  495. The Story of Charles DeGoulash & Minerva Stroneheim-Goodsoup, Baroness of Borscht
  496. And Again!
  497. Madame Xima
  498. Back to Part 1
  499. Secret Waterfall Tunnel
  500. Escape From Fortress
  501. Sword Fighting Captain Rottingham
  502. Cliff With Snake
  503. Hot Sand
  504. The Lost Welshman
  505. Heart Liver 'n' Kidney Boiled in the Stomach of the Animal McMutton
  506. Losing Insult Sword Fighting
  507. The Smugglers' Cave
  508. The Voodoo Lady
  509. Losing a Swordfight
  510. End Credits ("Hey, I'm Not Dead!")
  511. Stan Returns
  512. Dolls and Consequences
  513. Quicksand & Papapishu
  514. Sword Fighting (version 2)
  515. Cannon Room
  516. Row Boat
  517. Maturity in 23 Seconds
  518. Where Do You Wanna Go?
  519. JoJo
  520. The Ghost Ship
  521. LeChuck's Theme
  522. Meadow
  523. Scaring Mort, the Grave-Digger
  524. The Underground Tunnels
  525. The Voodoo Dolly
  526. Kenny Falmouth's Arms Trade
  527. Demo tracks: Alternative LeChuck
  528. Voodoo Lady's House (After Visiting Her)
  529. Searching for Treasure
  530. Finale
  531. Jungles and a Hotline
  532. Dramatic (interlude)
  533. Goodsoup Hotel (Outside)
  534. Demo tracks: Phatt Warf
  535. Governor Marley's Guard House
  536. Swamp (After Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
  537. Guybrush Shares Too Much
  538. Guybrush & Smugglers Fighting for the Diamond
  539. Big Whoop
  540. Underground Tunnels I
  541. Intro
  542. Slappy Cromwell Drops the Cannon Balls
  543. LeChuck's Maze
  544. Cabaña
  545. Sword Fighting (version 1)
  546. The Brimstone Beach Club
  547. Skull Island
  548. Rapp Scallion
  549. At the Cabana
  550. Windmill
  551. Traveling to Blood Island
  552. Ghost Ship Shuffle
  553. Swamp
  554. Snake Crossing
  555. Goodsoup Hotel Exteriors
  556. Legend
  557. Rescuing Maggie
  558. If This Is Three...
  559. Chapter 4: The Thieves, the Bartender, His Aunt & Her Lover
  560. Arrest at Phatt
  561. Booty Island
  562. Canyon Landing
  563. Ship to Monkey Island
  564. Diorama With Rope
  565. The Voodoo Shop
  566. Inside the Voodoo Lady's
  567. Chapter 1: The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck
  568. Bone Dance
  569. Minnie & Charles Reunited
  570. Goodsoup Hotel (Ground Floor)
  571. Captain René Rottingham, the Most Cunning and Well-Groomed Captain Ever to Sail the Caribbean
  572. Mole Man Music
  573. Losing a Sword Fight
  574. Winning a Swordfight
  575. The Monkeys Are Listening...
  576. Beach With Egg
  577. The Goodsoup Plantation Resort Hotel and Casino
  578. Waterline
  579. Rum Roger
  580. Inside the Asteroid
  581. Talking With LeChuck
  582. Outside Phatt Mansion
  583. In the Belly of the Massive Man-Eating Snake
  584. LeChuck's Unmasking
  585. Cutthroat Bill
  586. Selection Screen
  587. Chapter 5: Kiss of the Spider Monkey
  588. Treasure Room
  589. Wally (Before Making Him Cry)
  590. Kenny Selling Cannons
  591. Mort Theme
  592. Pegnose Panics
  593. The Museum
  594. In the Volcano
  595. Danjer Cove Beach
  596. Part IV
  597. Spare Room
  598. Sword Fighting (version 3)
  599. Even More Swordfighting
  600. The Cathedral
  601. Guybrush Growing
  602. Path to the Volcano
  603. LeChuck's Theme That Plays After the Credits
  604. Part VI
  605. "To Blood Island!"
  606. Blondebeard's Chicken Restaurant
  607. Bathing Skeleton
  608. The Volcano Erupting
  609. I Am Rubber, You Are Glue
  610. Chapter Screen
  611. Guybrush Sings
  612. Cathedral Access
  613. The Sea Cucumber Deck
  614. Largo LaGrande
  615. Part II
  616. Jojo the Monkey
  617. Monkey Island Beach (ambient)
  618. Goodsoup Crypt
  619. Wreck of the Sea Cucumber
  620. Exiting the Skycar
  621. Melee Island Church
  622. Underground Tunnels II
  623. Swordfight
  624. Stealing Elaine's Map
  625. Upstairs at the Hotel
  626. Bart and Fink
  627. Governor Phatt's Room
  628. The Dog Guybrush
  629. The Treasure Chest
  630. Largo's Room
  631. The Swamp Rot Inn
  632. Wally B. Feed's Cartography
  633. Dinky Island Beach
  634. The Wheel Game
  635. LeChuck's Island Getaway and Spa
  636. The Costume Shop
  637. LeChuck's Resurrection
  638. The Kozy Krypt
  639. Opening Credits
  640. Rum Rogers' Cottage
  641. The Gamblers Club
  642. Captain Dread's Map
  643. Governor Marley's Garden
  644. Phatt Island Governor's Mansion Exterior
  645. Mad Marty's Laundry Service
  646. Escape From LeChuck's Fortress
  647. Governor Phatt's Guard
  648. Stan's Previously-Owned Coffins
  649. Governor Marley's Mardi Gras Party
  650. Guybrush Threepwood's Parents
  651. Dem Bones
  652. The Bloody Lip Bar and Grill
  653. Quest for Big Whoop
  654. LeChuck's Voodoo Doll Attack
  655. The Secret Tunnel
  656. Captain Kate Capsize
  657. Turn Off Your Computer
  658. The LaGrandes Grave
  659. LeChuck's Trap
  660. Kicking Largo's Butt
  661. Lechuck's Root Beer Attack
  662. Drinking Contest (Lost)
  663. Governor Marley's Chef
  664. Phatt City Jail
  665. Woodtick Woodshop
  666. The Jolly Rasta
  667. Arresting Guybrush
  668. Drinking Contest (Won)
  669. Jojo, the Piano-Playing Monkey
  670. Dinky Island Jungle
  671. Governor Phatt's Room Remix
  672. Underground Tunnels Orchestral Remix
  673. Flotsam Town Theme
  674. Set Sail
  675. Trouble at Club 41
  676. Flotsam Jungle VI
  677. Activating the Machine II
  678. Flotsam Island Map
  679. Prologue
  680. Guybrush vs. Hand
  681. Flotsam Jungle VII
  682. Flotsam Town - Club 41
  683. Knocking Off Winslow
  684. Flotsam Town - The Screaming Narwhal
  685. The Cursed Cutlass of Kaflu
  686. Chapter 1: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal
  687. Flotsam Town - Glassblower
  688. Marquis de Singe
  689. Raise Anchor
  690. Flotsam Jungle I
  691. Wind Gods Appeased
  692. Flotsam Jungle V
  693. Flotsam Jungle X
  694. The Voodoo Lady's Creepy Shack
  695. Strapped!
  696. Flotsam Town - Jungle Entrance
  697. Return to Gelato / Finale
  698. De Singe Returns
  699. Unholy This!
  700. Flotsam Town - Keelhauler Gazette
  701. Flotsam Jungle IV
  702. Flotsam Jungle IX
  703. Flotsam Jungle XII
  704. Flotsam Jungle III
  705. Poxed Hand
  706. Flotsam Jungle II
  707. Activating the Machine I
  708. Trapped Hand
  709. Flotsam Town - Marquis de Singe's House
  710. Flotsam Jungle VIII
  711. The Merfolk Leader
  712. Side Effects / Root Beer
  713. Rise of the Pirate God
  714. Elaine Summoned to Court
  715. Club 41
  716. Guybrush Summoned to Court
  717. The Siege
  718. To Be Concluded
  719. Cranky Golden Fish
  720. Ceremonial Ritual Words
  721. Inside the Manatee's Mouth
  722. Encouragement
  723. Stick-to-it-iveness
  724. Wordfight
  725. The Poxilicious Strain
  726. Morgan's Sacrifice / Opening the Crossroads
  727. La Esponja Grande / The Death of Guybrush Threepwood
  728. The Map
  729. Flotsam Jungle
  730. DeSinge's Visit
  731. Into the Lair
  732. Touched to Death / Winslow to the Rescue
  733. Closing the Rip / The Death of LeChuck
  734. In the Courtroom
  735. Reunion
  736. Plunder Bunny
  737. The New Guardian
  738. The Legendary Jungle Beast of Flotsam Island
  739. Calling a Witness
  740. Tongue of the Manatee
  741. Diving Down
  742. A Happy Couple
  743. The Fix-Up
  744. The Screaming Narwhal
  745. Ferocious Green Demon Face
  746. Spoon Island Jungle
  747. Roe Island
  748. Beat Up II
  749. Morgan LeFlay, Mighty Pirate Hunter
  750. The Ol' Opposable Digits
  751. Beat Up I
  752. Got it!
  753. Stinky Lazy-eyed Meanie
  754. Possessing the Voodoo Lady
  755. Morgan Gets Away
  756. Flotsam at Night
  757. Unrequited Love
  758. Lower the Mer Leader!
  759. Morgan's Delivery
  760. The Summoning Ball
  761. DeSinge's Harpsichronitron
  762. LeChuck in the Rip
  763. Plankton Speaks Manatee
  764. The Ocean Floor
  765. Spirit Gum
  766. Sinking McGillicutty's Ship
  767. Moose & Noogie
  768. Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan
  769. Finding the Treasure
  770. Bad Insult
  771. Shot from the Cannon
  772. Manateeeeeeeee!
  773. Tiny Golden Parrots
  774. Caretaker of the Cochlea
  775. Honeymoon Quiz
  776. Losing the Sponge / Jus de Vie
  777. The Narwhal at Dock
  778. Hardtack and Trenchfoot
  779. Following the Sea Creatures / Morgan's Return
  780. A Shocking Revelation
  781. Chapter 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay
  782. Mutineers
  783. Jerk Bait Islands Map
  784. Betrayal
  785. Chapter 5: The Rise of the Pirate God
  786. Into the Jungle
  787. Giant Manatee in 12 Easy Steps
  788. Pirate Face-Off
  789. Poxed Elaine
  790. Double Insult Swordfighting
  791. To Esponja Grande!
  792. LeChuck and Elaine
  793. Cannon Fire
  794. Scary Female
  795. Belly of the Manatee
  796. Bugeye
  797. Sister Agnes
  798. A New Arrival
  799. Treasure Hunt
  800. Stan's Courtroom Souvenir Emporium
  801. The Center of the Crossroads
  802. Back on Course
  803. Crabs Assembly
  804. All Charges Dropped
  805. LeChuck vs. Guybrush
  806. The Locket
  807. The End
  808. Trapped by DeSinge
  809. Perfect Date
  810. Scary Ghost
  811. Winslow on the Raft
  812. Lunge, Parry and Repost
  813. La Esponja Grande
  814. Murray's Return
  815. Escaping the Manatee
  816. Demon Bride
  817. The Ring
  818. Finding Morgan
  819. Falling Down the Throat
  820. Morgan's Sword
  821. DeCava Upset
  822. LeChuck Under Attack
  823. Firefly Trail
  824. Grab It, Men!
  825. Spoon Island Beach
  826. Elaine vs. DeSinge
  827. Jerk Bait Islands Under Siege
  828. The Voodoo Lady's Advice
  829. Manatee Date
  830. Ripping the Sail
  831. Chased
  832. Stan and the Moths
  833. Chased from the Cave
  834. The End of Marquis DeSinge
  835. LeChuck's Treasure
  836. Reception Committee
  837. Good Insult
  838. The Trial
  839. Guybrush Rewarded
  840. The Sacred Giant Manatee Mating Grounds
  841. The Battle Map
  842. Confronting Morgan
  843. Guybrush's Biggest Fan
  844. From the Grave
  845. Flotsam Jail
  846. Ship Battle
  847. Morgan's Death
  848. Sinking the Howler Monkey
  849. Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood
  850. Helping the Beast
  851. Superbly Sickly Hand
  852. Perfectly Profitable Pirate Prize
  853. Sinking Sea Creature
  854. Dead Seagull
  855. The Thieves' Den
  856. Passing Through the Blockade
  857. Reviving Morgan
  858. Meeting Coronado DeCava
  859. Female... Giant... Manatee
  860. Interrogating the Crew
  861. Little Islands
  862. Spinner Cay
  863. A Sweet Snack
  864. Be Careful What You Ask For
  865. Aboard the Screaming Narwhal
  866. Less Plunder, More Bunny, Please!
  867. Catfight
  868. Voodoo Free LeChuck
  869. Voting Time
  870. Captain DeCava at Sea
  871. Captain McGillicutty
  872. Caged
  873. Woman-Handled
  874. Shrinking the Sponge / The Battle Begins
  875. All Hands on Deck
  876. To Danjer Cove She Goes
  877. Taste Cold Steel
  878. Rottingham Takes the Map
  879. Really Fearsome Pirates
  880. A Rabbit and a Duck
  881. Crossing the Cove
  882. Mildly Fearsome Pirates
  883. It Must Come Down
  884. Lemonhead's Domain
  885. Reserving a Seat
  886. Guybrush the Mighty
  887. Rumour Has It
  888. Stan the Man
  889. More Slaw
  890. The Demise of LeChuck
  891. Big Boned
  892. Nice Boots
  893. Kenny's Cannons
  894. Murray the Demonic
  895. The Curse of Monkey Island
  896. Becoming Snake Fodder
  897. Unleash the Cannons
  898. Thieves, The Bartender, His Aunt And Her Lover
  899. Breaking the Curse
  900. Kiss of the Spider Monkey
  901. Pint-Sized Pirate
  902. Lovers Reunited
  903. Brimstone Beach Club
  904. Mutiny on the Shore
  905. The Adventure Continues
  906. Insert Disk 23
  907. Chartering Destiny
  908. A Piratey Show
  909. Tiki Lights and Cheese
  910. Lava Ride
  911. Poker for a Diamond
  912. Three Sheets to the Wind
  913. Imprisoned in Riches
  914. A Forgotten Island
  915. A Diamond to be Treasured
  916. Tasty Buttery Biscuits
  917. The Goodsoup Hotel
  918. Ending Credits
  919. The Death Starfish
  920. The International Ship of Mojo
  921. Guybrush Kicks Butt
  922. Elaine's Third
  923. Land Ahoy
  924. Going Down
  925. Whispers of the Lighthouse
  926. Old Blind Pew
  927. A Cartographer Reformed
  928. Pull Tongue for Service
  929. The Rollercoaster of Death
  930. Another Chapter Ends
  931. The Lost Welshman's Port
  932. Death of Threepwood
  933. Preparing for War
  934. Beached Rowboat
  935. Rubber Tree
  936. Welcome to Plunder Island
  937. The Curse Gets Worse
  938. Bottomless Mug Special
  939. Scribing Beneath First Light
  940. Western Windmill
  941. Going Down 2 (Kate Capsize Reprise)
  942. Back for a Quick Snip
  943. A Serene Hillock
  944. An Arm, a Cutlass, and Murray
  945. Identification Required
  946. Laying Down the Score
  947. Ye Pining of a Rotten Heart
  948. Three Barbers and a Captain
  949. Parts III – Three Sheets to the Wind
  950. Parts IV – The Thief, the Barkeep, His Aunt and Her Lover
  951. Parts VI – Guybrush Kicks Butt... Again
  952. ...And Again!
  953. ...And Once Again...
  954. Slappy Cromwell's Speare: A Theatrical Medley
  955. Parts I – The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck
  956. Parts II – The Curse Gets Worse
  957. Parts V – The Kiss of the Spider Monkey
  958. Something Weird (demo)
  959. Caribbean Nights (demo)
  960. Phatt Warf (demo)
  961. Alternative LeChuck (demo)
  962. Organ
  963. Phatt Isle Cottage
  964. Loop
  965. The Underground Tunnels #2
  966. Do Not Mock the Voodoo Priestess!
  967. Rum Rogers Cottage Exteriors
  968. Voodoo Theme
  969. Aw
  970. The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck
  971. Danjer Bay Overview #1
  972. Phatt Isle Alley
  973. The Carnival
  974. The Underground Tunnels #3
  975. Following the Shopkeeper
  976. Difficulty Screen
  977. Voodoo Dolly
  978. Stabbing Largo and the Return of LeChuck
  979. Voodoo Doll Standoff
  980. Danjer Bay Overview #2
  981. SCUMM Bar (Peter Silk redux)
  982. Phatt's Island
  983. Captain Kate's Boat Per Booty Island
  984. LeChuck (Peter Silk redux)
  985. Elaine and Guybrush
  986. Phatt Isle Jail
  987. Voodoo Woman
  988. Dive
  989. Bones
  990. Ghost Ship Theme (Peter Silk redux)
  991. Intro and Opening Themes
  992. End #2
  993. The Palace of Prostheses
  994. Opening Themes
  995. Big Whoop Rollercoaster
  996. Wow! What a Dream!
  997. Love
  998. The Underground Tunnels #1
  999. Outside Governor's Mansion
  1000. SCUMM Bar
  1001. The Capture and Escape From LeChuck's Fortress
  1002. The Fabulous Fettucini Brothers (Peter Silk redux)
  1003. Woodtick (MK)
  1004. End #1
  1005. Herman Toothrot's Theme
  1006. The Transmogrification School for Pirates
  1007. Part VI – Guybrush Kicks Butt... Again
  1008. Part I – The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck
  1009. Part III – Three Sheets to the Wind
  1010. Part V – The Kiss of the Spider Monkey
  1011. Part IV – The Thief, the Barkeep, His Aunt and Her Lover
  1012. Part II – The Curse Gets Worse
  1013. Melee Island Ambiences
  1014. In the Park
  1015. Carnival
  1016. Monkey Island Ambiences
  1017. Scurvy Ship
  1018. Scrapbook Memories
  1019. Plunder Island - Barbery Coast
  1020. Blood Island - Clearing
  1021. Plunder Island - Sea Cucumber
  1022. Skull Island - Smugglers
  1023. LeChuck's Ship - Treasure Room
  1024. Blood Island - Goodsoup Crypt
  1025. Intro - Theme
  1026. Plunder Island - Sharks In Danjer Bay
  1027. Blood Island - Pass Out
  1028. Sword Fighting
  1029. Plunder Island - Hot Sand Dance
  1030. Plunder Island - The Grassy Knoll
  1031. Plunder Island - Swamp
  1032. LeChuck's Ship - Wally's Theme
  1033. Blood Island - Map
  1034. Blood Island - Volcano Erupting
  1035. Plunder Island - Fossey's Theme
  1036. Blood Island - Windmill
  1037. Travelling To Blood Island
  1038. Blood Island - Madam Xima
  1039. Plunder Island - Snake Crossing
  1040. Blood Island - Beach with Ferry
  1041. Ship Song
  1042. Plunder Island - Quicksand
  1043. Blood Island - Cannibal Village
  1044. Skull Island - Skull Island Beach
  1045. Plunder Island - Danjer Bay
  1046. Plunder Island - Banjo Duel
  1047. Plunder Island - Puerto Pollo
  1048. Plunder Island - Elaine's Been Kidnapped!
  1049. Plunder Island - Blondbeard's Theme
  1050. Monkey Island - Talking To LeChuck
  1051. Plunder Island - Do Not Mock The Voodoo Priestess
  1052. Blood Island - Goodsoup Hotel
  1053. Blood Island - Fake Credits
  1054. Blood Island - Stan's Theme
  1055. Plunder Island - Sea Cucumber Exterior
  1056. Plunder Island - Voodoo Shack
  1057. Plunder Island - Wardrobe
  1058. Monkey Island - Roller Coaster of Death
  1059. Plunder Island - Danjer Bay Rowboat
  1060. Skull Island - Cliff Fall
  1061. Blood Island - Lighthouse
  1062. Blood Island - Beach
  1063. Monkey Island - Carnival Of The Damned
  1064. Skull Island - King Andre & Gruff Fighting
  1065. Blood Island - Cemetery
  1066. Plunder Island - Stage
  1067. Blood Island - Goodsoup Hotel Exterior
  1068. THX - Monkeys Are Listening
  1069. Plunder Island - Puerto Pollo War Theme
  1070. Plunder Island - Brimstone Beach Club
  1071. Plunder Island - Rubber Tree Blows Up


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