Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island (Soundtrack)
- [data track]
- The Voodoo-Lady
- Prison Ambience
- Forest Ambience
- The Church
- Mêlée Island™ Map
- Parts
- Guybrush & Elaine Love Theme Intro
- SCUMM™ Bar
- Ghost Ship
- Medium LeChuck Theme
- Fettucini Brothers Circus
- LeChuck Theme
- Short LeChuck Theme
- Monkey Island™ Map
- Mutinous Boat Crew
- Love & End Credits
- Monkey Island™ Introduction
- Stan's Used Ship Emporium
- Kidnapped!
- Trapped!
- Cannibal Village Drums
- Docks Background Ambience
- Night Background Ambience
- Jungle Background Ambience
The Secret of Monkey Island™ / Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge™ (Soundtrack)
- [data track]
- The Voodoo-Lady
- Prison Ambience
- Forest Ambience
- The Church
- Mêlée Island™ Map
- Parts
- Guybrush & Elaine Love Theme Intro
- SCUMM™ Bar
- Ghost Ship
- Medium LeChuck Theme
- Fettucini Brothers Circus
- LeChuck Theme
- Short LeChuck Theme
- Monkey Island™ Map
- Mutinous Boat Crew
- Love & End Credits
- Monkey Island™ Introduction
- Stan's Used Ship Emporium
- Kidnapped!
- Trapped!
- Cannibal Village Drums
- Docks Background Ambience
- Night Background Ambience
- Jungle Background Ambience
Mehr Songtexte

- Main Theme
- Difficulty Selection
- LeChuck's Hold
- Episode Intro
- Puerto Pollo
- Plunder Swamp
- Voodoo
- The Voodoo Priestess
- Plunder Island Overview
- Outside the Barbery Coast
- The Barbery Coast
- The Barbery Coast Remix
- Stuck in Quicksand
- Danjer Cove Overview
- Blondebeard's Chicken Shop
- Plunder Beach
- Tarred and Feathered
- Caber Tossing
- A Pirate I Was Meant to Be
- The Sea Cucumber
- Puerto Pollo Armoury
- Sailing
- The Shipwreck
- The Clearing
- Blood Island Overview
- Goodsoup Hotel
- Goodsoup Family Crypt
- Melee Forest
- Stan's Insurance
- Blood Beach
- The Cannibal Village
- Falling
- The Carnival of the Damned
- The Rollarcoaster of Death
- End Credits
- Twangy Shanty
- Monkey Island Main Theme
- A New Adventure
- Guybrush and Elaine Love Theme
- Plunder Island
- Voodoo Mix
- The Three Barbers
- Caber Toss
- Belly of the Snake
- Cabana Club
- Hot Sand Boogie
- Captain Rottingham
- The Sea Battle
- The Barbershop Quartet
- Nighttime in the Caribbean
- Blood Island
- The Goodsoups
- The Death of Guybrush Threepwood
- The Graveyard
- Mutual of Stan
- Minnie's Lament
- The Horror of Skull Island
- The Lovers Reunited
- Carnival of the Damned
- Suite from 'The Curse of Monkey Island'
- A Blast from the Past
- Theme from 'The Secret of Monkey Island'
- The Shores of Melee Island
- The SCUMM Bar
- Elaine's First Wedding
- Suite from 'Escape from Monkey Island'
- Theme from 'Escape from Monkey Island'
- Theme from 'Curse of Monkey Island'
- Introduction: Main Titles
- Tied to the Mast
- The Mast Cue
- Act Screen
- Options Screen
- The Docks
- Mêlée Town
- Mêlée Map
- Outside the Governor's House
- Inside the Governor's House
- Destroying the Catapult
- Catapult Destroyed
- Charles L. Charles Appears
- Talking With Carla and Otis
- The International House of Mojo
- The Harbor
- Outside Meathook's
- Scumm Bar (main)
- Scumm Bar (Mr. Cheese)
- Scumm Bar (The Bar Tender)
- Lucre Town
- Lucre Island Map
- The Lawyers
- House of Sticks
- Protheses Paradise
- Bait Shop
- Termite Circus
- The Bank
- Prisoner in the Vault
- Guybrush Escapes From the Vault
- Switching on the Lights
- Hall of Justice
- Speaking With Inspector Canard
- Ozzie Mandrill
- Outside Ozzie's House
- Inside Ozzie's House
- The Ozzie Mandrill Cue
- The Swamp
- Pegnose Pete
- Arriving at Pegnose's House
- Pegnose Panicks
- Outside the Booty Showcase
- Pegnose's Booty Showcase
- The Curtain Opens
- The Woods
- Under Water
- The Scumm Bar Cue
- Finding the Wedding Gifts
- The Lua Bar
- Meathook's
- The Knuttin Atoll: Jambalaya Town
- Jambalaya Map
- Jambalaya Map Near Knuttin Atoll
- The Knuttin Atoll
- Star Buccaneers Coffee Shop
- Microgroggery
- Planet Threepwood
- Stan's Theme
- The Diving Competition
- Talking With Jumbeaux Lafeet
- Losing the Diving Competition
- Winning the Diving Competition
- Admiral Ricardo Casaba
- The Admiral Casaba Cue
- The Transmogrification School
- Miss Rivers Gets Angry
- The Miss Rivers Cue
- A Life of Endless Puzzles
- Monkey Island Beach / Canyon
- Monkey Island Map
- Herman Toothrot
- Boulder Machinery
- The Mine
- Machinery Room
- The Lava Field
- Hectic Lava Cue
- First Church of LeChuck... Orthodox!
- The Monkey Head
- The Monkey Village
- Talking to Jojo Junior
- A Monkey in the Woods
- Monkey Combat
- Monkey Combat - Loser
- Monkey Combat - Winner
- Monkey Combat - Finale
- Herman's Memory Returns
- Transmission Tower
- Ultimate Monkey Combat
- Closing (medley)
- Hotel Bar
- The Journey
- Big Whoop & End Theme
- LeChuck & Largo
- LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 2)
- Slappy Cromwell's Speare: A Theatrical (medley)
- Governor Phatt
- Field of Honor (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
- Plunder Island Map
- Cemetary
- Alongside the Sea Cucumber
- "If This Is Three..."
- Parts V - The Kiss of the Spider Monkey
- Credits
- Map Spire Klein
- Mr. Fossey
- Demo tracks: Caribbean Nights
- Losing the Caber Toss
- Stabbing Largo & LeChuck Returns
- Griswald Goodsoup
- Planetarium Spire Ambience
- Slappy Cromwell Juggling
- Voodoo Swamp
- The Guardhouse
- Edward van Helgen
- Quicksand
- Monkey Island
- End Titles
- Brimstone Beach Club/Palido Domingo
- Fighting the Smugglers
- Elaine & Guybrush
- Main Titles
- Museum Tram Platform
- Mocking the Voodoo Lady & Voodoo Jazz
- Plunder Island Map (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
- Stage (After the Play)
- Organ Prelude
- Sam & Max Theme
- LeChuck's Ship
- Meeting Lemonhead
- Stalking the Shopkeeper
- Fake Credits (When Guybrush Is in Stan's Tomb)
- Torture and Escape
- On the Hill
- LeChuck Attacks
- Arriving at Skull Island
- Rooms of Ugly Bone Things
- Blood Island Map
- Swordfighting
- Clearing
- Rubber Caber Tossing
- The Cemetery
- Monkey Island Jungle (ambient)
- Passing Out
- Sea Map
- Cutthroat Bill's Theme
- Losing the Caber Tossing
- Stage (When the Play Has Started)
- Tomb Spire Ambience
- Mr. Fossie
- Woodtick Revisited
- Captain Capsize
- Firing the Cannon
- The Wreck of the Sea Cucumber
- Love Theme
- Boarding the Sea Cucumber
- Down the Tunnel
- LeChuck's Evil Stories
- Brink's Madness
- LeChuck's Sinister Stories
- Human-Like Sacrifice to Sherman the Volcano God
- Shaving Rottingham's Head
- Monkey Island 2 - (medley)
- Porthole (After Making Wally Cry)
- Phatt Island Waterfall
- Part
- Cue 2
- Stan's Previously Owned Coffins
- Diving
- The Weaponary Shop
- Plunder Island Fort
- Part I
- Falling Off the Cliff
- Fortress Diorama
- Governeur Phatt's Room
- Smugglers
- Human-Like Sacrifice
- King of the Creatures
- MI1 Forest
- I'm Not Dead
- Altar
- Governor Marley's Mardi Gras Fish Fry
- Confronting Largo
- Swamp (Talking to Murray)
- Cabaña (Before Proving Membership)
- Wheel of Fortune
- Monkeyed Lightshow
- Part V
- Voodoo and Things
- The Planetarium
- In the Row Boat
- Just Married
- Carnival of the Damned (Background Noise)
- The Fort
- Phatt Island Alley Dealer
- Tomb Tram Platform
- "Time Out, Young Man!"
- Phatt Mansion Guard
- Chapter 2: The Curse Gets Worse
- Largo at the Bloody Lip
- Lice on Comb and Shaving Head
- Woodtick
- Scaring Mort the Grave Digger
- The Goodsoup Family Hotel
- Stan's Crypt
- Edward Van Helgen's Theme
- Murray
- Monkeys of the Sea Cucumber
- Largo & Mad Marty
- Danjer Cove
- Rottingham Losing
- Parts II - The Curse Gets Worse
- A Storm Approaching
- LeChuck's Treasure Hold
- LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 4)
- Choose Your Destiny
- Monkey Island 2 Theme
- Rottingham's Theme
- Elaine's Party
- Jazzy Voodoo in the Swamp
- Wardrobe 3 (When Slappy Cromwell is Juggling)
- In the Rowboat Next to the Sea Cucumber
- Wardrobe 2 (When the Play Has Started)
- Introduction & Main Titles
- Blood Island Beach
- Cannibals' Village
- Monkey Island Cannibals
- Lighthouse
- Captain's Log
- Ending
- LeChuck Attacks Again
- Stan's Previously Used Coffins
- The Combat Map
- Banjo Solo
- Rollercoaster of Death
- Blowing Up a Rubber Tree
- Cemetery
- Rottingham Winning a Sword Fight
- King André, the Smuggler King
- The Airlock
- Cabaña (After Proving Membership)
- Goodsoup Hotel (First Floor)
- Scaring Mort
- Time Out, Young Man
- Effete LaFoot to the Rescue
- Blondebeard's Chicken Shoppe
- Cathedral Tram Platform
- Map Spire Canyon Ambience
- Largo
- Phatt Island Map
- LeChuck's Booty
- Monkey Island Theme
- Waterfall
- Rum Roger's Cottage Exteriors
- Combat Map
- The Escape From LeChuck's Fortress
- When Guybrush "Dies"
- LeChuck's Revelation
- On the Deck of the Sea Cucumber
- Barber Shop
- Monkeys on the Sea Cucumber
- Field of Honor (After Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
- Gold Statue of Elaine Sailing Away
- The Crypt Guards
- To Blood Island
- Outside the Voodoo Lady's
- Stan's Crypt (Before Releasing Him)
- Volcano
- Stage
- Melee Island Circus
- The Crypt
- Voodoo Swamp, Part 1
- Sacrificing to the Volcano
- Phatt City
- Griswold Goodsoup
- Captain Marley, Rum Roger, Rapp Scallion & Young Lindy
- Voodoo Swamp, Part 2
- The Caber Tossing
- "Wow, What a Dream" & The Bone Song
- Outside the Asteroid
- LeChuck's Lament
- Wally (After Making Him Cry)
- The Spitting Contest
- Mêlée Island
- First Visit to the Barber Shop
- Parts IV - The Thief, the Barkeep, His Aunt and Her Lover
- Scabb Island Cemetery
- Snow Ape
- Elaine Gets Kidnapped
- Haggis McMutton
- Haggis McMutton's Theme
- We're Closed
- And Yet Some More Swordfighting
- Wally's Kidnapped!
- Melee Island Shopkeeper
- Swamp (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
- Brimstone Beach
- Beach With Wreck
- Deep in the Caribbean
- Ramp to the Power Room
- Melee Island Map
- Wally Crying
- Parts III - Three Sheets to the Wind
- Captain Dread and the Map
- Banjo Duel Intro
- Jail
- Field of Honor (Background Noise)
- Meeting Elaine
- Sharks
- Using the Row Boat
- Parts I - The Demise of the Zombie Pirate Lechuck
- Deck
- Exploring the Canyon
- Map Tram Platform
- Clock Tower Bells
- I'm Shaking
- On Deck of Guybrush's Ship
- Fighting Rottingham
- Rottingham Gets Shaved
- Winning a Sword Fight
- Museum Spire Ambience
- Winning the Caber Tossing
- Cannibal Village
- And Once Again...
- Following the Shop Keeper
- Scabb Island
- Blowing Up the Rubber Tree
- Part III
- Stan's Previously Used Ships
- Captain Dread
- More Swordfighting
- All Lessons Learned
- The Sea Battles
- Walking Across Hot Towels
- Chapter 3: Three Sheets to the Wind
- The Bigfoot Shuffle
- LeChuck's Fortress
- Asteroid Core
- Mount Acidophilus Erupts
- Ville de la Booty
- Madam Xima's Theme
- Weak Insult
- The Undead Lovers
- The Cook
- The Booty Boutique
- Rottingham Stealing the Map
- Puerto Pollo (Before Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
- Outside Fortress
- Phatt island
- Guest Room
- The Mad Cook
- Cabana Boy
- Cue 1
- Losing a Leg
- Ice Diorama
- Ship Combat
- Rum Rogers Diorama
- "Danjer Cove"
- Return to Mêlée Island
- Hotel Exteriors
- Captain Rottingham Attacks
- Voodoo Doll & LeChuck's Beard
- Descent Down the Asteroid
- Phatt Island Wheel of Fortune
- Voodoo Lady's House (Before Pulling the Rope)
- The Creator's Resting Place
- The Barbery Coast "... Where Every Haircut Is an Adventure!"
- Demo tracks: Something Weird
- Choose Your Weapon
- Porthole (Before Making Wally Cry)
- Dimly Lit Torture Scene
- Bloodnose the Pirate
- LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 3)
- The Drinking Contest
- Fighting Captain Rottingham
- "Speares: A Theater-Medley"
- Growing Up Again
- Guybrush and Elaine
- Inside the Snake's Stomach
- Bloodnose
- Elaine is Stolen!
- Chapter 6: Guybrush Kicks Butt Once Again
- The Crypt / Rapp Scallion
- Planetarium Tram Platform
- Parts VI - Guybrush Kicks Butt... Again
- Dreaming of Bones
- Lice on Comb
- Finding the Wreck
- Opening Themes & Introduction
- Return of Largo LaGrande (bonus)
- In the Belly of the Snake
- Amusement Park
- Scabb Island Overview
- Edward 'Snugglecakes' Van Helgen
- Winning the Caber Toss
- Captain Kate's Boat / Booty Island
- Winning Insult Sword Fighting
- The Fettucini Brothers
- Monkey Island Diorama
- Acid Pit
- Boarded by Captain Rottingham
- Closing Themes
- The Windmill
- Voodoo Lady Theme
- Rehearsal and Preparation
- The Map Recovered
- "Choose Your Weapon..."
- Blondebeard's Chicken Parlor
- Clearing (Elaine)
- Recovering the Map
- Brink's Crevice Dilemma
- Mr. Fossey's Theme (When in the Bucket)
- Monkey Island Night (ambient)
- Introduction
- LeChuck Arriving in Rollercoaster (version 1)
- El Pollo Diablo
- Melee Island Forest
- Phatt Island Jail
- Opening Themes / Introduction
- Governor's Mansion
- Murray's Introduction
- Talking With Griswold Goodsoup
- Juggling
- Wardrobe 1
- LeChuck
- Rottingham Giving You the Map Back
- Falling From the Cliff
- The Story of Charles DeGoulash & Minerva Stroneheim-Goodsoup, Baroness of Borscht
- And Again!
- Madame Xima
- Back to Part 1
- Secret Waterfall Tunnel
- Escape From Fortress
- Sword Fighting Captain Rottingham
- Cliff With Snake
- Hot Sand
- The Lost Welshman
- Heart Liver 'n' Kidney Boiled in the Stomach of the Animal McMutton
- Losing Insult Sword Fighting
- The Smugglers' Cave
- The Voodoo Lady
- Losing a Swordfight
- End Credits ("Hey, I'm Not Dead!")
- Stan Returns
- Dolls and Consequences
- Quicksand & Papapishu
- Sword Fighting (version 2)
- Cannon Room
- Row Boat
- Maturity in 23 Seconds
- Where Do You Wanna Go?
- JoJo
- The Ghost Ship
- LeChuck's Theme
- Meadow
- Scaring Mort, the Grave-Digger
- The Underground Tunnels
- The Voodoo Dolly
- Kenny Falmouth's Arms Trade
- Demo tracks: Alternative LeChuck
- Voodoo Lady's House (After Visiting Her)
- Searching for Treasure
- Finale
- Jungles and a Hotline
- Dramatic (interlude)
- Goodsoup Hotel (Outside)
- Demo tracks: Phatt Warf
- Governor Marley's Guard House
- Swamp (After Visiting the Voodoo Lady)
- Guybrush Shares Too Much
- Guybrush & Smugglers Fighting for the Diamond
- Big Whoop
- Underground Tunnels I
- Intro
- Slappy Cromwell Drops the Cannon Balls
- LeChuck's Maze
- Cabaña
- Sword Fighting (version 1)
- The Brimstone Beach Club
- Skull Island
- Rapp Scallion
- At the Cabana
- Windmill
- Traveling to Blood Island
- Ghost Ship Shuffle
- Swamp
- Snake Crossing
- Goodsoup Hotel Exteriors
- Legend
- Rescuing Maggie
- If This Is Three...
- Chapter 4: The Thieves, the Bartender, His Aunt & Her Lover
- Arrest at Phatt
- Booty Island
- Canyon Landing
- Ship to Monkey Island
- Diorama With Rope
- The Voodoo Shop
- Inside the Voodoo Lady's
- Chapter 1: The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck
- Bone Dance
- Minnie & Charles Reunited
- Goodsoup Hotel (Ground Floor)
- Captain René Rottingham, the Most Cunning and Well-Groomed Captain Ever to Sail the Caribbean
- Mole Man Music
- Losing a Sword Fight
- Winning a Swordfight
- The Monkeys Are Listening...
- Beach With Egg
- The Goodsoup Plantation Resort Hotel and Casino
- Waterline
- Rum Roger
- Inside the Asteroid
- Talking With LeChuck
- Outside Phatt Mansion
- In the Belly of the Massive Man-Eating Snake
- LeChuck's Unmasking
- Cutthroat Bill
- Selection Screen
- Chapter 5: Kiss of the Spider Monkey
- Treasure Room
- Wally (Before Making Him Cry)
- Kenny Selling Cannons
- Mort Theme
- Pegnose Panics
- The Museum
- In the Volcano
- Danjer Cove Beach
- Part IV
- Spare Room
- Sword Fighting (version 3)
- Even More Swordfighting
- The Cathedral
- Guybrush Growing
- Path to the Volcano
- LeChuck's Theme That Plays After the Credits
- Part VI
- "To Blood Island!"
- Blondebeard's Chicken Restaurant
- Bathing Skeleton
- The Volcano Erupting
- I Am Rubber, You Are Glue
- Chapter Screen
- Guybrush Sings
- Cathedral Access
- The Sea Cucumber Deck
- Largo LaGrande
- Part II
- Jojo the Monkey
- Monkey Island Beach (ambient)
- Goodsoup Crypt
- Wreck of the Sea Cucumber
- Exiting the Skycar
- Melee Island Church
- Underground Tunnels II
- Swordfight
- Stealing Elaine's Map
- Upstairs at the Hotel
- Bart and Fink
- Governor Phatt's Room
- The Dog Guybrush
- The Treasure Chest
- Largo's Room
- The Swamp Rot Inn
- Wally B. Feed's Cartography
- Dinky Island Beach
- The Wheel Game
- LeChuck's Island Getaway and Spa
- The Costume Shop
- LeChuck's Resurrection
- The Kozy Krypt
- Opening Credits
- Rum Rogers' Cottage
- The Gamblers Club
- Captain Dread's Map
- Governor Marley's Garden
- Phatt Island Governor's Mansion Exterior
- Mad Marty's Laundry Service
- Escape From LeChuck's Fortress
- Governor Phatt's Guard
- Stan's Previously-Owned Coffins
- Governor Marley's Mardi Gras Party
- Guybrush Threepwood's Parents
- Dem Bones
- The Bloody Lip Bar and Grill
- Quest for Big Whoop
- LeChuck's Voodoo Doll Attack
- The Secret Tunnel
- Captain Kate Capsize
- Turn Off Your Computer
- The LaGrandes Grave
- LeChuck's Trap
- Kicking Largo's Butt
- Lechuck's Root Beer Attack
- Drinking Contest (Lost)
- Governor Marley's Chef
- Phatt City Jail
- Woodtick Woodshop
- The Jolly Rasta
- Arresting Guybrush
- Drinking Contest (Won)
- Jojo, the Piano-Playing Monkey
- Dinky Island Jungle
- Governor Phatt's Room Remix
- Underground Tunnels Orchestral Remix
- Flotsam Town Theme
- Set Sail
- Trouble at Club 41
- Flotsam Jungle VI
- Activating the Machine II
- Flotsam Island Map
- Prologue
- Guybrush vs. Hand
- Flotsam Jungle VII
- Flotsam Town - Club 41
- Knocking Off Winslow
- Flotsam Town - The Screaming Narwhal
- The Cursed Cutlass of Kaflu
- Chapter 1: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal
- Flotsam Town - Glassblower
- Marquis de Singe
- Raise Anchor
- Flotsam Jungle I
- Wind Gods Appeased
- Flotsam Jungle V
- Flotsam Jungle X
- The Voodoo Lady's Creepy Shack
- Strapped!
- Flotsam Town - Jungle Entrance
- Return to Gelato / Finale
- De Singe Returns
- Unholy This!
- Flotsam Town - Keelhauler Gazette
- Flotsam Jungle IV
- Flotsam Jungle IX
- Flotsam Jungle XII
- Flotsam Jungle III
- Poxed Hand
- Flotsam Jungle II
- Activating the Machine I
- Trapped Hand
- Flotsam Town - Marquis de Singe's House
- Flotsam Jungle VIII
- The Merfolk Leader
- Side Effects / Root Beer
- Rise of the Pirate God
- Elaine Summoned to Court
- Club 41
- Guybrush Summoned to Court
- The Siege
- To Be Concluded
- Cranky Golden Fish
- Ceremonial Ritual Words
- Inside the Manatee's Mouth
- Encouragement
- Stick-to-it-iveness
- Wordfight
- The Poxilicious Strain
- Morgan's Sacrifice / Opening the Crossroads
- La Esponja Grande / The Death of Guybrush Threepwood
- The Map
- Flotsam Jungle
- DeSinge's Visit
- Into the Lair
- Touched to Death / Winslow to the Rescue
- Closing the Rip / The Death of LeChuck
- In the Courtroom
- Reunion
- Plunder Bunny
- The New Guardian
- The Legendary Jungle Beast of Flotsam Island
- Calling a Witness
- Tongue of the Manatee
- Diving Down
- A Happy Couple
- The Fix-Up
- The Screaming Narwhal
- Ferocious Green Demon Face
- Spoon Island Jungle
- Roe Island
- Beat Up II
- Morgan LeFlay, Mighty Pirate Hunter
- The Ol' Opposable Digits
- Beat Up I
- Got it!
- Stinky Lazy-eyed Meanie
- Possessing the Voodoo Lady
- Morgan Gets Away
- Flotsam at Night
- Unrequited Love
- Lower the Mer Leader!
- Morgan's Delivery
- The Summoning Ball
- DeSinge's Harpsichronitron
- LeChuck in the Rip
- Plankton Speaks Manatee
- The Ocean Floor
- Spirit Gum
- Sinking McGillicutty's Ship
- Moose & Noogie
- Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan
- Finding the Treasure
- Bad Insult
- Shot from the Cannon
- Manateeeeeeeee!
- Tiny Golden Parrots
- Caretaker of the Cochlea
- Honeymoon Quiz
- Losing the Sponge / Jus de Vie
- The Narwhal at Dock
- Hardtack and Trenchfoot
- Following the Sea Creatures / Morgan's Return
- A Shocking Revelation
- Chapter 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay
- Mutineers
- Jerk Bait Islands Map
- Betrayal
- Chapter 5: The Rise of the Pirate God
- Into the Jungle
- Giant Manatee in 12 Easy Steps
- Pirate Face-Off
- Poxed Elaine
- Double Insult Swordfighting
- To Esponja Grande!
- LeChuck and Elaine
- Cannon Fire
- Scary Female
- Belly of the Manatee
- Bugeye
- Sister Agnes
- A New Arrival
- Treasure Hunt
- Stan's Courtroom Souvenir Emporium
- The Center of the Crossroads
- Back on Course
- Crabs Assembly
- All Charges Dropped
- LeChuck vs. Guybrush
- The Locket
- The End
- Trapped by DeSinge
- Perfect Date
- Scary Ghost
- Winslow on the Raft
- Lunge, Parry and Repost
- La Esponja Grande
- Murray's Return
- Escaping the Manatee
- Demon Bride
- The Ring
- Finding Morgan
- Falling Down the Throat
- Morgan's Sword
- DeCava Upset
- LeChuck Under Attack
- Firefly Trail
- Grab It, Men!
- Spoon Island Beach
- Elaine vs. DeSinge
- Jerk Bait Islands Under Siege
- The Voodoo Lady's Advice
- Manatee Date
- Ripping the Sail
- Chased
- Stan and the Moths
- Chased from the Cave
- The End of Marquis DeSinge
- LeChuck's Treasure
- Reception Committee
- Good Insult
- The Trial
- Guybrush Rewarded
- The Sacred Giant Manatee Mating Grounds
- The Battle Map
- Confronting Morgan
- Guybrush's Biggest Fan
- From the Grave
- Flotsam Jail
- Ship Battle
- Morgan's Death
- Sinking the Howler Monkey
- Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood
- Helping the Beast
- Superbly Sickly Hand
- Perfectly Profitable Pirate Prize
- Sinking Sea Creature
- Dead Seagull
- The Thieves' Den
- Passing Through the Blockade
- Reviving Morgan
- Meeting Coronado DeCava
- Female... Giant... Manatee
- Interrogating the Crew
- Little Islands
- Spinner Cay
- A Sweet Snack
- Be Careful What You Ask For
- Aboard the Screaming Narwhal
- Less Plunder, More Bunny, Please!
- Catfight
- Voodoo Free LeChuck
- Voting Time
- Captain DeCava at Sea
- Captain McGillicutty
- Caged
- Woman-Handled
- Shrinking the Sponge / The Battle Begins
- All Hands on Deck
- To Danjer Cove She Goes
- Taste Cold Steel
- Rottingham Takes the Map
- Really Fearsome Pirates
- A Rabbit and a Duck
- Crossing the Cove
- Mildly Fearsome Pirates
- It Must Come Down
- Lemonhead's Domain
- Reserving a Seat
- Guybrush the Mighty
- Rumour Has It
- Stan the Man
- More Slaw
- The Demise of LeChuck
- Big Boned
- Nice Boots
- Kenny's Cannons
- Murray the Demonic
- The Curse of Monkey Island
- Becoming Snake Fodder
- Unleash the Cannons
- Thieves, The Bartender, His Aunt And Her Lover
- Breaking the Curse
- Kiss of the Spider Monkey
- Pint-Sized Pirate
- Lovers Reunited
- Brimstone Beach Club
- Mutiny on the Shore
- The Adventure Continues
- Insert Disk 23
- Chartering Destiny
- A Piratey Show
- Tiki Lights and Cheese
- Lava Ride
- Poker for a Diamond
- Three Sheets to the Wind
- Imprisoned in Riches
- A Forgotten Island
- A Diamond to be Treasured
- Tasty Buttery Biscuits
- The Goodsoup Hotel
- Ending Credits
- The Death Starfish
- The International Ship of Mojo
- Guybrush Kicks Butt
- Elaine's Third
- Land Ahoy
- Going Down
- Whispers of the Lighthouse
- Old Blind Pew
- A Cartographer Reformed
- Pull Tongue for Service
- The Rollercoaster of Death
- Another Chapter Ends
- The Lost Welshman's Port
- Death of Threepwood
- Preparing for War
- Beached Rowboat
- Rubber Tree
- Welcome to Plunder Island
- The Curse Gets Worse
- Bottomless Mug Special
- Scribing Beneath First Light
- Western Windmill
- Going Down 2 (Kate Capsize Reprise)
- Back for a Quick Snip
- A Serene Hillock
- An Arm, a Cutlass, and Murray
- Identification Required
- Laying Down the Score
- Ye Pining of a Rotten Heart
- Three Barbers and a Captain
- Parts III – Three Sheets to the Wind
- Parts IV – The Thief, the Barkeep, His Aunt and Her Lover
- Parts VI – Guybrush Kicks Butt... Again
- ...And Again!
- ...And Once Again...
- Slappy Cromwell's Speare: A Theatrical Medley
- Parts I – The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck
- Parts II – The Curse Gets Worse
- Parts V – The Kiss of the Spider Monkey
- Something Weird (demo)
- Caribbean Nights (demo)
- Phatt Warf (demo)
- Alternative LeChuck (demo)
- Organ
- Phatt Isle Cottage
- Loop
- The Underground Tunnels #2
- Do Not Mock the Voodoo Priestess!
- Rum Rogers Cottage Exteriors
- Voodoo Theme
- Aw
- The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck
- Danjer Bay Overview #1
- Phatt Isle Alley
- The Carnival
- The Underground Tunnels #3
- Following the Shopkeeper
- Difficulty Screen
- Voodoo Dolly
- Stabbing Largo and the Return of LeChuck
- Voodoo Doll Standoff
- Danjer Bay Overview #2
- SCUMM Bar (Peter Silk redux)
- Phatt's Island
- Captain Kate's Boat Per Booty Island
- LeChuck (Peter Silk redux)
- Elaine and Guybrush
- Phatt Isle Jail
- Voodoo Woman
- Dive
- Bones
- Ghost Ship Theme (Peter Silk redux)
- Intro and Opening Themes
- End #2
- The Palace of Prostheses
- Opening Themes
- Big Whoop Rollercoaster
- Wow! What a Dream!
- Love
- The Underground Tunnels #1
- Outside Governor's Mansion
- The Capture and Escape From LeChuck's Fortress
- The Fabulous Fettucini Brothers (Peter Silk redux)
- Woodtick (MK)
- End #1
- Herman Toothrot's Theme
- The Transmogrification School for Pirates
- Part VI – Guybrush Kicks Butt... Again
- Part I – The Demise of the Zombie Pirate LeChuck
- Part III – Three Sheets to the Wind
- Part V – The Kiss of the Spider Monkey
- Part IV – The Thief, the Barkeep, His Aunt and Her Lover
- Part II – The Curse Gets Worse
- Melee Island Ambiences
- In the Park
- Carnival
- Monkey Island Ambiences
- Scurvy Ship
- Scrapbook Memories
- Plunder Island - Barbery Coast
- Blood Island - Clearing
- Plunder Island - Sea Cucumber
- Skull Island - Smugglers
- LeChuck's Ship - Treasure Room
- Blood Island - Goodsoup Crypt
- Intro - Theme
- Plunder Island - Sharks In Danjer Bay
- Blood Island - Pass Out
- Sword Fighting
- Plunder Island - Hot Sand Dance
- Plunder Island - The Grassy Knoll
- Plunder Island - Swamp
- LeChuck's Ship - Wally's Theme
- Blood Island - Map
- Blood Island - Volcano Erupting
- Plunder Island - Fossey's Theme
- Blood Island - Windmill
- Travelling To Blood Island
- Blood Island - Madam Xima
- Plunder Island - Snake Crossing
- Blood Island - Beach with Ferry
- Ship Song
- Plunder Island - Quicksand
- Blood Island - Cannibal Village
- Skull Island - Skull Island Beach
- Plunder Island - Danjer Bay
- Plunder Island - Banjo Duel
- Plunder Island - Puerto Pollo
- Plunder Island - Elaine's Been Kidnapped!
- Plunder Island - Blondbeard's Theme
- Monkey Island - Talking To LeChuck
- Plunder Island - Do Not Mock The Voodoo Priestess
- Blood Island - Goodsoup Hotel
- Blood Island - Fake Credits
- Blood Island - Stan's Theme
- Plunder Island - Sea Cucumber Exterior
- Plunder Island - Voodoo Shack
- Plunder Island - Wardrobe
- Monkey Island - Roller Coaster of Death
- Plunder Island - Danjer Bay Rowboat
- Skull Island - Cliff Fall
- Blood Island - Lighthouse
- Blood Island - Beach
- Monkey Island - Carnival Of The Damned
- Skull Island - King Andre & Gruff Fighting
- Blood Island - Cemetery
- Plunder Island - Stage
- Blood Island - Goodsoup Hotel Exterior
- THX - Monkeys Are Listening
- Plunder Island - Puerto Pollo War Theme
- Plunder Island - Brimstone Beach Club
- Plunder Island - Rubber Tree Blows Up