
- Patriotic Guerrillas
- Title Screen
- Propaganda Theme
- Techy Combat
- Stressful Stealth
- Agentish Stealth
- Chaos in Panau
- Stealth
- Espionage
- Bondish Stealth
- Ice Cream Truck Jingle
- Panauan Sun
- Rico's Return
- Tom Sheldon's Theme
- Main Title
- Pimped Ice Cream Truck Theme
- Oriental Vibes
- Agentish Combat
- Stressful Evasion
- End Credits
- Rodriguez in Combat
- Bolo Santosi's Reapers
- Downside-Up
- Techy Stealth
- Techy Evasion
- Sinister Undertakings
- Hoedown
- Bondish Combat
- Panau National Anthem
- Bondish Evasion
- Agentish Evasion
- Mile High Club
- Stressful Combat
- Just Cause 2 Theme
- The Glory of Panau (Main Theme)
- Just Cause
- Downside‐Up
- Rico’s Return
- Bolo Santosi’s Reapers