Uncharted: Golden Abyss Original Soundtrack
- In Search of the Sete Cidades (von Clint Bajakian & Greg Edmonson)
- A Fighting Chance
- Ancient Mystery
- Guerro’s Theme
- Trouble in the Rubble
- The Sword of Steven
- Chase’s Theme
- Dante’s Army (von Clint Bajakian & Greg Edmonson)
- Windows and Ropes (von Clint Bajakian & Greg Edmonson)
- Snake Temple (von Clint Bajakian & Greg Edmonson)
- Protect Chase
- Quiviran Warrior
- Lake of Ghosts (von Clint Bajakian & Greg Edmonson)
- Mano a Mano
- Sete Cidades Theme
Mehr Songtexte

- Sanchez the Outlaw
- Guerro's Theme
- Dante's Army
- In Search of the Sete Cidades
- Lake of Ghosts
- Snake Temple
- Windows and Ropes
- Chase's Theme
- The Empty Quarter
- The Rub' al Khali
- Stabbed In The Back
- Lightning
- Halloween
- The Path Of The Unseen Peril
- After the Massacre
- Main Title
- Mei Ying
- The Dark Awakening
- Crix Madine's Fate
- Off To Romania
- To Hong Kong
- Dark Trooper Test & Kyle Katarn's Mission
- The Feng Twins
- Lull Them To Sleep
- Trick Of Treat
- Briefing
- End Title
- Imperial Weapons Research Facility
- Climb Every Mountain
- The Subterranean Hideout
- Suite
- The Submarine Base
- The Glider
- Assignment Vlad
- Jabba's Revenge
- The Blood Moon
- Tower Of Tortures
- The Secret Base
- Descent Into Darkness
- Ice Room / Vlad The Impaler
- Resurrected / Indy Fights Vlad
- Facing the Dark Trooper
- Forest Reckoning
- Kyle Katarn's Theme
- The Stowaway Onboard the Executor
- Venice / Fortune Teller
- Epilogue & End Credits
- Introduction
- The Kraken's Lair
- Castle Heights
- Raiders March
- The Kell Dragon & the Escape From Jabba's Ship
- Mohc - The Final Battle
- Laboratory Fight
- Dark Forces Opening Titles
- Death In Your Pocket
- Arc Hammer Destroyed & Finale
- Call To Battle
- Main Theme
- Return To New York
- Young Indiana Jones And The Phantom Train Of Doom
- Four Roads Meet
- Dinner Everyone ?
- Istanbul Breakout
- Indy's Theme
- Defeat
- Victory
- Florish
- Theme
- Eerie
- LeShip Stowaway
- Customs Ship on the High Seas
- LeShip at Arms
- Elaine and Scurvy Island
- Bare Bones Island
- The Rub’ al Khali