
- The Black Painting Song
- Fangorn Forest and Helm's Deep
- The Nine
- Frodo Heads for Mordor
- Scott and Jamie intro
- Book of Shadows
- Health to the Company
- The Fall of Isengard
- Health to the Company intro
- Four Loom Weaver
- The Shire
- Crazy Man Michael intro
- Dwarvishism
- The Two Towers
- The Gandalf Song
- Terrorists of the Towers
- The Loo Break Song
- The Legolas & Gimli Song
- The Fellowship Song
- The Leviticus Song intro
- Dwarves, Elves and Humans
- The Gambler Song intro
- The Denethor Song
- Outtake No. 247
- Dwarven Chant
- The Balrog Song
- The Leviticus Song
- The Two Towers Song
- The Gambler Song
- Fellowship of the Ring
- The Black Painting Song intro
- Pookums, Shelob and Friendly Ghosts
- Does it Glitter
- Scott and Jamie
- Get it Off
- The Journey Continues
- The Wine Song
- The Wine Song intro
- Four Loom Weaver intro
- The Nazgûl Song
- Crazy Man Michael
- Sarumartin of Many Colours
- The Saruman Song