
- Dundas, Ontario
- People Eating Fruit
- Mammals vs Reptiles
- Brandon
- Children Play Well Together
- Lemon Yoghourt
- James' Second Haircut
- Schedules & Fares
- Paul's Birthday
- Happy Ending
- I've Lived on a Dirt Road All My Life
- Skunks
- Hendrix With Ko
- Jacknuggeted
- Why the Long Face
- Bijoux
- Twins
- Kid You'll Move Mountains
- Crayon
- Every Time She Turns Round It's Her Birthday
- Cherrybomb
- Silver Splinters
- Olé
- Thistles and Felt
- Seaweed
- Cherrybomb, Part II
- Evan Likes Driving
- If Assholes Could Fly This Place Would Be an Airport
- Air Doom
- Ach Who
- Victor and Carolyn
- 218 Beverley
- 219 Beverley
- Anna and Nina