Lloyd Miller Songtexte
Geboren am 11. November 1938
Orientations (Compilation)
- Camels to Cairo (1963)
- Segah Leaves (1960, Re - Edited 2021)
- Orientation 1 (Kheneccordion 1963, Revisited 2021)
- Carnatic Clarinet (1960s)
- Intercollegiate Jazz Festival Introduction (1968)
- Takeseem It Seems "Beautiful Eyes (1968)
- Orientation 2 (The Telling of Thaime, 1963, Revisited 2021)
- Mellow Cello (Mid 1970s Television in Tehran, Iran)
- Shahin (1972 Tehran, Iran)
- Pentakarnatica (7 / 8, Rehearsal, 1963)
- Orientation 3 (Poetically Past the Present, 1963 Revisited 2021)
- Piano, Santur and Drum Interlude (1960s)
- Persuasian (1990)
- Orientation 4 (Of Mandarin Myth, 1963, Revisited 2021)
- Pacific Breeze (Early 1980s)
- Humalayan (Edited Version 1998)
- Summer Thyme in Tehran (1972 Tehran, Iran)
- Ketch Me If You Can (Improvisation, 1972 Tehran, Iran)
- Orientation 5 (Central Asian Occasion, 1963)
- Improv in Isfahan (Extended Full Version, 2005)
- Camels from Cairo (1963)
Mehr Songtexte

- Amber Eyes
- Gol-e Gandom (version 2)
- Gol-e Gandom (version 3)
- Shur Thing
- A Clear Vision
- Yürel no Uta (Song of the Ghost)
- Bassmeant Blues At the Apocalypse
- Philosiphertoggy (Ian's Tune)
- The Summoning (Ode to (Oud)
- Drowning Emperor Blue Dragon
- Earthquake of the Fallen Trumpet
- Pleasantly Persian (Returning Home)
- Dystopia Wind Dance