English Renaissance Music
- Oxenford (Anon)
Dear if you change (Dowland)
- Ungaresca (Anon)
- Cease Leaden Slumber Dreaming (Hume)
- Amarilli mia Bella (Caccini)
- Recercata primera (Ortiz)
- In Darkness Let me Dwell (Dowland)
- Volt and La Primavera (Anon)
- When to her lute Corina sings (Rosseter, Campion)
- Pastime with good company (Henry the VIII)
- Rest Sweet Nymphs (Pilkington/Campion)
- Soldiers song (Hume)
- Can she excuse my wrongs (Dowland)
- Wolsey's Wilde (Byrd)
- Come again sweeet love doth now invite (Dowland)
- Martin said to his man (Anon)
- Fortune my Foa (Anon)
- Recercata segunda (Ortiz)
- Tobacco (Hume)
- Sorrow, Stay (Dowland)
- Sweet Kate (Jones)
- Bransle de Malte (Anon)
- Now hath Flora Robb'd her bow'rs (Campion)
- I saw my lady weepe (Dowland)
- Greensleeves (Anon)