Kenji Kawai Songtexte
Making Of A Cyborg
Utai IV: Reawakening
Am I Seeing What I Think I’m Seeing…? / You’ve Gotta Be Kidding / My Father, The Panda
Nahji No Uta
Shinma no kodou
Geboren am 23. April 1957
SOUND of The Sky Crawlers (Soundtrack)
- main theme_opening
- first sortie
- sail away(vocal)
- Foo-ko
- main theme_memory
- Mizuki
- surprise attack
- drive-by-wire
- main theme_affair(harp)
- main theme_blue fish (orgel)
- private sortie
- second sortie
- night sortie
- March hare
- Adler Tag
- Kraków
- main theme_affair
- main theme_blue fish
- final sortie
- Teacher
- main theme_ending
Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (Soundtrack)
SOUND of DEATH NOTE (Soundtrack)
- a heart attack
- a dispute
- confused
- realize the limitations
- disturbance
- …in the heart
- astonishment
- a reality
- logic
- a challenge
- make a noise in the world
- a shadow
- the test
- give the right answer
- reasoning powers
- carry out a plan
- memo paper
- be cute
- impatience
- an image
- suspicion
- misunderstand
- according to plan
- a sacrifice
- an observer
- go into battle
- message from Ryuk