Kenji Kawai Songtexte
Making Of A Cyborg
Utai IV: Reawakening
Am I Seeing What I Think I’m Seeing…? / You’ve Gotta Be Kidding / My Father, The Panda
Nahji No Uta
Shinma no kodou
Geboren am 23. April 1957
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA OST 1 (Soundtrack)
- Prologue… Distant Feelings
- To Wide Open Space…
- Emergency on the Frontier
- A Scheme Like Fire
- The Name Is Project R
- The Type Who's Always on the Scene
- The Soldiers' Hangout
- The School of Brains and Brawn
- A Private Inquiry
- A Soldier With a Special Duty
- What and Why?
- Subject of Analysis
- Official Inquiry
- An Unforeseen Situation
- What and Why, Redux
- Emergency Measures
- Surprise!
- Scattered Cherry Blossoms
- The Red Flash
- In My Name…
- My Name Is "Captain"
- A Man's Concrete Ambitions
- A Character Proposal
- The Breath of Storm Clouds
- The War They Call Peace
- A Clear Secret
- The Subjects' Doubts
- Traces of the Formless
- Sentenced to Be Scrapped
- Inevitable War
- Deepening Bonds
- Various Battles
- Ranpu vs. Bahamut
- Payment for Treason
- The Final Voyage
- True Peace
- The Destruction of the Soyozake
- From Here to Eternity
- Epilogue… Definite Feelings
- I'll Always Be Looking at You (remix)
2002 Patlabor 2 The Movie Sound Renewal (Soundtrack)
- from Asia
- Theme of Patlabor 2 (2002 VERSION)
- Portent (2002 VERSION)
- Asia (Primitive Version, 2002 REMIX)
- Wyvern (2002 VERSION)
- Unnatural City I (2002 VERSION)
- Asia (2002 VERSION)
- Unnatural City II (2002 VERSION)
- With Love (2002 Remix)
- Outbreak (2002 VERSION)
- Zoom Down (2002 VERSION)
- Ixtl (2002 Version)
- At Parting (2002 REMIX)
- Asia
- Indication
- Unnatural City
- With Love
- Theme of Patlabor 2 (Kenji Kawai Version)
Apocalypse la guerre des mondes 1945-1991 (Soundtrack)
- L'escalade de la peur
- Pacte sino-soviétique
- Guerre froide
- L'engrenage
- Mig-15
- Le pari d'Ho Chi Minh
- Mao
- Viet Congs
- Guerre de Corée
- Indochine
- Conférence de Moscou
- Dien Bien Phu
- Prisonniers
- Le complot des blouses blanches
- Kim II Sung
- Potsdam
- L'insurrection de Budapest
- La piste Ho Chi Minh
- La victoire de l'est
- Apocalypse la guerre des mondes
Apocalypse, deuxième guerre mondiale, les musiques originales (Soundtrack)
- Apocalypse
- Shoah
- Le piège
- L'adieu à la paix
- L'offensive
- L'accalmie
- L'adieu à la paix (Cordes seules)
- L'exode
- Le piège de l'invasion
- Première ligne
- Énigme & Dunkerque
- L'attaque du Pacifique
- Le jour de la victoire
- La libération
- La libération 2
- Hiroshima
- La paix
- La montée du nazisme
- Moscou
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
- Le ghetto
- Paulua
- Mac Arthur
- La vie avant la guerre
- La retraite
- Thème de fin