Grounded (Original Soundtrack)
- Stay Grounded (Title Theme)
- Willow, Max, Hoops, Pete
- Grasslands
- Home
- What Does This Button Do
- Harvesting
- The Dark
- Hedge
- Danger Dumplings
- Has Muerto
- Haze
- Koi
- The Deeps
- Mother
- Shine and Rise
- Ominent
- Mants
- Mites
- It's the End (Reprieve) (von Marc Rebillet)
- Coarse and Rough (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Upper Grasslands Night (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Stronger Than You Think We Are (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Upper Grasslands Day (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Fungus Apocalypse (The Haze Revamp) (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Assistant Damager (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- More Grasslands (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Get Under Here! (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Nature Has a Certain Order (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- The Great Beyond or How I Learned to Love Being a Raisin (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Fight of the Orchid (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Part Man, Part Ant (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Harvest the Grapes of Wrath (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- Noble Spirit (von Finishing Move Inc.)
- It's Credits Time (von Marc Rebillet)
Pillars of Eternity (Soundtrack)
- Eora (title theme)
- Encampment
- The Harbingers Doom
- Dyrwood
- Gilded Vale
- The Lover Cried Out
- Skean
- Oldsong
- Their Hearts Grew Bold
- Defiance Bay
- The Fox and the Farmer
- Ondras Gift
- Brackenbury
- Crashed Upon the Shield
- Dyrford
- Woedica
- Twin Elms
- Elmshore
- Burial Isle
- The Dragon Thrashed and Wailed
- Shadow of the Sun
- Engwith
- The Endless Paths I
- The Endless Paths II
- Come Soft Winds of Death
- Road to Eternity (ending credits)
Pillars of Eternity (Deluxe Edition) [Original Soundtrack]
- Eora
- Encampment
- The Harbingers Doom
- Dyrwood
- Gilded Vale
- The Lover Cried Out
- Skean
- Oldsong
- Their Hearts Grew Bold
- Defiance Bay
- The Fox and the Farmer
- Ondras Gift
- Brackenbury
- Crashed Upon the Shield
- Dyrford
- Woedica
- Twin Elms
- Elmshore
- Burial Isle
- The Dragon Thrashed and Wailed
- Shadow of the Sun
- Engwith
- The Endless Paths I
- The Endless Paths II
- Come Soft Winds of Death
- Road to Eternity
- A New Act
- Ambush!
- Caed Nua
- Character Creation
- Glanfathans
- Heritage Hill
- Leaden Key
- Riot at Defiance Bay
- Shock and Awe
- Thaos
- The Old Watcher
- The Soul Machine
- Victory
- Waidwen’s Legacy
- Welcome to Eora
- Stalwart Village
- The White March
- The Sea and Her Love
- The Watcher Prevails
- At the Gates
- Durgan’s Battery
- Mercenary Camp
- The Ogre Matron
- Eye of the Storm
- Abydon’s Shell
- All Gods Lie, The Truth Only Gets in Their Way
- The White Forge
- Cayron’s Scar
- Crashed Upon the Shield Redux
- Stalwart Collusion
- The Harbingers of Doom Redux
- The Torn Bannermen
- The White March Part II Trailer
- Abbey of the Fallen Moon
- Zahua’s Vision