Tyranny Original Soundtrack
Mehr Songtexte
- Inn B
- Combat C
- Wilderness Encampment
- Inn A
- Combat D
- Temple of Woedica
- Combat A
- Temple of Skaen
- Combat B
- Title Theme
- Od Nua B
- Od Nua A
- Elmshore Wilderness
- Combat E
- Dyrwood Wilderness
- Credits
- Engwithan Ruins
- The Biawac
- Caed Nua (Stronghold Theme)
- The White March: The Sea and Her Love (Gref's Rest Song)
- The White March: The Ogre Matron
- The White March: At The Gates (Durgan's Battery Exterior)
- The White March: All Gods Lie, The Truth Only Gets In Their Way
- The White March: The White March (Wilderness Music)
- Leaden Key (Obsidian Logo)
- Welcome to Eora (New Game Stinger)
- Waidwen's Legacy
- The White March: The White Forge
- The White March: Abydon's Shell
- The White March: Mercenary Camp
- The White March: The White March Part II Trailer
- The White March: Durgan's Battery
- The White March: Stalwart Village
- Roll the Old Berath's Wheel
- It's Crash Could Not Be Denied
- The White March - Stalwart Village
- The White March - The White March (Wilderness Music)
- The White March - The Sea and Her Love (Gref's Rest Song)
- The White March - Zahua's Vision
- The White March - The Harbingers of Doom Redux
- The White March - Stalwart Collusion
- The White March - All Gods Lie, the Truth Only Gets in Their Way
- The White March - Abydons Shell
- The White March - Abbey of the Fallen Moon
- The White March - The White Forge
- The White March - Durgan's Battery
- The White March - The White March Part II Trailer
- The White March - Mercenary Camp
- The White March - Crashed Upon the Shield Redux
- The White March - Eye of The Storm
- The White March - At the Gates (Durgan's Battery Exterior)
- The White March - The Torn Bannermen
- The White March - Cayron's Scar
- The White March - The Ogre Matron
- It’s Crash Could Not Be Denied
- The White March Part II Trailer