
- Warriors of the Deep
- Computers in the Real World
- Dawn
- Houdin's Musical Box
- The King's Demons
- Heart of the Matter
- Woman of Paris
- Sentinel Six
- The Doctor's Turn to Die!
- Somewhere Chilly!
- Doctor Who (opening theme)
- Evading Security
- Defense Run
- Solow Vs the Myrka
- Sea Base Four
- Sea Devil Advance II
- A Threat to All Mankind
- Friends Reunited
- Solow on the Run
- Face-To-Face With a Sea Devil
- While There's Life...
- The Myrka Advances
- A Final Solution
- No Escape From the Myrka
- Death by Myrka
- Mind Control
- Silurian Stealth
- Sea Devil Orientation I
- Suspicious Solow
- Our Sea Devil Brothers
- The Ape Descendants Will Be Crushed!
- An Act of Mercy
- Maddox Taken Care Of
- Nilson's Duty
- Burning Through the Bulkhead
- The Doctor Finds Tegan
- The Final Phase
- Chemical Progress
- Dead Myrka
- Cunning Ape Primitives
- Maddox Gone Mad
- Good Luck Doctor...
- Sea Devils Dying
- Brave Heart Tegan
- Something Less Lethal
- Maddox's Purpose
- Calmed Nerves
- Trouble at Airlock One
- Sea Devil Advance I
- The Doctor's Turn to Die (original version) / Doctor Who (closing theme)
- Death by Hexachromite I
- Undetected Silurian Threat
- Excellent Timing
- The Final Battle
- Trying to Escape
- Trapped With the Myrka
- Mind Synch Countdown
- We Have a Problem
- Trapped Turlough
- A Little Sunshine
- Dangerous Duplicate Disc
- Drowned Doctor?
- Open Fire!
- Ventilation Shafting I
- The Final Solution
- Broken Bulkhead
- The Cutting Device
- Ventilation Shafting III
- Thinking It Over
- Tardis Politics
- Security Search
- A Smelly Suit
- Out of the Water
- Doctor in Disguise
- Find the Doctor!
- Turlough Caught, Doctor Free
- A Better Chance of Dying?
- Sabotage and Murder
- Escape From the Myrka
- Up or Down?
- Death by Hexachromite II
- Plan of Attack
- Brave Heart Tegan...
- Sea Base Ready for Attack
- Sea Devils Ready for Attack
- A Smelly Disguise
- Death by Hexachromite
- Under Pressure
- Sea Devil Orientation II
- Preparations
- Make a Wish...
- Reviving the Sea Devils
- Sea Base Defenses
- Ventilation Shafting II
- Sea Devil Advance
- Death by Myrka I
- Death by Myrka II
- The Myrka
- Where Are We?
- Doctor Who (closing theme)
- Sea Devils Armed
- Tegan Taken Hostage
- Victory Is Certain!
- They're All Dead
- It Seems We Have a Problem
- Ventilation Shafting
- A Problem With Maddox