

  1. The Sit Spot / Letting Curiosity Guide You
  2. Mentoring Native Eyes
  3. We Have a Place in Nature
  4. What Creates a Great Tracker
  5. Creating a Learning Pathway
  6. [untitled], Part 3: Basics
  7. [untitled], Part 2
  8. [untitled], Part 4: Tracking
  9. [untitled], Part 2: Learning the Language of Birds
  10. [untitled], Part 1
  11. [untitled], Part 4
  12. Everyone Can Do This
  13. [untitled], Part 8: Basics
  14. [untitled], Part 3
  15. Emphasizing Relationship / Whole-Body Learning
  16. [untitled], Part 6
  17. [untitled], Part 5
  18. [untitled], Part 8
  19. [untitled], Part 7
  20. Talking Trails
  21. The Brain and Awareness
  22. Beyond Bird Watching
  23. The Rings of Awareness
  24. Wrapping the Bundle of Bird Language
  25. [untitled], Part 9
  26. [untitled], Part 4: Plants and Wandering
  27. [untitled], Part 2: Community and Ecology
  28. Tracking Increases Awareness
  29. The Symptoms of Awareness
  30. [untitled], Part 8: Tracking
  31. Overview, Part 2: A Window Into the Lives of Animals
  32. [untitled], Part 1: Plants and Wandering
  33. [untitled], Part 5: Community and Ecology
  34. Children's Universal Passion and Motivating Species / Knowing the Animals
  35. Symptoms of Awareness, Continued
  36. Coyote
  37. Building Ropes With Nature
  38. Bird Language and Storytelling
  39. [untitled], Part 9: Tracking
  40. Rediscovering Timelessness / The In-The-Body-Experience
  41. The Scout on the Porch
  42. [untitled], Part 7: Basics
  43. What Hazards Teach About Awareness
  44. Returning to Our Home on the Earth
  45. Finding a Good Secret Spot
  46. [untitled], Part 6: Basics
  47. [untitled], Part 5: Learning the Language of Birds
  48. Expressions of Baseline
  49. [untitled], Part 7: Community and Ecology
  50. Reflecting on a Lineage of Mentoring
  51. [untitled], Part 2: Basics
  52. [untitled], Part 8: Learning the Language of Birds
  53. [untitled], Part 7: Plants and Wandering
  54. Synthesis of Awareness
  55. Everyone Can Do This, Continued
  56. [untitled], Part 1: Learning the Language of Birds
  57. Get to Know the Animals and Landscape
  58. [untitled], Part 6: Trees and Survival
  59. [untitled], Part 4: Community and Ecology
  60. [untitled], Part 6: Plants and Wandering
  61. A Bigger Reality
  62. What If?
  63. The Five Voices, Continued
  64. [untitled], Part 2: Plants and Wandering
  65. Synchronicity With Animals
  66. More Shapes of Alarm
  67. [untitled], Part 9: Plants and Wandering
  68. Jungle Sensitiveness
  69. A Universal Language
  70. Recipes for Awakening Intuition
  71. Practice Your Awareness
  72. More About the Routine of Invisibility
  73. [untitled], Part 5: Trees and Survival
  74. [untitled], Part 6: Tracking
  75. [untitled], Part 1: Tracking
  76. [untitled], Part 4: Basics
  77. The Skills of the Scout
  78. The Birds to Focus On / The Five Voices
  79. Songs Out of Context as Alarm
  80. Recognizing Baseline and Alarm
  81. [untitled], Part 4: Trees and Survival
  82. [untitled], Part 3: Learning the Language of Birds
  83. The Implication of Connection
  84. Looking for Deer Tracks
  85. Signposts on the Journey
  86. The Time Before TV / The Children's Trails
  87. [untitled], Part 1: Trees and Survival
  88. [untitled], Part 2: Tracking
  89. [untitled], Part 5: Basics
  90. Tips for Learning Bird Language
  91. The Shapeshifter, Part 1
  92. How to Know the Birds
  93. Motivating Species / The Art of Questioning
  94. Cultivating Knowledge From Experience in Nature
  95. [untitled], Part 7: Learning the Language of Birds
  96. The Shapeshifter, Part 2
  97. The Shapeshifter, Part 3
  98. Brain Patterns and Awareness
  99. Energy Conservation
  100. [untitled], Part 6: Learning the Language of Birds
  101. [untitled], Part 8: Plants and Wandering
  102. Nature as Nutrition / Relationship Before Information
  103. Shapes of Alarm
  104. [untitled], Part 3: Trees and Survival
  105. Intuition in Tracking Cultures
  106. Concentric Rings
  107. [untitled], Part 8: Trees and Survival
  108. [untitled], Part 5: Tracking
  109. The Ways of the Animals
  110. Begging Calls and Juvenile Behavior
  111. Telling the Story of the Day / Cultivating Forgiveness / Bio-Feedback
  112. An Overview of the Series
  113. [untitled], Part 3: Community and Ecology
  114. The Silver Lines
  115. Knowledge of Place Is a Key to Bird Language
  116. Deepening the Sit Spot Experience
  117. The Wisdom of Slowing Down
  118. Forming Trust and Connection With Animals
  119. [untitled], Part 3: Plants and Wandering
  120. The Senses & Pattern Recognition
  121. When Scouts Arrive in Camp
  122. Overview, Part 1: Bird Language Success Stories
  123. [untitled], Part 1: Community and Ecology
  124. Behavior, Track Aging and Ecology
  125. Birds Recognizing Individuals / Jungle Etiquette
  126. Journaling and Mapping
  127. [untitled], Part 2: Trees and Survival
  128. The Power of Curiosity
  129. Knowledge of Place
  130. [untitled], Part 3: Tracking
  131. Tracking the Lives of the Animals
  132. Empowering Tracks
  133. [untitled], Part 6: Community and Ecology
  134. Fall and Winter and More About Baseline
  135. [untitled], Part 1: Basics
  136. Deepening the Natural Awareness
  137. The Sit Spot as a Mentor
  138. [untitled], Part 4: Learning the Language of Birds
  139. [untitled], Part 5: Plants and Wandering
  140. [untitled], Part 7: Tracking
  141. The Backyard as a Teacher
  142. Building Context / A Lineage of Mentoring
  143. Lessons From a Gray Fox
  144. The Seven Symptoms of Awareness
  145. The Skills of Intuitive Awareness
  146. Connecting With the Plants / The Crickets' Song
  147. Learning From Great Trackers
  148. The Baseline of Spring and Summer
  149. Introduction
  150. [untitled], Part 8: Community and Ecology
  151. Mervana and the Routine of Invisibility
  152. Intuitive Tracking
  153. Alarm Behaviors
  154. [untitled], Part 7: Trees and Survival
  155. [Northwest: The Wisdom of Heritage, Part 7]
  156. [Community and Ecology, Part 7]
  157. [North: Ancient Conduct, Ancient Skills, Part 4]
  158. [Plants and Wandering, Part 8]
  159. [Learning the Language of Birds, Part 7]
  160. [East: Foundations of Nature Connection, Part 1]
  161. [Tracking, Part 6]
  162. [Basics, Part 5]
  163. [North: Ancient Conduct, Ancient Skills, Part 1]
  164. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 4]
  165. [West: Weaving Community Threads, Part 3]
  166. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 3]
  167. [Trees and Survival, Part 2]
  168. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 8]
  169. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 8]
  170. [Community and Ecology, Part 1]
  171. [Northwest: The Wisdom of Heritage, Part 6]
  172. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 7]
  173. [Learning the Language of Birds, Part 8]
  174. [Plants and Wandering, Part 9]
  175. [Southeast: Natural Origins of Play, Part 4]
  176. [West: Weaving Community Threads, Part 2]
  177. [North: Ancient Conduct, Ancient Skills, Part 7]
  178. [Tracking, Part 5]
  179. [East: Foundations of Nature Connection, Part 6]
  180. [Basics, Part 4]
  181. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 2]
  182. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 1]
  183. [Trees and Survival, Part 3]
  184. [Community and Ecology, Part 6]
  185. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 7]
  186. Connecting With the Plants / The Crickets’ Song
  187. [Learning the Language of Birds, Part 1]
  188. [Community and Ecology, Part 3]
  189. [Tracking, Part 8]
  190. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 6]
  191. [West: Weaving Community Threads, Part 1]
  192. [Basics, Part 7]
  193. [Plants and Wandering, Part 5]
  194. [North: Ancient Conduct, Ancient Skills, Part 8]
  195. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 4]
  196. [Northwest: The Wisdom of Heritage, Part 1]
  197. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 6]
  198. [Trees and Survival, Part 4]
  199. [Northwest: The Wisdom of Heritage, Part 8]
  200. The Time Before TV / The Children’s Trails
  201. [Learning the Language of Birds, Part 2]
  202. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 5]
  203. [Tracking, Part 7]
  204. [Basics, Part 6]
  205. [Plants and Wandering, Part 7]
  206. [Plants and Wandering, Part 6]
  207. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 5]
  208. [Southeast: Natural Origins of Play, Part 3]
  209. [East: Foundations of Nature Connection, Part 7]
  210. [North: Ancient Conduct, Ancient Skills, Part 3]
  211. [Trees and Survival, Part 5]
  212. [West: Weaving Community Threads, Part 7]
  213. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 8]
  214. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 5]
  215. [Southeast: Natural Origins of Play, Part 6]
  216. [Basics, Part 1]
  217. [East: Foundations of Nature Connection, Part 4]
  218. [Trees and Survival, Part 6]
  219. [Learning the Language of Birds, Part 3]
  220. [Northwest: The Wisdom of Heritage, Part 3]
  221. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 3]
  222. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 4]
  223. [Tracking, Part 3]
  224. [Southeast: Natural Origins of Play, Part 1]
  225. [Community and Ecology, Part 4]
  226. [Plants and Wandering, Part 3]
  227. [West: Weaving Community Threads, Part 6]
  228. [North: Ancient Conduct, Ancient Skills, Part 2]
  229. [Basics, Part 8]
  230. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 7]
  231. [Tracking, Part 9]
  232. [East: Foundations of Nature Connection, Part 3]
  233. [Trees and Survival, Part 7]
  234. [Learning the Language of Birds, Part 4]
  235. [Northwest: The Wisdom of Heritage, Part 2]
  236. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 3]
  237. [Southeast: Natural Origins of Play, Part 7]
  238. [Tracking, Part 4]
  239. [Plants and Wandering, Part 4]
  240. [West: Weaving Community Threads, Part 5]
  241. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 2]
  242. [Southeast: Natural Origins of Play, Part 2]
  243. [Community and Ecology, Part 2]
  244. [Community and Ecology, Part 8]
  245. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 1]
  246. [Basics, Part 3]
  247. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 2]
  248. [Learning the Language of Birds, Part 5]
  249. [Trees and Survival, Part 8]
  250. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 9]
  251. [Southeast: Natural Origins of Play, Part 5]
  252. [East: Foundations of Nature Connection, Part 5]
  253. [North: Ancient Conduct, Ancient Skills, Part 5]
  254. [Northwest: The Wisdom of Heritage, Part 5]
  255. [Plants and Wandering, Part 1]
  256. [Tracking, Part 1]
  257. [North: Ancient Conduct, Ancient Skills, Part 6]
  258. [South: The Mentoring Commitment, Part 9]
  259. [West: Weaving Community Threads, Part 4]
  260. [Southeast: Natural Origins of Play, Part 8]
  261. [Trees and Survival, Part 1]
  262. [Basics, Part 2]
  263. [Community and Ecology, Part 5]
  264. [Learning the Language of Birds, Part 6]
  265. [Southwest: Timeless Connection, Part 6]
  266. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 9]
  267. [Northeast: Routines of Deep Connection & Awareness, Part 1]
  268. [Northwest: The Wisdom of Heritage, Part 4]
  269. [East: Foundations of Nature Connection, Part 2]
  270. [Plants and Wandering, Part 2]
  271. [Tracking, Part 2]
  272. [East: Foundations of Nature Connection, Part 8]
  273. The Energy of Life
  274. Alive!
  275. Connection
  276. Deep Listening & Mentoring
  277. Occupy Your Body
  278. Connected by Design
  279. Interdependence
  280. Silence
  281. Stepping Into Our Design
  282. Everyone Can Do This (continued)
  283. Symptoms of Awareness (continued)
  284. Children’s Universal Passion and Motivating Species / Knowing the Animals
  285. The Five Voices (continued)
  286. Rediscovering Timelessness / The In‐the‐Body‐Experience
  287. Telling the Story of the Day / Cultivating Forgiveness / Bio‐Feedback
  288. Emphasizing Relationship / Whole‐Body Learning


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