Day of the Dead (Soundtrack)
The Film Score
- Day of the Dead Main Title
- Sarah Sees Graves / First Cave Entry
- Zombies Approach / Capturing Zombies
- You Almost Killed Rickles
- Sarah Dopes Miguel
- Where’s Frankenstein? / Bub Scares Sarah / Zombie Spills His Guts
- Steel, Shoot That Woman
- John Warns Sarah / People Got Different Ideas
- Sarah Hallucinates
- Walk to the Ritz / Sarah at the Ritz
- John Lectures
- What Hell Is Like
- Logan Teaching Bub / Bub Learning
- Backwards Chord / Miller Dies
- Miguel Bitten
- Sarah Breaks Down
- Logan’s Lab / Logan’s Madness / Beef Treats
- Those Are My Men
- Miguel Decides
- Chopper Can’t Hold Us All
- Laugh in the Dark
- Fight to Survive
- Fix It… You Can’t Fix It / Miguel Lets ’Em In
- Rhodes Leaves His Men Behind / Zombie Overrun
- The End of Steel / Lost in the Caves
- Heroes Escape
- Bub Stalks Rhodes / Zombies Rip Rhodes
- On the Beach
The Soundtrack Album
Effects (Soundtrack)
- Main Title
- Man in the Mirror
- Lacey Checks the Cameras
- Celeste Does Shakespeare / Rita Gets Yanked
- Special Effects
- Radio Jingles
- Barney’s Dream
- I Need Your Love (von Ron “Byrd” Foster)
- Desperate Pain
- Dom & Celeste Go Fishing
- Into the Control Room Pt. 1
- Boy Talk (von Leland Palmer)
- Into the Control Room Pt. 2
- I Gotta Run
- Dom & Celeste Meet the Pig
- The Chase
- Rita Hears Ghosts
- Barney Dies / Celeste Shoots Lacey
- The Escape
- Did You Get It?
- End Title
- Ubu (After Satie)
Mehr Songtexte

- Prologue / Welcome to Creepshow (Main Title)
- Father's Day
- They're Creeping Up on You
- Breakdown
- Escape Invasion
- Deadly Beginnings
- Diner of the Living Dead
- Dead Calm
- Bub's 9th
- Dead End
- Prologue / Welcome to Creepshow
- Shoobie Doobie Moon: You Make Me Feel Like a Monster
- Shoobie Doobie Moon: Main Title Song
- Tales from the Darkside: Sorry Right Number (Tales From the Darkside)
- Tales from the Darkside: Satanic Piano (Tales From the Darkside)
- Mansions of the Moon: Overture
- Until the Next Time (End Title)
- Tales from the Darkside: Everybody Needs a Little Love (Tales From the Darkside)
- Logan's Lab / Logan's Madness / Beef Treats
- Chopper Can't Hold Us All
- Where's Frankenstein? / Bub Scares Sarah / Zombie Spills His Guts
- Fix it...You Can't Fix it / Miguel Lets ‘em In
- Danger Tension (Ib Glindemann)
- Space Suspense (Erik Markman)
- Dex and Mike Open the Crate
- Sylvia On a Platter/A Meteor Arrives
- Nate Comes Out of the Grave
- Where’s My Cake? I Want My Cake!
- Haunted Castle (Ib Glindemann)
- Bastards
- Wake Up! Wake Up!
- Garbage Men Find Billy’s Comic Book
- Danger in Space (Ib Glindemann)
- Get in That Hole, Harry
- Henry Leaves Wilma a Note
- Welcome to Creepshow (Main Title)
- Until Next Time
- Henry Meets Nate and Gets Crushed
- Jordy Hallucinates and Takes a Bath
- Mystery Hour (Ib Glindemann)
- Dixieland (Dan Kirsten)
- Vaudeville (Neil Amsterdam)
- Henry Goes Looking
- Henry is Told the Family Secrets
- Graduation Day (Gaudeamus Igitur)
- Dramatic Eerie (Philip Green)
- Spy Fingers (Ib Glindemann)
- The End of Pratt
- Dex and Mike Move the Crate
- Freedom Flight (Jan Kennedy)
- Bugs Start Creeping Up on Pratt
- Henry Dumps Fluffy
- Wilma Goes Under the Stairs
- Big Band Era #4 (Neil Amsterdam)
- Blackout
- I Got My Cake
- If You Can Hold Your Breath
- Fluffy Eats Wilma
- From the Beach to the College
- Eternal Light (Roger Webb)
- Mike Discovers the Crate
- From the Farm to the Beach
- Jordy Discovers His Meteor
- What Are Friends For
- Richard Watches Them Drown
- Mike Meets Fluffy
- Don’t Let Go (Frank McDonald, Chris Rae)
- She Bashed His Head In
- Bedelia Arrives
- The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill: Jordy Discovers His Meteor
- Father's Day: Sylvia On a Platter/A Meteor Arrives
- The Crate: Mike Discovers the Crate
- Father's Day: Henry Meets Nate and Gets Crushed
- They're Creeping Up on You: Bugs Start Creeping Up on Pratt
- Father's Day: Where’s My Cake? I Want My Cake!
- The Crate: Mystery Hour
- The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill: Danger Tension
- They're Creeping Up on You: Vaudeville
- The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill: Freedom Flight
- They're Creeping Up on You: Big Band Era #4
- Something to Tide You Over: Richard Watches Them Drown
- The Crate: Henry Dumps Fluffy
- Father's Day: Henry Goes Looking
- The Crate: Wilma Goes Under the Stairs
- They're Creeping Up on You: Bastards
- They're Creeping Up on You: The End of Pratt
- Father's Day: Don’t Let Go
- Father's Day: She Bashed His Head In
- Something to Tide You Over: Get in That Hole, Harry
- They're Creeping Up on You: Dixieland
- The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill: Jordy Hallucinates and Takes a Bath
- The Crate: Wake Up! Wake Up!
- Father's Day: Bedelia Arrives
- Something to Tide You Over: Haunted Castle
- Father's Day: I Got My Cake
- Something to Tide You Over: Dramatic Eerie
- The Crate: Mike Meets Fluffy
- The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill: Spy Fingers
- The Crate: Henry Leaves Wilma a Note
- The Crate: From the Beach to the College
- They're Creeping Up on You: Blackout
- The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill: Graduation Day
- Father's Day: Henry is Told the Family Secrets
- The Crate: Dex and Mike Move the Crate
- Something to Tide You Over: From the Farm to the Beach
- Something to Tide You Over: Danger in Space
- Something to Tide You Over: Space Suspense
- The Crate: Fluffy Eats Wilma
- The Crate: Dex and Mike Open the Crate
- Father's Day: Nate Comes Out of the Grave
- The Crate: What Are Friends For
- Something to Tide You Over: If You Can Hold Your Breath
- The Crate: Eternal Light
- Father’s Day: She Bashed His Head In
- They’re Creeping Up on You: Bastards
- Father’s Day: Henry Meets Nate and Gets Crushed
- Father’s Day: Nate Comes Out of the Grave
- Father’s Day: Sylvia on a Platter/A Meteor Arrives
- Father’s Day: Henry Goes Looking
- Father’s Day: Don’t Let Go
- They’re Creeping Up on You: Vaudeville
- Father’s Day: Bedelia Arrives
- They’re Creeping Up on You: Big Band Era #4
- They’re Creeping Up on You: The End of Pratt
- They’re Creeping Up on You: Dixieland
- Father’s Day: Where’s My Cake? I Want My Cake!
- They’re Creeping Up on You: Blackout
- Father’s Day: I Got My Cake
- They’re Creeping Up on You: Bugs Start Creeping Up on Pratt
- Father’s Day: Henry Is Told the Family Secrets
- Capturing Zombies
- Zombie Spills His Guts
- Zombies Approach
- Bub Scares Sarah
- Miller Dies
- Rhodes Leaves His Men Behind
- Bub Stalks Rhodes
- Fix It... Can't You Fix It?
- The End of Steele / Lost in the Caves
- Beef Treats
- Sarah Sees Graves
- People Got Different Ideas
- Sarah at the Ritz
- Steele, Shoot That Woman
- First Cave Entry
- Walk to the Ritz
- Zombies Rip Rhodes
- Zombie Overrun
- Where's Frankenstein?
- Logan's Lab / Logan's Madness
- Miguel Lets Em' In
- John Warns Sarah
- Where’s Frankenstein?
- Miguel Lets Em’ In
- Logan’s Lab / Logan’s Madness
- Fix It… Can’t You Fix It?
- Bub’s 9th