- The Douche Baron
- Back at the Zoo
- At The Zoo, The Gambler
- I'm Fat & I'm Forty
- My Hairy Girlfriend
- Pissed Again
- At the Zoo and The Gambler
- Stop Him Before He Kills Again
- The Parrot
- Breeding Pigs
- The Magician
- Rosemary Clooney
- Last Night's Lady
- The New Americans
- A Guy Walks Into a Bar
- John Fox's Reality
- Battle Of The Thongs
- Weekend Ninja Hangover
- Muff Diver Van
- Writing on Bathroom Walls
- Insensitive Gynecologist
- Male Hormone Pills
- Old Couple's Honeymoon
- Rat Tattoo on His Face
- Dad's Big Red Rubber
- 3-D Porn Movies
- Pampers for Baboons
- Buying Aphrodisiacs
- Hot, Fast and Horny
- Bill Collectors
- There's a Hair in My Soup
- Elephant Pecker Implant
- Archibald Barasole
- Pecker Extender
- Nymophomanic Tonight
- Riding the Baloney Pony
- Prison Joke
- Throbbing Love Sausage