Trinkets I Own, Made From Gorilla Hands (Live)
- Another Dumb, Bumbling Vinny Intro
- Hot French People
- The Blackout of '03
- A Fun Date
- Penile Philosophy & Blackout Humor
- No Water = Messy Bowl
- OCD Scumbags
- A Tip on Flirting
- Bloody Lump on the Linoleum
- Ethinic Pride Drivel
- The 'N' Word
- Understandable Racism
- Relations With the Elderly
- Nervous Tics
- Legless Old Lady
- Gay Snipers
- A Shot in the Eye
- Mean-Spirited Christoper Reeve Jokes
- Boys Don't Cry
- Alcohol & True Confessions
- Gay Mommies
- Awful Cosmo Advice
- Television Comedy
- Reality TV
- Shameless Yellow Discipline Plug
- Donkey-Sex and German Porn
- You Like Sucking That?
- Madcap Ideas About Oral Sex
- Vinny's Mercifully Brief Outro
- A Phone Call From Mother
American Degenerate (Live)
- Casey Anthony
- We Need a Black Pope
- Yay Chicago
- Allahu Akbar
- I Wish I Had a Gun Right Now
- A Humiliating Homoerotic Moment
- Flirting
- World's Greatest Ass
- Creepy Old Naked Man
- Anatomy of a Massage
- John Travolta
- Sleep Apnea Sucks
- Transsexuals, Bloggers & Rape Jokes
- Apologies and School Shootings
- Batman
- Dirty, Piggish Ending
- Bonus Material
Contextually Inadequate (Live)
Despicable (Live)
- A Brief Hello
- An Important Relationship Lesson
- Gay Guys Rule
- One Scary Ass Fucking Black Guy
- The Bridge, Lol
- One Fat Ass Fucking Lady
- Fuck Florida
- Penguins Are Assholes
- Nice Baby!
- What Sex Is That Thing?
- Bombing Etiquette
- Bonding With People Sucks
- Women Tell Shitty Stories
- Poker Playing Dickheads
- John Edwards and Word Abbreviations
- Brief Chat With a Heckler
- I Wish I Fucked Jenna
- A Tender Moment With Larry Flynt
- A Hug From Kiss
- Meeting Laura Bush
- Britney's Vagina
- Heath Mills Is a Cunt on Wheel
- Ron Jeremy's Giant Cock
- Eat My Asshole!
- Cum Burns
- Shave That Fucking Thing
- A Pile of Pussy