
- Olympian (30 seconds)
- Daily News (full)
- Code of Honour (a)
- Somewhere (underscore)
- Night Crawler (60 seconds)
- Golden Mist (c)
- City Update (punctuator)
- Vanished (30 seconds)
- Illuminati (b)
- Sky Bar (30 seconds)
- Topical Stories (full)
- Heated Debate (punctuator)
- Time Bomb (30 seconds)
- The Enforcer
- Illuminati (edit) (sting)
- Lady of Beijing
- Golden Mist (edit) (sting)
- Dune (underscore)
- Crossfire (30 seconds)
- Discovery
- The Heist (60 seconds)
- Heavenly (underscore)
- Starstruck
- Thunderlust (30 seconds)
- In Shadows (a)
- Big Talk (sting)
- The Rampage (30 seconds)
- Desire
- Heavenly (30 seconds)
- Ghost (c)
- Murder Files (60 seconds)
- The Con (underscore)
- Patience
- New Horizons (underscore)
- Stars
- Pure
- Arcadia (30 seconds)
- Live and Direct (full)
- Forever
- D.O. a (60 seconds)
- Mindspace (a)
- Hero Returns
- Eclipse
- Bliss (30 seconds)
- Blood on the Canvas (a)
- Eyes Wide Open (30 seconds)
- China Mist (30 seconds)
- Higher
- Tough Streets (full)
- Spooks (60 seconds)
- Amazed
- Murder Files
- Illuminati (a)
- Supernova (underscore)
- Forbidden City
- D.O. a
- Big Talk (bed)
- Red Alert (punctuator)
- Decision Time (bed)
- Crossfire
- Insider (b)
- Future Sun (30 seconds)
- Showdown (30 seconds)
- Eden (30 seconds)
- The Heist (30 seconds)
- Red Alert (bed)
- Airborne (underscore)
- The World Today (sting)
- Face the Day
- Eclipse (30 seconds)
- Kissed (30 seconds)
- Waking Up
- Supernova (30 seconds)
- Crystal Dawn
- One Man Army
- Stargazer
- Reload (30 seconds)
- Someday
- Heated Debate (full)
- Infidels
- The Con (60 seconds)
- Exquisite (30 seconds)
- Murder Files (underscore)
- Radiance
- Spooks
- New Horizons
- Predator
- City Update (bed)
- One Man Army (30 seconds)
- Wonderful (underscore)
- Live and Direct (sting)
- Tough Streets (sting)
- Bliss (underscore)
- On the Hour (punctuator)
- Eclipse (underscore)
- Hero Returns (30 seconds)
- Moriarty's Lament (a)
- Rise (30 seconds)
- Stargazer (underscore)
- Inspired (underscore)
- Mindspace (b)
- Future Sun (underscore)
- In Shadows (c)
- Eden (underscore)
- Lady of Beijing (30 seconds)
- Dub Squad (60 seconds)
- Wonderful (30 seconds)
- Perfect Circle (underscore)
- The Heist
- Light the Way
- Afterglow (underscore)
- Jetman (underscore)
- Forever (30 seconds)
- The Rampage
- Discovery (30 seconds)
- Shanghai Lullaby (30 seconds)
- Somewhere (30 seconds)
- Insider (c)
- Big Talk (full)
- Eventide (30 seconds)
- Murder Files (30 seconds)
- Eleventh Hour (a)
- Chasing Rainbows
- Moriarty's Lament (edit) (sting)
- Ghost (edit) (sting)
- Cop Show
- Eyes Wide Open (underscore)
- Rise
- Higher (underscore)
- City Update (sting)
- Fracture
- Drifter (underscore)
- Thieves in Suits (60 seconds)
- Moriarty's Lament (b)
- Reload
- Afterglow (30 seconds)
- In Shadows (b)
- Inspired
- House of Lightning
- Daily News (sting)
- Daily News (punctuator)
- Pure (30 seconds)
- Radiance (30 seconds)
- Glorious (30 seconds)
- The Enforcer (30 seconds)
- Electro Vendetta
- Fracture (30 seconds)
- Take You Away
- Daily News (bed)
- Inspired (30 seconds)
- Serene (30 seconds)
- Perfect Circle (30 seconds)
- The Unforgiven (b)
- Momentous
- Eventide (underscore)
- Arcadia (underscore)
- Rise (underscore)
- Electro Vendetta (30 seconds)
- Cyberthug (30 seconds)
- Olympian
- Exquisite
- Golden Dragon
- Feel Alright With You
- The Hustle (60 seconds)
- Prestige
- On the Hour (full)
- Dub Squad (30 seconds)
- Mindspace (edit) (sting)
- Code of Honour (b)
- On the Hour (bed)
- Fracture (60 seconds)
- Light the Way (underscore)
- Thieves in Suits (underscore)
- Heated Debate (sting)
- Decision Time (punctuator)
- The Hustle (30 seconds)
- Serene
- Radiance (underscore)
- Breathe (30 seconds)
- Forbidden City (30 seconds)
- Airborne (30 seconds)
- Golden Mist (a)
- Tough Streets (punctuator)
- Jetman
- Night Crawler (30 seconds)
- Golden Dragon (30 seconds)
- Insider (d)
- Momentous (30 seconds)
- Frontline (full)
- Identity Unknown (60 seconds)
- Perfect Circle
- Search and Destroy (30 seconds)
- Topical Stories (bed)
- Emperor (30 seconds)
- Cop Show (60 seconds)
- Light the Way (30 seconds)
- Showdown
- Somewhere
- Exquisite (underscore)
- Live and Direct (punctuator)
- Art of Xen (percussion only)
- Crystal Dawn (30 seconds)
- The World Today (punctuator)
- The Unforgiven (c)
- Hero (30 seconds)
- Chasing Rainbows (30 seconds)
- Living Plus (underscore)
- Dune
- Vanished
- Heated Debate (bed)
- Serene (underscore)
- Art of Xen (30 seconds)
- Thieves in Suits (30 seconds)
- Crystallise (underscore)
- On the Hour (sting)
- Drifter (30 seconds)
- Discovery (underscore)
- Emperor
- Decision Time (full)
- Eden
- Waking Up (underscore)
- Prestige (underscore)
- Thunderlust
- Glorious
- Eyes Wide Open
- Thieves in Suits
- Prestige (30 seconds)
- Jetman (30 seconds)
- Dub Squad
- Bounty Hunter
- Wonderful
- Breathe
- Living Plus (30 seconds)
- Living Plus
- Future Sun
- Red Alert (sting)
- Decision Time (sting)
- The Con (30 seconds)
- Vanished (60 seconds)
- Frontline (sting)
- Crystallise
- Patience (30 seconds)
- The Hustle
- Echoes of Light
- Cyberthug
- Pure (underscore)
- Golden Mist (b)
- Frontline (bed)
- Art of Xen
- The World Today (full)
- Time Bomb
- D.O. a (30 seconds)
- Search and Destroy
- Ghost (b)
- In Shadows (edit) (sting)
- Dune (30 seconds)
- Night Crawler
- Afterglow
- Kissed
- Come Save Me
- Momentous (underscore)
- Ray of Sunshine
- Echoes of Light (30 seconds)
- Identity Unknown
- Lift You Up
- Bounty Hunter (30 seconds)
- Waking Up (30 seconds)
- Chasing Rainbows (underscore)
- The Con
- Blood on the Canvas (edit) (sting)
- Big Talk (punctuator)
- Cop Show (30 seconds)
- Live and Direct (bed)
- The Unforgiven (a)
- City Update (full)
- Predator (30 seconds)
- Eleventh Hour (edit) (sting)
- Topical Stories (punctuator)
- Frontline (punctuator)
- Tough Streets (bed)
- Bliss
- Hero
- Shanghai Lullaby
- Breathe (underscore)
- Eleventh Hour (b)
- Red Alert (full)
- Seppuku
- China Mist
- Drifter
- Heavenly
- Sky Bar
- Arcadia
- Eventide
- Blood on the Canvas (b)
- Stargazer (30 seconds)
- Vanished (underscore)
- Ghost (a)
- Echoes of Light (underscore)
- Code of Honour (edit) (sting)
- Forever (underscore)
- The World Today (bed)
- House of Lightning (30 seconds)
- Reload (60 seconds)
- Crystallise (30 seconds)
- Higher (30 seconds)
- Spooks (30 seconds)
- Seppuku (30 seconds)
- Insider (a)
- Topical Stories (sting)
- Airborne
- New Horizons (30 seconds)
- Kissed (underscore)
- Supernova
- Identity Unknown (30 seconds)
- Future Proof (a) (main)
- Solitude (main)
- Last Summer (main)
- Home Free (b) (underscore)
- Silver Morning (underscore)
- Number 13 (underscore)
- Diamonds and Pearls (main)
- Something Bad (main)
- Wolf Moon (underscore)
- Satan's Twist (main)
- Reaching Out (30 second)
- Road to Joy (main)
- Beyond the Horizon (a) (main)
- Number 13 (30 second)
- Chocolate Box (main)
- Memory Box (underscore)
- Solar Rays (b) (underscore)
- Staying With You (b) (underscore)
- Building Bridges (underscore)
- Something Bad (30 second)
- Life Begins (a) (main)
- Sound Future (b) (underscore)
- Above and Beyond (a) (30 second)
- Never Let Go (main)
- Never Let Go (underscore)
- Sound Future (a) (main)
- Boneshaker (underscore)
- Wolf Moon (30 second)
- Dark-Hearted Man (30 second)
- Future Proof (b) (underscore)
- Coming For You Baby (30 second)
- I'm Gonna Haunt You (underscore)
- Staying With You (a) (main)
- The Devil's Bride (underscore)
- Porcelain (main)
- Coming For You Baby (underscore)
- I Don't Want You Anyway (underscore)
- Changing Times (a) (30 second)
- Changing Times (a) (main)
- Love at First Sight (main)
- Baby Where Are You? (30 second)
- Last Summer (underscore)
- A Way Through (30 second)
- A Way Through (underscore)
- Reaching Out (main)
- The Loner (underscore)
- Perfect Design (main)
- Never Let Go (30 second)
- Against the Odds (main)
- Above and Beyond (b) (underscore)
- Building Bridges (main)
- Against the Odds (30 second)
- Road to Joy (30 second)
- Hurtsville (main)
- A Way Through (main)
- Perfect Worlds (b) (underscore)
- Montmartre (main)
- Silence and Moonlight (main)
- Dark-Hearted Man (main)
- Epic Moments (30 second)
- Written in the Stars (main)
- Higher Beings (30 second)
- Hurtsville (30 second)
- Symbiosis (a) (30 second)
- Join Together (b) (underscore)
- Montmartre (underscore)
- Coming For You Baby (main)
- Solitude (underscore)
- Number 13 (main)
- Shining Light (main)
- Elegance and Emotion (main)
- Satan's Twist (30 second)
- Enchanting Evening (underscore)
- Something Bad (underscore)
- Home Free (a) (30 second)
- Days of Forever (main)
- Join Together (a) (30 second)
- Life Begins (a) (30 second)
- Perfect Design (underscore)
- Baby Where Are You? (main)
- The Loner (main)
- First days of Spring (underscore)
- Epic Moments (underscore)
- Epic Moments (main)
- Survival Instinct (main)
- I Don't Want You Anyway (main)
- Outlaw Blues (main)
- Days of Forever (underscore)
- Higher Beings (main)
- Perfect Worlds (a) (30 second)
- Crystal Clear (a) (30 second)
- Beyond the Horizon (b) (underscore)
- I'm Gonna Haunt You (main)
- I'm Gonna Haunt You (30 second)
- Reaching Out (underscore)
- Perfect Design (30 second)
- Elegance and Emotion (underscore)
- Building Bridges (30 second)
- Symbiosis (a) (main)
- Survival Instinct (30 second)
- Crystal Clear (a) (main)
- Dark-Hearted Man (underscore)
- Survival Instinct (underscore)
- Silver Morning (30 second)
- Written in the Stars (underscore)
- I Don't Want You Anyway (30 second)
- Memory Box (main)
- Take the Prize (underscore)
- Take the Prize (main)
- Boneshaker (main)
- First days of Spring (main)
- Sound Future (a) (30 second)
- Changing Times (b) (underscore)
- Hurtsville (underscore)
- Days of Forever (30 second)
- Against the Odds (underscore)
- Porcelain (underscore)
- Symbiosis (b) (underscore)
- Enchanting Evening (main)
- Shining Light (30 second)
- Outlaw Blues (underscore)
- Innate Perfection (main)
- Life Begins (b) (underscore)
- Satan's Twist (underscore)
- Wolf Moon (main)
- Solar Rays (a) (main)
- Future Proof (a) (30 second)
- Crystal Clear (b) (underscore)
- The Devil's Bride (main)
- Silence and Moonlight (underscore)
- Chocolate Box (underscore)
- Silver Morning (main)
- Baby Where Are You? (underscore)
- Perfect Worlds (a) (main)
- Join Together (a) (main)
- Home Free (a) (main)
- Beyond the Horizon (a) (30 second)
- Staying With You (a) (30 second)
- Solar Rays (a) (30 second)
- Innate Perfection (underscore)
- Diamonds and Pearls (underscore)
- Love at First Sight (underscore)
- Outlaw Blues (30 second)
- Above and Beyond (a) (main)
- Boneshaker (30 second)
- Written in the Stars (30 second)
- The Devil's Bride (30 second)
- Take the Prize (30 second)
- Rogue Nation
- Finding Something Special
- Timekiller
- Urban Soldiers
- Daylight Falls
- Bulletproof
- Every Cloud
- From Small Beginnings
- Buzzkill
- Your Sun Will Rise
- Kickback
- Waiting for the Morning
- Accumulator
- Aftershocks
- Galvanize
- Dead Heat
- Go for Broke
- Light Through the Trees
- Speed Freak
- Chrysalis
- Telling Stories
- Obliterator
- Perfect Light
- Scavengers
- Days of Forever
- Fresh Ideas
- Heated Debate
- Sweet Daddy
- Topical Stories
- Code of Honour
- Above and Beyond
- Future Vision
- Go Go Jitsu
- Moriarty’s Lament
- Fumbelina
- On the Hour
- Peacock Strut
- Insider
- Gum Ball
- Road to Joy
- Join Together
- Perfect Worlds
- Shining Light
- Daily News
- Sunshine Playtime
- Honey Bomb
- Home Free
- Love Hotel
- The World Today
- Red Alert
- Midnight Moves
- Human Connections
- The Boogie Man
- Groove Box
- Against the Odds
- Ghost
- Changing Times
- Written in the Stars
- Precise Patterns
- Epic Moments
- Keeping Cool
- Micro Motion
- Clowning Around
- Golden Mist
- Ultrasonic
- Kerpow
- Never Let Go
- Bossa Bang
- Staying With You
- Nice and Sprightly
- Fun at the Fair
- Eleventh Hour
- Reaching Out
- Crystal Clear
- Frontline
- City Update
- Queen of Mayfair
- Listen and Learn
- Delicious Things
- Blood on the Canvas
- Une Chic
- Symbiosis
- Let’s Go Buy Stuff
- In Shadows
- Hit the Top
- Decision Time
- Sound Future
- Big Talk
- Silver Morning
- Life Begins
- Over the Moon
- Sound of Dreams
- Kinesis
- Digital Waves
- Free Like Me
- Little Monsters
- Take the Prize
- Perfect Design
- Humble Bumble
- Future Proof
- Illuminati
- Wowsers
- D.O.A.
- The Unforgiven
- Fiddlesticks
- Survival Instinct
- Beyond the Horizon
- Mindspace
- Solar Rays
- Higher Beings
- Live and Direct
- Tokyo‐Yo
- Silver Boots
- Building Bridges
- Just Gets Better
- Tough Streets
- Loose Ends
- Delicate Dance
- Dum Dum
- Aeroglider
- A Way Through
- Free to Dream
- Frequent Flyer
- Industrious Fingers
- World of Smiles
- Super Skanking
- Time on the Edge
- Dark‐Hearted Man
- Really Something
- Candlelight
- When I Think of You
- Forever and Ever
- The Big Story
- Something Bad
- The Best Things
- Molecular Design
- My Robot Girlfriend
- Ticking Time
- Twilight World
- See You Smiling
- Wonderful Tonight
- Game of Power
- Lighten Up Your Day
- Pretty in Love
- Punked and Junked
- Living Mechanics
- Shine as Bright as You
- Shooting Star
- Feel Your Way
- Outlaw Blues
- Footloose and Free
- Hyperbole
- Weekend Starts Here
- Escape Artist
- Smile Baby
- Positive Equity
- Nitro Circus
- I Think I Like You
- Thrill Pills
- Bomb Blast
- Feel So Happy
- Getting Along
- Bandit Bop
- Beat the Odds
- Uncertainty in Sight
- It’s a Beautiful Day
- Ultimate Champions
- Our Forest
- Hurtsville
- Bop and Bounce
- Race Queen
- Back Street Elite
- Covert Warning
- The Devil’s Bride
- Bloom
- Unfolding Pressure
- Celebrity Culture
- Little Feet
- A‐List Entertainment
- Wish It Was the Summer
- Great Debate
- One Step Beyond
- New Moments
- Baby Where Are You?
- Satan’s Twist
- Coming Together
- Total Wipe Out
- Dooby Doo
- Big Society
- Boneshaker
- Happenstance
- Birth and Life
- Gonna Be Together
- Share the Feeling
- Coming for You Baby
- Spirit Me Away
- The Still of Night
- Number 13
- Big City Boys
- I’m Gonna Haunt You
- Wolf Moon
- Close Up View
- Yes Yes
- City Time‐Lapse
- Fashionista Sister
- See the Lights
- Bad Blood
- Gentle Friend
- Lemon Bop
- I Don’t Want You Anyway
- Summer Runner
- Waiting Games
- Unravel the Truth
- Alibi
- Forever and a Day
- A Light Inside
- Beneath Still Waters
- Closer to the Moment
- Innocent Man
- Relentless Data
- Cards on the Table