Music From 007: Nightfire (Soundtrack)
Penny Arcade Adventures Soundtrack
- The Precipice Calls
- The Adventure Begins!
- Peaceful Morning
- Just a Small Enemy
- Something Isn't Right
- Beware of Dark Alleys
- Parade of the Unwashed
- Dance of the FF
- Warehouse Battle
- Time to Pay the Rent
- Caravan of Broken Clowns
- Maybe We Should Try Stealth
- Send in the Clowns
- Caravan of Broken Dreams
- Big Band Battle
- The Path Is Narrow
- Here They Come
- Inmates Galore
- Not So Nice Neighbourhood
- Beyond the Gates
- Top of the Stairs
- They're Not So Tough
- Forward Ho
- Into the Breach
- Uh Oh
Mehr Songtexte

- Just Thongin' Around
- Rescuing NIghtshade
- Mr Bond, I Presume? (demo)
- Escape from Drake's Castle
- Exit, Pursued by Motorcycles
- Sleeping Dogs Theme A
- Sleeping Dogs Theme B
- Sleeping Dogs Theme C
- Sleeping Dogs Theme D
- Freeway
- Deeper & Deeper
- Man About Town
- Wei Makes His Bones
- Seven vs One
- Safecracker
- Undercover the Rules are Different
- The Clock is Ticking
- Welcome Home, Wei Shen
- And Now Things Start Getting Ugly
- Guns, Knives, & Fists
- Swept Away (a) (30)
- Swept Away
- Swept Away (b)
- Impossible Quest
- Arcturus Calls
- Born Again
- Hell Rises
- Deliciously Perky
- Farewell of Kinsmen
- Midnight Food Fight
- Walkie‐Talkie
- The Sweetest Dream
- Run Fox, Run