Album 7 (Remix)
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Emerald Hill (2 player vs. mode)
- Sonic the Hedghehog 2 - Mystic Cave
- Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Hydrocity Act 1
- Sonic Adventure 2: Pumpkin Hill (inst.)
- Animal Crossing K.K. Ska
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Kaepora Gaebora
- Legend of Zelda - Outset Island
- Nintendo 3DS - Swapnote
- Megaman 8 - Astroman
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Cornered
- Pokemon X/Y - Snowbelle City
- Pokemon X/Y - League Champion Battle
- Minecraft - Sweden
Hiveswap Friendsim (Soundtrack)
- M_o_i_s_t
- Call me Gor-Gor
- >tfw another james roach track
- Piwates ',:^]
- it be like that sometimes
- take me to clown church
- fortnite funny moments epic fails episode 413
- Old Secret
- (an ascii image of bowsette)
- idk man you name it im tired
- (this title was too long)
- turns out its like the shoe
- yall know i just do the music right
- the final clowntdown
James Roach Collection (Compilation)
- Artchop
- M_o_i_s_t
- Call Me Gor-Gor
- TFW Another James Roach Track
- Piwates
- It Be Like That Sometimes
- Take Me to Clown Church
- Fortnite Funny Moments Episode 413
- Old Secret
- Service Car
- An Ascii Image of Bowsette
- Graveyard Shift
- Clownfucker
- This Title Was Too Long
- Turns Out Its Like the Shoe
- I Guess I Do Other Stuff Now Too
- The Final Clowntdown
- END of Friendvangelion
- Worst End
- Bonus: Yeah It Is
Pesterquest Soundtrack
- Main Theme (Friendvangelion: Rebuild)
- John’s Theme (sometimes i call andrew hussie ‘andy’ and so far he hasn’t corrected me)
- Rose’s Theme (please support The Trevor Project)
- Dave’s Theme (ill probably just name this one something normal oh no aw beans)
- Dave’s other Theme (24/7 lo fi anime beats to question your sexuality to)
- Jade’s Theme (Carefree Victory (REMIX) ft. Spell‐n‐Speak)
- Kanaya’s Theme (Darling Kanaya) (von Toby Fox)
- Karkat’s Theme (CRUSTacean)
- Gamzee’s Theme (mIrAcLeS) (von Toby Fox)
- Gamzee’s Other Theme (Midnight Calliope) (von Mark J. Hadley)
- Terezi’s Theme (CH3CK TH3 M3T4D4T4)
- Equius’s Theme (Indigo Heir) (von Paul Tuttle Starr)
- Aradia’s Theme (yeah it is)
- Sollux’s Theme (KWCOM DOT WAV)
- Eridan’s Theme (THIS TIME ITS ERIDAN)
- Feferi’s Theme (Love You) (von Toby Fox)
- Jane’s Theme (i guess)
- Jake’s Theme (Riches to Ruins Movements, pt. II) (von Toby Fox)
- Roxy’s Theme (Would you believe this was for something else)
- Roxy’s Other theme (Even in Death (T’Morra’s Belly Mix)) (von Clark Powell)
- Dirk’s Theme (Unite Synchronization) (von Malcolm Brown)
- Ultimate Dirk’s Theme (Beatup) (von Clark Powell & Astro Kid)