All Hearts Go To Heaven
Mehr Songtexte
- One last Lentil
- Blues-leaf Tea
- Ri(NiBu)P / Rest in No longer Being under Pressure
- i Bought me a Catalyst
- the Meek shall Claim the Land (pts. 1 & 2)
- Blue (Leave me)
- introDuction to the Ego-driven Life
- i Didn't wanna go Home with ur Heart / why Did i not stay Shy?
- Meet me in my Sackcloth
- ur Fading from my View [ft. JB]
- i colLuded w/ u (& i'm Not sorry)
- i Didn't wanna Binge-watch my Night away / and so Why did i Anyway?
- Unlucky Emersons
- when the World is so Warm [ft. Daisy]
- uniDentified modern City [pts. 1 & 2]
- i Heard aSada aKira Laughing [pts. 3 & 4]
- Let's grow Young toGether
- Please don't take Heaven by Violence
- when U find Ur love
- the Ego-driven Life
- If i Could just Be
- i Overheard Boys talk about Dabbing as a Way to Cope with anXiety
- we All have a Lot to conSume these days (i Know, i Know)
- Meet me in the Right-side Up
- white Man
- u forGot ur chamberPot [ft. Deepak Michael Haas]
- parts Missing
- size Flatters
- Heart Martyrdom [ft. Mr. Italian, Mrs. Mexican, Mr. British, Mrs. Chinese, & Mr. American]
- Don't conceal other Heavens (corazon)
- Funky Hearts uNite (the Song on Drugs) [ft. JB & Mr. Underground]
- not quite Sure how to Title this one
- iDentify
- Love, Hate, & the War on clickBait / sweet Clickbait of Mine (plz Like this song)
- Promised land
- how Deep is ur Heart (please Open it for me) [ft. Heart on my Sleeve Boy & Silver Spoon Boy]
- naughty Baby / come to Momma come to Momma u
- one Weird old Trick that Made me Lose my Tip (and every Other thing most Precious to me in my Life)
- Sexy song
- all aLone in ConshoHocken
- Once i Wished i Were a Miyazaki Creature / Once i Used some Mandarin Lily Tangerine Poo-Pourri
- Anchor My Core
- way things Might have been
- Let's make more things Public
- What do We deServe
- gender Feary [ft. Rusty (my Disenfranchised Rustbelt Friend) & G'Angelo (God's Angel)]
- a Heartbreaking song of Staggering sadness
- Here's my outstretched Hand
- Heart adHesive Plaster
- yearnings (for What?)
- Red lentil Soup (w/ chili mint)
- he said the love of Money may include the comPulsion to inVest in the latest cryptoCurrencies
- Clubbed in a Club in a City of toMorrow
- Change chant / Pumpup Jam proMoting Change
- Some more parties in LA
- White boy [ft. 2 White Boys]
- How to be Human
- Artist statement
- Anywhere is... [ft. Ms. TTS-Reader]
- do the Walk-walk 1
- do the Walk-walk 2
- uniDentified modern City [pts. 3 & 4]
- Never Alone
- How is Everyone doing. i mean Actually Doing
- i miss Prince (may he Rest in Purple)
- Thou shalt Now kill
- Fight night (don't do it)
- Come back Cumhuriyet
- nat'nal Treasure (gimme Pleasure)
- Heartpulp poLemics (one last Let's go aWay)
- Boojee taco Ballad
- oh, the Knowledge
- Home
- What to Eat in Siem Reap
- Starbucks in Syria
- belle
- i Dated a Mainstream hashtag harlequin Model-type for 36 months & it was Not amazing. Here's why.
- More of Your Core
- i Wish i neV-
- Shopped a Lot in Shanghai
- Round & Round
- i am Not a Robot
- Malcolm X was Not a Monster / if U weren't afFluent maybe U'd make noise Too
- living on Earth
- the Sad sordid Tale of the romantic Fail betwixt the bewitched pastoral girl & sexy Paulryan
- there's a Time for Subtlety (Now is Not the Time)
- Dreams of our Times [ft. The Delay Lama]
- Busboy blues / not the Same tribe blues
- Multi-verse song by a Multi-polar Boy in a Multi-polar World in a Multi-verse Verse
- Balls blues (mutiny on D*ck) [ft. Ivania Melodiya]
- Red-felt Heart
- Friends w/o Benefits
- Passive exPerience [ft. GrrnyGrrl8789]
- a Mess of lying Trumpery
- Something Saccharine
- but it IS possible to Live like a Monk outSide a Monkestary
- 7077
- i am not at Home here [ft. Mr. Underground]
- Dance of the Heavenly Lion & Lamb (no-hands dance)
- Burnt by the Fire / Let's put on some IcyHot
- Love trumps Hate (pts. 1 & 2) [ft. Lovey (my Enfranchised Beltway Friend)]
- Momma's better
- trumptime Blues
- oh, the New
- Man Humbl'd by being comPar'd to a Worm [ft. Mr. Underground & Lil' Thing]
- i Swear i saw the Ghost of dick Cheney in a Penises-only public Restroom
- Moderate boy
- on my Window sill
- unknown Song from the Tomb of the unknown Emoboi
- Let's go aWay Once more (Goals and Dreams)
- Grace sounds Great on Paper (but What does it Mean in our Lives?)
- little Lonnie learns a Life lesson [ft. Lonnie]
- u Still might Heart me
- for eTernity
- do the Walk-walk 3 (Humans 2 the Rescue) [ft. Clim Grontley of NC-SC Line, Tumble of Rough'n'Tumble, & the Tumbleweed Boys]
- i Heard aSada aKira Laughing [pts. 1 & 2]
- Graff'ti
- Troll-ey Pole-ey / Why would u cyberSex & cyberBully me at the Same time?
- cost of Hearting
- This land is My land, This land is My land [ft. Gush Bigjaw]
- Now let us Please turn to Read proverbs 31:6-7 (KJV)
- i am a c-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n