Ivor Cutler Songtexte
Bicarbonate of Chicken
Egg Meat
Geboren am 15. Januar 1923, Gestorben am 03. März 2006
Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Volume II
- Mud
- A Great Grey Grasshopper
- Darling Will You Marry Me Twice
- A Still, Small Fly
- Deedle, Deedly, I Pass
- I Had a Little Boat
- Cockadoodledon't
- Shop Lifters
- Mary's Drawer
- I'm Happy
- I'm Going in a Field
- Go On, Jump!
- Flim Flam Flum
- Good Morning! How Are You? Shut Up!
- Last Song
- A Suck of My Thumb
- The Shapely Balloon
Velvet Donkey
- If Your Breasts
- I Got No Common Sense
- Useful Cat
- Oho My Eyes
- The Dirty Dinner
- Yellow Fly
- Mother's Love
- The Meadows Go
- Phonic Poem
- Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Volume 2: EP. 2
- Birdswing
- Nobody Knows
- Uneventful Day
- Little Black Buzzer
- Bread and Butter
- A Nuance
- Go and Sit Upon the Grass
- The Even Keel
- Pearly Gleam
- The Best Thing
- Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Volume 2: EP. 7
- Once Upon a Time
- There's Got to Be Something
- The Purposeful Culinary Implements
- Gee Amn't I Lucky
- The Curse
- I Think Very Deeply
- I, Slowly
- Sleepy Old Snake
- Titchy Digits
- The Stranger
Mehr Songtexte
- Filcombe Cottage, Dorset
- A Linnet
- Dust
- Pearly-Winged Fly
- Cage of Small Birds
- Red Admiral
- The Wasted Call
- Size 9 1/2
- A Pain in the Neck
- Snaps
- An American Drink
- One Day
- Flat Thin Chests
- A Good Girl
- A Fine Example
- Half & Half
- Do You Call That Living?
- Beyond
- To Take
- Hello Explorer!
- Oddly Comforting
- Spring Back
- The Bridge
- Her Tissues
- On Holiday
- I Give Up
- Not Asking
- A Slice of Seedcake
- My Disposition
- The Whole Forest
- Baked Beetles
- The Way Out
- By the Bush
- A Window Box
- Perverse
- Heavy Rock
- Local Creatures
- An Original Sweet
- A Kitchen Knife
- Crete/Greece
- No. I Won't
- Her Zimmer
- Just
- Naughty Sydney
- It
- The Bargain
- He Himself
- Faces of People
- The Breaking Point
- A Cosy Nest
- Singing to My Foot
- Space Sandwich
- Thursday
- Little Hetty
- It's Stupid
- Here's a Health to Simon
- Hell
- The Taste of Gunny
- A Man
- Taking Hands
- A Great Albatross
- What a Funny Room
- Not From Hens
- Out of Decency
- The Farmer's Wife
- Entities
- Ride Off
- Just Listen
- The Place
- A Blunt Yashmak
- Not Even
- Goosie
- When It Wants
- Squeaky
- One Side
- The Kiddies
- Stand Well Clear
- His Slow Hand
- Tablets
- The Specific Sundry
- Where's My Razor?
- Bets
- The Carpet
- Heptagon
- The Thatcher Generation
- Butterfly
- Just in Time
- Get Off the Road
- Uncrossing Her Legs
- My Vest
- Hummed & Hawed
- Good Morning, How Are You, Shut Up!
- A Warm Bucket
- Free Wood
- The Book
- Dolly
- Loneliness
- The River Bends
- Carry on Dancing
- Glasgow Dreamer Eps 15
- Glasgow Dreamer Eps 14
- Local Natural Sounds
- A Big Head
- Seven
- The Man With The Trembly Nose
- Rolling Pins And Rolling Pins
- Wooden Stew
- There's a Hole In My Head
- Ivor Cutler And... The Mole
- A Sheet Metal Worker Is Approached By Ivor Cutler
- Ivor Cutler And The Paperseller
- In My Room There Sits A Box (Song)
- Ivor Cutler And A Barber
- How To Make A Friend
- Fish Fright
- Scratch My Back
- Ivor Cutler And A Small Holder
- Ivor Cutler And... His Dad
- Mud (Song)
- Darling, Will You Marry Me Twice (Song)
- Ivor Cutler And... The Mermaid
- A Steady Job
- A Miner Is Approached By Ivor Cutler
- Silence
- Old Cups Of Tea
- Ivor Cutler And... A Princess
- The Hoorgi House
- Shoplifters (Song)
- I Had A Little Boat (Song)
- I'm Happy (Song)
- The Judge's Parcel
- Ivor Cutler And A Storeman
- Prince Ivor
- My Window Box