Ivor Cutler Songtexte
Bicarbonate of Chicken
Egg Meat
Geboren am 15. Januar 1923, Gestorben am 03. März 2006
Jammy Smears
- Bicarbonate of Chicken
- Filcombe Cottage, Dorset (von Phyllis April King)
- Squeeze Bees
- The Turn
- Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Volume 2: EP. II
- A Linnet (von Phyllis April King)
- Jumping and Pecking
- The Other Half
- Beautiful Cosmos
- The Path
- Barabadabada
- Big Jim
- In the Chestnut Tree
- Dust (von Phyllis April King)
- Rubber Toy
- Fistyman
- Unexpected Join
- A Wooden Tree
- When I Stand on an Open Cart
- High Is the Wind
- The Surly Buddy
- Pearly-Winged Fly (von Phyllis April King)
- Garden Path at Filcombe
- Paddington Town
- Cage of Small Birds (von Phyllis April King)
- Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Volume 2: EP. 6
- Irk
- Lemon Flower
- Red Admiral (von Phyllis April King)
- Everybody Got
- The Wasted Call (von Phyllis April King)
A Flat Man
- A Bubble or Two
- A Flat Man
- Jam
- Alone
- What Have You Got?
- What?
- Out With the Light
- I Ate a Lady's Bun
- One at a Time
- Living Donkey
- And So Do I
- Excitement
- Questionaire
- Bleeding Shoes
- A Ball in a Barrel
- Blind
- My Next Album
- Aquarium
- Flies
- The Dichotomy of Love
- Lemonade
- Birdswing
- Turn to the Right
- Empty Road at Little Bedwyn
- I Built a House
- Dumb Dames
- Jackfish
- The Bowling Green
- Between Two Walls
- Patronage
- One of the Best
- Search for Grace
- A Romantic Man
- True Courage
- Knocking at My Door
- Moist Flier
- Old Boots
- The Long Way
- Your Smell
- Fish
- Shoes
- Deductive Lepidopteron
- Stubborn Vassals
- Filcombe Cottage Brook
- Gorbals 1930
- British Museum
- Smack!
- EP.1. Doing the Bathroom
An Elpee and Two Epees (Compilation)
- Here's a Health for Simon
- Size 9½
- Pickle Your Knees
- Mary Is a Cow
- Gravity Begins at Home
- A Cowpuncher and a Bird
- The Boo-Boo Bird
- Steady Job
- The Obliging Fairy
- First Love
- Who Tore Your Trousers James
- Are You Alright Jack
- A Red Flower
- Do You Ever Feel Lonely
- A Warning to the Flies
- Grass Seed
- The Market Place
- A Tooth Song
- Egg Meat
- Muscular Tree
- The Handymen
- Sh Chi
- Stick Out Your Chest
- Turkish Bath Play
- There's a Turtle in My Soup
- Gruts For Tea
- Get Away From the Wall
- The Tureen
- Solo on Mbira (Bikembe) in 5:3 Time
- Dad's Lapse
- I Worn My Elbows
- Hair Grips
- I Believe in Bugs
- Fremsley
- Goozeberries and Bilberries
- Time
- I'm Walking to a Farm
- The Railway Sleepers
- Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Vol. 2 Ep. 1
- Three Sisters
- Baby Sits
- Not Big Enough
- A Barrel of Nails
- Men
- Trouble Trouble
- I Love You
- Vein Girl
- Five Wise Saws
- Life in a Scotch Sitting Room
- The Painful League
- Piano Tuner Song 2000 AD
- Self Knowledge
- An Old Oak Tree
- The Aimless Dawnrunner
- Face Like a Lemon
- A Bird
- A Hole in My Toe
- My Mother Has Two Red Lips
- I Like Sitting
- The Forgetful Fowl
- If Everybody
- For Sixpence
- I Used to Lie in Bed
- If All the Cornflakes
- My Sock
- When I Entered
- Two Balls
- Miss Velvetlips
- Lean
- Fur Coat
- The Darkness
- A Beautiful Woman
- Making Tidy