Ian Martyn Songtexte
Geboren am 21. April 1986
The 34518s
The Bwak Choir
Darby & Ian
The Deadliners
Dr. Zayus
Dream Hydra
The Evil Triplets
Folk Orchestra of Santa Barbara
Free The Green Beans
Gamelan Sinar Surya
Gamer Tag
Garnets of Kurgan
Glitter Fish
Illegal Operation
Insane Cup Posse
Kritter Khorus
Legend and The Seven Stars
Life Stream
Martyn & the goodsonics
Mono Twins
Na Daoine Laghairt
One Wing and The Angels
The Stop Making Sims Tour
The Tonberries
The Travelers VGM
evil moogle f
12-4: The Final 70/30 (Remix)
- Thrush, Gnome of Barovia
- Kitten Curry
- Sadness
- Secret of Life (Secret of the Forest) [From "Chrono Trigger"]
- Saint Ajora Rides the Waves (The Perfect Body) [From "Final Fantasy Tactics"]
- Uwa!! Where Are Ü So Temperate?
- Yossy Jam (From "Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Story")
- Secret (Of the Forest) [From "Chrono Trigger"]
- Buck to the Bumble (From "Buck Bumble")
Mitsuda Month: Video Game Music Favorites and Obscurities (Remix)
- Corridors of Time - This Really Isn’t a Paradise (From “Chrono Trigger”) [vocal Synthwave version]
- Rhythm of Red (From “The Seventh Seal: The Resurrection of the Dark Lord”) [piano version]
- A Single Light (From “Another Eden”) [acoustic version]
- King of Muscles - Emperor Theme (From “Re:volvers8”) [acoustic version]
- Schala’s Theme (From “Chrono Trigger”) [vocal synthwave version]
- A Jig at the Pub (From “Tsugunai: Atonement”) [acoustic traditional version]
- The Cloisters of Glacier and Flame (From “Graffiti Kingdom”) [Taishōgoto synthwave version]
- Epilogue - To Good Friends (From “Chrono Trigger”) [acoustic version]