Ian Martyn Songtexte
Geboren am 21. April 1986
- Balaur
- MooglePower
- The 34518s
- AstroTuna
- The Bwak Choir
- Darby & Ian
- The Deadliners
- Dr. Zayus
- Dream Hydra
- The Evil Triplets
- F-Team
- Folk Orchestra of Santa Barbara
- Free The Green Beans
- Gamelan Sinar Surya
- Gamer Tag
- Garnets of Kurgan
- Glitter Fish
- Gygax
- Iansonic
- Illegal Operation
- Insane Cup Posse
- Kritter Khorus
- Legend and The Seven Stars
- Life Stream
- Martyn & the goodsonics
- Mono Twins
- Na Daoine Laghairt
- One Wing and The Angels
- The Stop Making Sims Tour
- The Tonberries
- The Travelers VGM
- evil moogle f
12-4: The Final 70/30 (Remix)
- Thrush, Gnome of Barovia
- Kitten Curry
- Sadness
- Secret of Life (Secret of the Forest) [From "Chrono Trigger"]
- Saint Ajora Rides the Waves (The Perfect Body) [From "Final Fantasy Tactics"]
- Uwa!! Where Are Ü So Temperate?
- Yossy Jam (From "Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Story")
- Secret (Of the Forest) [From "Chrono Trigger"]
- Buck to the Bumble (From "Buck Bumble")
Mitsuda Month: Video Game Music Favorites and Obscurities (Remix)
- Corridors of Time - This Really Isn’t a Paradise (From “Chrono Trigger”) [vocal Synthwave version]
- Rhythm of Red (From “The Seventh Seal: The Resurrection of the Dark Lord”) [piano version]
- A Single Light (From “Another Eden”) [acoustic version]
- King of Muscles - Emperor Theme (From “Re:volvers8”) [acoustic version]
- Schala’s Theme (From “Chrono Trigger”) [vocal synthwave version]
- A Jig at the Pub (From “Tsugunai: Atonement”) [acoustic traditional version]
- The Cloisters of Glacier and Flame (From “Graffiti Kingdom”) [Taishōgoto synthwave version]
- Epilogue - To Good Friends (From “Chrono Trigger”) [acoustic version]