Far Off Kings
- While You Live, Shine (Seikilos)
- The King in the Mountains
- Golden Temple Gates Stand Open, Beneath the Silver Moon of Nikkal
- Lugal Praises the Gods in the Chamber of Fire
- I Summon Windhorses for the Ancestors
- Dance From Beyond the Zagros
- Seeking the Great Kings From Across the Water
- Dream Echoes of Sinstashta
The Fergana Road
- Dawning Over the Sea of Islands
- So Rode a Great Host
- The Long Road Toward the Mountains
- Over the Swaying Sea of Grass
- A Swift Wind Guides Us
- So Flows the Oxus
- Hymn of the Five Towns
- Great Mother of Night, Guard Us Well
- On the Road Through the Dead City
- Passing the Forgotten Gates
- Miners Camp
- Over the High Pass, Crowned in Ice
- A Kingdom Beyond the Trees
- The Lone Monastery
- On the Pilgrim's Road
- Snowfall on the Pass
- May the Mountain Carry Our Prayer
- Still, the Road Calls Us Home