
Hómēros Songtexte


  1. Book 16P, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  2. Book 15L, The Lord of Storm
  3. Book 02I, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  4. Book 20G, The Ranging of Powers
  5. Book 16A, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  6. Book 04I, A Bowshot Brining War
  7. Ajax defends the body of Patroklos (Menoetiades)
  8. XVIII. Gesang
  9. Book 09D, A Visit of Emissaries
  10. Book 24I, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  11. Book 19E, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  12. Book 04A, A Bowshot Brining War
  13. Book 23M, A Friend Consigned to Death
  14. Book 10 Synopsis
  15. Book 16O, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  16. XII. Gesang
  17. Book 24 Synopsis
  18. Book 09C, A Visit of Emissaries
  19. Book 8 A Day for Songs and Contests
  20. Book 20I, The Ranging of Powers
  21. End of Disc 7
  22. XI. Gesang
  23. Book 20 Synopsis
  24. Book 22G, Desolation Before Troy
  25. Achilles still mourns his friend
  26. Book 02K, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  27. Book 12I, the Rampart Breached
  28. Book 13L, Assault on the Ships
  29. Book 07D, a Combat and a Rampart
  30. Book 06J, Interludes in Field and City
  31. Book 18K, The Immortal Shield
  32. Book 19G, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  33. Book 10B, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  34. Book 24O, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  35. Book 10I, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  36. Book 20B, The Ranging of Powers
  37. Neoptolemos und Philoktet
  38. Book 4 The Truce Erupts in War
  39. Book 02D, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  40. Book 11K, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  41. Book 02L, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  42. Book 06H, Interludes in Field and City
  43. Der Tod des Hektor
  44. Book 24 Achilles and Priam
  45. Book 6 Hector Returns to Troy
  46. Book 15F, The Lord of Storm
  47. Book 01B, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  48. Book 12H, the Rampart Breached
  49. Book 5 Diomedes Fights the Gods
  50. Book 05M, a Hero Strives With Gods
  51. IX. Gesang
  52. II. Gesang
  53. Book 8 Synopsis
  54. Diomete leads the Greeks into action
  55. Book 05J, A Hero Strives With Gods
  56. Book 08A, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  57. Book 14 Summary
  58. Book 11G, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  59. Book 15E, The Lord of Storm
  60. Book 3 Summary
  61. Book 12G, the Rampart Breached
  62. Book 13N, Assault on the Ships
  63. Book 20 Portents Gather
  64. Book 10D, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  65. Book 05E, A Hero Strives With Gods
  66. Book 18A, The Immortal Shield
  67. End of Disc 5
  68. Book 12 The Cattle of the Sun, Part 1
  69. Book 23 The Great Rooted Bed
  70. Book 24H, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  71. Book 08K, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  72. Book 10C, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  73. Book 15 Synopsis
  74. Achilles and Agamemnon quarrel
  75. Die Griechen in Mysien
  76. Book 22C, Desolation Before Troy
  77. Book 23 Summary
  78. Book 11O, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  79. Rückkehr des Paris an den Trojanischen Hof
  80. Book 13P, Assault on the Ships
  81. Book 01M, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  82. End of Disc 11
  83. End of Disc 10
  84. Book 6 Synopsis
  85. Book 11C, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  86. First Zeus and then Apollo change the course of battle
  87. Book 21 Achilles Fights the River, Part 2
  88. Book 23F, A Friend Consigned to Death
  89. Book 06B, Interludes in Field and City
  90. Der Tod des Ajax
  91. Book 22F, Desolation Before Troy
  92. Book 9 The Embassy to Achilles
  93. Book 03J, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  94. Book 03E, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  95. Book 03B, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  96. Book 23L, A Friend Consigned to Death
  97. Nicht jeder will mit Freuden in den Krieg ziehen
  98. Book 9 Summary
  99. Book 05A, A Hero Strives With Gods
  100. Book 11L, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  101. Book 09M, A Visit of Emissaries
  102. Der Apfel der Eris
  103. End of Disc 3
  104. Paris zurück in Troja und die Landung der Griechen
  105. Book 08I, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  106. Book 03C, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  107. Book 2 Telemachus Sets Sail
  108. Book 00B, Prologue
  109. Book 07G, A Combat and a Rampart
  110. Book 11 Agamemnon's Day of Glory, Part 1
  111. Book 17L, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  112. Book 22 The Death of Hector
  113. Book 10 The Bewitching Queen of Aeaea, Part 1
  114. Hector is caught outside the Scaean gate
  115. Book 15B, The Lord of Storm
  116. The Road to Troy
  117. Book 12D, the Rampart Breached
  118. Book 10 Marauding Through the Night
  119. Agamemnon (Atrides) calls his council
  120. Zeus convenes the Gods in council
  121. Book 16R, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  122. Leichenspiele zu Ehren des Patroklos
  123. XIII. Gesang
  124. Book 04E, A Bowshot Brining War
  125. Book 02H, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  126. Book 17 Stranger at the Gates
  127. End Credits
  128. Book 19 Synopsis
  129. "Now all were hushed by gentle sleep subdued"
  130. Book 17O, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  131. Book 23E, A Friend Consigned to Death
  132. Book 6 The Princess and the Stranger
  133. Book 21D, The Clash of Man and River
  134. Book 05R, a Hero Strives With Gods
  135. Book 15G, The Lord of Storm
  136. Book 16E, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  137. Aphdodite and Ares wounded
  138. Book 03G, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  139. Book 19 The Champion Arms for Battle
  140. Book 15 The Prince Sets Sail for Home, Part 2
  141. Book 02F, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  142. Book 13B, Assault on the Ships
  143. Agamemnon und Iphigenie
  144. Book 06G, Interludes in Field and City
  145. Book 16 Summary
  146. Book 14D, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  147. Book 21 Achilles Fights the River
  148. End of Disc 1
  149. Book 09A, A Visit of Emissaries
  150. Book 03A, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  151. Book 18 The Beggar-King of Ithaca
  152. XVII. Gesang
  153. Athene
  154. Book 11 Summary
  155. Die Versuchung Agamemnons
  156. XXII. Gesang
  157. Book 05C, A Hero Strives With Gods
  158. Book 13 Summary
  159. Book 13G, Assault on the Ships
  160. Book 20F, The Ranging of Powers
  161. Book 23Q, A Friend Consigned to Death
  162. XXIII. Gesang
  163. Book 04D, A Bowshot Brining War
  164. Book 16F, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  165. Book 24J, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  166. Book 01F, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  167. Der Tod des Paris
  168. Book 14J, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  169. Book 01G, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  170. Der Zorn des Achill
  171. Antilochus bears the tragic news
  172. Book 18E, The Immortal Shield
  173. Book 7 Summary
  174. Book 22I, Desolation Before Troy
  175. Book 10K, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  176. Patroklos begs Achilles to be allowed to fight
  177. Book 1 Synopsis
  178. Kyknos
  179. Book 22J, Desolation Before Troy
  180. Book 14E, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  181. Paris retreats from Menelaus
  182. Book 24R, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  183. Book 01K, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  184. Book 18C, The Immortal Shield
  185. Book 13 Ithaca at Last
  186. Book 03D, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  187. Die Erbauung Trojas
  188. Priamos überzeugt die Trojaner
  189. Book 15H, The Lord of Storm
  190. Book 20J, The Ranging of Powers
  191. Book 08D, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  192. Book 17M, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  193. Book 19F, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  194. Book 12F, the Rampart Breached
  195. Book 21L, The Clash of Man and River
  196. Book 9 The Embassy to Achilles, Part 2
  197. Ajax challenges Hector
  198. Hermes, benefactor of mankind
  199. Ende
  200. Book 24N, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  201. Book 15 The Achaean Armies at Bay, Part 2
  202. Book 07J, A Combat and a Rampart
  203. Book 05O, a Hero Strives With Gods
  204. Book 14B, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  205. Book 02M, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  206. Book 00A, Introduction
  207. Book 20D, The Ranging of Powers
  208. Book 18 Synopsis
  209. Phoenix, aged warrior, replies to Achilles
  210. V. Gesang
  211. Book 23 Funeral Games for Patroclus
  212. Book 17I, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  213. Book 18 The Shield of Achilles
  214. "Such mourning was in Troy"
  215. Book 16Q, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  216. XIX. Gesang
  217. Book 16 Father and Son
  218. Book 01J, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  219. Book 19 Summary
  220. Book 24G, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  221. Book 06F, Interludes in Field and City
  222. Der Raub der Helena
  223. Book 23A, A Friend Consigned to Death
  224. Sinon und Laokoon
  225. Book 02A, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  226. Book 13 Synopsis
  227. Book 21F, The Clash of Man and River
  228. Book 05P, a Hero Strives With Gods
  229. Book 21I, The Clash of Man and River
  230. Book 11 Synopsis
  231. Book 24M, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  232. Book 15K, The Lord of Storm
  233. Penthesilea und der Tod des Thersites
  234. Book 09B, A Visit of Emissaries
  235. Book 16G, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  236. Book 11R, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  237. Book 23 Funeral Games for Patroclus, Part 2
  238. Die Trauer des Achill
  239. Book 2 The Great Gathering of Armies, Part 1
  240. Book 2 The Great Gathering of Armies, Part 2
  241. Book 14A, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  242. Book 04B, A Bowshot Brining War
  243. With the Gods retired, success is varied
  244. Book 8 A Day for Songs and Contests, Part 2
  245. Book 11I, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  246. Book 18M, The Immortal Shield
  247. Book 22 Summary
  248. Book 14 The Loyal Swineherd
  249. Book 17B, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  250. End of Disc 8
  251. X. Gesang
  252. Book 16J, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  253. Book 06K, Interludes in Field and City
  254. Book 24F, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  255. Book 23H, A Friend Consigned to Death
  256. Book 23 Synopsis
  257. Book 01N, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  258. Book 5 Summary
  259. Book 15 Summary
  260. Conclusion
  261. Book 17F, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  262. Book 23N, A Friend Consigned to Death
  263. Book 08B, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  264. Book 16K, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  265. Book 09H, A Visit of Emissaries
  266. Book 21H, The Clash of Man and River
  267. Book 12 Synopsis
  268. Book 12C, the Rampart Breached
  269. Book 13F, Assault on the Ships
  270. Paris und Helena auf Pytera
  271. Book 01I, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  272. Book 19H, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  273. Book 08G, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  274. Book 11N, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  275. Book 1 Athena Inspires the Prince
  276. Book 07H, A Combat and a Rampart
  277. Book 23P, A Friend Consigned to Death
  278. Book 08E, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  279. Book 13Q, Assault on the Ships
  280. Book 07F, a Combat and a Rampart
  281. Book 14I, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  282. Book 01O, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  283. Book 18D, The Immortal Shield
  284. Book 04C, A Bowshot Brining War
  285. Book 10J, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  286. Book 10H, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  287. Book 13J, Assault on the Ships
  288. The Background of the Odyssey
  289. Book 14 Hera Outflanks Zeus
  290. Der Untergang Trojas
  291. Book 22 Synopsis
  292. Book 22B, Desolation Before Troy
  293. End of Disc 6
  294. Book 03I, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  295. Book 04G, A Bowshot Brining War
  296. Recording Identification by Susan Sarandon
  297. Book 12E, the Rampart Breached
  298. Book 3 King Nestor Remembers, Part 1
  299. Book 10 Summary
  300. Book 3 King Nestor Remembers, Part 2
  301. Presentation
  302. Book 13H, Assault on the Ships
  303. Book 15I, The Lord of Storm
  304. Book 13C, Assault on the Ships
  305. Book 5 Synopsis
  306. Book 06E, Interludes in Field and City
  307. Der Tod des Achill
  308. Book 7 Ajax Duels With Hector
  309. Book 17K, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  310. Book 9 Synopsis
  311. Book 18L, The Immortal Shield
  312. VIII. Gesang (Vers 542 - Vers 578)
  313. Book 13I, Assault on the Ships
  314. Book 15J, The Lord of Storm
  315. Book 16D, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  316. Book 17G, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  317. Book 11J, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  318. Book 08J, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  319. Die Schlacht der Götter und der Menschen
  320. Book 12 The Cattle of the Sun, Part 2
  321. Book 02J, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  322. Book 9 In the One-eyed Giant's Cave
  323. Book 02C, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  324. End of Disc 4
  325. Book 23D, A Friend Consigned to Death
  326. Book 17 Stranger at the Gates, Part 2
  327. Book 04H, A Bowshot Brining War
  328. Book 18I, The Immortal Shield
  329. Book 24B, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  330. Book 06A, Interludes in Field and City
  331. Zeus stärkt die Trojaner
  332. Book 21 Summary
  333. Book 23K, A Friend Consigned to Death
  334. Book 10A, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  335. Book 00C, Prologue
  336. Book 01A, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  337. Book 05K, A Hero Strives With Gods
  338. Book 20 Olympian Gods in Arms
  339. Book 19C, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  340. Book 05I, A Hero Strives With Gods
  341. Book 19D, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  342. Book 17C, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  343. Book 19B, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  344. Book 18B, The Immortal Shield
  345. Book 17E, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  346. Book 17D, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  347. Priamos bei Achill
  348. Book 24A, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  349. Book 21J, The Clash of Man and River
  350. Book 17 Synopsis
  351. Die Griechen in Bedrängnis
  352. Book 01D, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  353. Book 05H, A Hero Strives With Gods
  354. Background for Iliad
  355. Book 10L, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  356. Achill und Ajax
  357. End of Disc 2
  358. Book 05S, a Hero Strives With Gods
  359. Book 08L, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  360. Book 11A, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  361. Book 19I, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  362. Book 11F, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  363. Book 17 Menelaus' Finest Hour
  364. Book 08C, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  365. Book 13A, Assault on the Ships
  366. Book 17P, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  367. Book 16H, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  368. Book 15O, The Lord of Storm
  369. Book 10 The Bewitching Queen of Aeaea, Part 2
  370. Book 14H, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  371. Book 16M, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  372. Introduction
  373. Book 11B, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  374. Book 24E, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  375. Book 15N, The Lord of Storm
  376. Book 23C, A Friend Consigned to Death
  377. Book 02S, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  378. Book 22K, Desolation Before Troy
  379. Book 2 Summary
  380. Thetis brings the armour to her son
  381. Book 18 Summary
  382. I. Gesang
  383. Agamaemnon claims Bryseis
  384. Book 09I, A Visit of Emissaries
  385. Book 22D, Desolation Before Troy
  386. Book 24C, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  387. Book 05B, A Hero Strives With Gods
  388. Book 7 Synopsis
  389. Book 18G, The Immortal Shield
  390. End of Odyssey Disc Series
  391. Book 09F, A Visit of Emissaries
  392. Book 02N, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  393. Der Tod des Patroklos
  394. Book 05D, A Hero Strives With Gods
  395. Hekabes Traum
  396. Book 09N, A Visit of Emissaries
  397. Book 4 The King and Queen of Sparta
  398. Book 01L, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  399. Book 10F, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  400. Book 11 Agamemnon's Day of Glory, Part 2
  401. Book 15 The Prince Sets Sail for Home, Part 1
  402. Book 06I, Interludes in Field and City
  403. Book 01C, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  404. Book 07I, A Combat and a Rampart
  405. Book 01E, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  406. Book 04K, A Bowshot Brining War
  407. Book 1 Summary
  408. Book 13O, Assault on the Ships
  409. Book 15D, The Lord of Storm
  410. Book 24 Summary
  411. Book 22A, Desolation Before Troy
  412. Book 08H, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  413. Book 07A, a Combat and a Rampart
  414. Book 02E, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  415. Book 05L, A Hero Strives With Gods
  416. Book 22E, Desolation Before Troy
  417. Book 07E, a Combat and a Rampart
  418. Book 14G, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  419. Book 07B, a Combat and a Rampart
  420. Book 19A, The Avenger Fasts and Arms
  421. Book 14 Synopsis
  422. Book 06D, Interludes in Field and City
  423. Book 24K, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  424. Book 24P, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  425. Zeus sends a dream to Agamemnon
  426. Book 11D, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  427. Book 04J, A Bowshot Brining War
  428. Book 15P, The Lord of Storm
  429. Book 17A, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  430. [untitled]
  431. Zeus sends Discord to the Achaian lines
  432. Book 18F, The Immortal Shield
  433. Book 20A, The Ranging of Powers
  434. Book 09O, A Visit of Emissaries
  435. Book 16 Patroclus Fights and Dies
  436. XIV. Gesang
  437. Book 04F, A Bowshot Brining War
  438. Book 02R, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  439. Book 1 The Rage of Achilles
  440. Book 01H, Quarrel, Oath, and Promise
  441. Book 09K, A Visit of Emissaries
  442. Book 22 Slaughter in the Hall
  443. Book 21K, The Clash of Man and River
  444. Book 14C, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  445. Book 09L, A Visit of Emissaries
  446. Book 02Q, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  447. Book 11M, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  448. Book 11E, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  449. Book 3 Helen Reviews the Champions
  450. Book 16B, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  451. Die Griechen sammeln sich
  452. Laertes
  453. Book 23J, A Friend Consigned to Death
  454. Book 4 Synopsis
  455. Book 05F, A Hero Strives With Gods
  456. Book 12A, the Rampart Breached
  457. Book 10E, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  458. Book 22H, Desolation Before Troy
  459. Book 21A, The Clash of Man and River
  460. Book 04L, A Bowshot Brining War
  461. Book 17 Summary
  462. Book 17J, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  463. VI. Gesang
  464. Book 15A, The Lord of Storm
  465. Book 02O, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  466. Book 16 Synopsis
  467. Book 18J, The Immortal Shield
  468. Book 11H, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  469. Book 15 The Achaean Armies at Bay
  470. XXI. Gesang
  471. XXIV. Gesang (Vers 204 - Ende)
  472. Book 23B, A Friend Consigned to Death
  473. Book 13E, Assault on the Ships
  474. Book 10G, Night in the Camp, a Foray
  475. Book 08F, The Battle Swayed by Zeus
  476. Book 20 Summary
  477. Book 02G, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  478. Book 23G, A Friend Consigned to Death
  479. Book 16S, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  480. Book 6 Summary
  481. Book 21B, The Clash of Man and River
  482. Book 17H, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  483. Der Zweikampf zwischen Paris und Menelaos
  484. The Greeks and the Trojans face each other again
  485. XVI. Gesang
  486. Book 05N, a Hero Strives With Gods
  487. Ilias 1. Gesang: Die Pest, der Groll
  488. Book 16C, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  489. Book 02T, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  490. Background for the Works of Homer
  491. Book 17 Menelaus' Finest Hour, Part 2
  492. Book 16N, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  493. Book 21 Odysseus Strings His Bow
  494. Book 13M, Assault on the Ships
  495. Book 11Q, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  496. Book 4 Summary
  497. Book 14K, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  498. Book 7 Phaeacia's Halls and Gardens
  499. Book 09E, A Visit of Emissaries
  500. Book 23O, A Friend Consigned to Death
  501. Achill und der Stromgott Skamander
  502. Book 02P, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  503. Book 16I, A Ship Fired, A Tide Turned
  504. Book 21C, The Clash of Man and River
  505. Book 16L, A Ship Fired, a Tide Turned
  506. Book 11P, Prowess and Wounds of Achaeans
  507. Book 23I, A Friend Consigned to Death
  508. Book 12B, the Rampart Breached
  509. Die List des Odysseus
  510. Book 20C, The Ranging of Powers
  511. Nestor advises conciliation with Achilles
  512. Zeus and Hera look down on Troy
  513. Book 3 Synopsis
  514. End of Disc 9
  515. Book 11 The Kingdom of the Dead
  516. Book 02B, Assembly and Muster of Armies
  517. Book 23R, A Friend Consigned to Death
  518. Book 21G, The Clash of Man and River
  519. Book 5 Odysseus - Nymph and Shipwreck, Part 2
  520. Book 05G, A Hero Strives With Gods
  521. Book 12 The Trojans Storm the Rampart
  522. Book 21 Synopsis
  523. Hephaestus forges godlike armour
  524. Book 5 Odysseus - Nymph and Shipwreck, Part 1
  525. Book 24Q, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  526. Book 2 Synopsis
  527. Book 20H, The Ranging of Powers
  528. Book 13K, Assault on the Ships
  529. Book 07C, a Combat and a Rampart
  530. Book 20E, The Ranging of Powers
  531. Book 21E, The Clash of Man and River
  532. Book 24 Peace
  533. Book 13 Battling for the Ships, Part 2
  534. Book 13 Battling for the Ships, Part 1
  535. "This is mine hour to die"
  536. Book 19 Penelope and Her Guest
  537. Book 14F, Beguilement on Mount Ida
  538. Book 09G, A Visit of Emissaries
  539. Aussetzung des Philoktet
  540. Book 13D, Assault on the Ships
  541. Book 15M, The Lord of Storm
  542. Book 05Q, a Hero Strives With Gods
  543. VII. Gesang
  544. Book 03H, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  545. Book 03F, Dueling for a Haunted Lady
  546. Book 00D, Prologue
  547. Book 06C, Interludes in Field and City
  548. Book 15C, The Lord of Storm
  549. Book 17N, Contending for a Soldier Fallen
  550. Achill mit Agamemnon versöhnt
  551. Book 8 Summary
  552. Book 8 The Tide of Battle Turns
  553. Book 24D, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  554. Book 09J, A Visit of Emissaries
  555. Botschaft der Griechen an Priamos
  556. Book 18H, The Immortal Shield
  557. Book 12 Summary
  558. Bravest Hector, moved by honour's meed
  559. Book 24L, A Grace Given In Sorrow
  560. Ilias 2. Gesang: Der Traum. Die Erprobung. Der Schiffskatalog.
  561. Ilias 3. Gesang: Eide. Mauerschau. Alexandros' und Meneláos' Zweikampf.
  562. Ilias 6. Gesang: Hektors und Andromaches Begegnung.
  563. Ilias 5. Gesang: Diomedes' Heldentat.
  564. Ilias 1. Gesang: Die Pest. der Groll.
  565. Ilias 4. Gesang: Bruch der Eide. Agamemnon mustert das Meer.
  566. Ilias 7. Gesang: Hektors und Aias' Zweikampf. Bestattung Der Toten.
  567. Book 1: Lines 636-735
  568. Book 1: Lines 1-108
  569. Der Kampf um die Mauer.
  570. Book 2: Lines 57-165
  571. Die Kundschaft des Dolon
  572. Book 1: Lines 514-635
  573. Book 1: Lines 356-513
  574. Die Gesandtschaft an Achilleus. Ihre Bitten.
  575. Die Abgebrochene Schlacht.
  576. Book 2: Lines 325-378
  577. Der Kampf um die Schiffe.
  578. Book 1: Lines 108-240
  579. Book 1: Lines 241-355
  580. Agamemnons Heldentaten.
  581. Book 2: Lines 165-324
  582. Die Verführung des Zeus
  583. Ilias 1. Gesang: Die Pest. Der Groll. (1. bis 21. Tag)
  584. Ilias 19. Gesang: Das Ende allen Grolls. (27. Tag, 4. Tag der Schlacht.)
  585. Ilias 16. Gesang: Patroklos' Tod.
  586. Ilias 10. Gesang: Die Kundschaft des Dolon. (Nacht vom 25. zum 26. Tag)
  587. Ilias 13. Gesang: Der Kampf um die Schiffe.
  588. Ilias 2. Gesang: Der Traum. Die Erprobung. Der Schiffskatalog. (22. Tag)
  589. Ilias 17. Gesang: Meneláos' Heldentaten
  590. Ilias 22. Gesang: Hektor wird getötet.
  591. Ilias 9. Gesang: Die Gesandtschaft an Achilleus. Ihre Bitten. (Abend und Nacht des 25. Tages)
  592. Ilias 21. Gesang: Die Schlacht am Fluss.
  593. Ilias 7. Gesang: Hektors und Aias' Zweikampf. Bestattung der Toten. (Abend des 22.Tages, 23. und 24. Tag)
  594. Ilias 18. Gesang: Das Schmieden der Waffen. (26. Nacht)
  595. Ilias 8. Gesang: Die abgebrochene Schlacht. (25. Tag, der zweite Tag der Schlacht)
  596. Ilias 11. Gesang: Agamemnons Heldentaten. (26. Tag, der dritte Tag der Schlacht)
  597. Ilias 12. Gesang: Der Kampf um die Mauer.
  598. Ilias 14. Gesang: Die Verführung des Zeus.
  599. Ilias 20. Gesang: Die Götterschlacht.
  600. Ilias 24. Gesang: Hektors Auslösung. (Abend des 29. Tages, 30. bis 50. Tag)
  601. Ilias 23. Gesang: Die Wettkämpfe zu Ehren Patroklos'. (27. Nacht, 28. und 29. Tag.)
  602. Ilias 15. Gesang: Der Gegenangriff bei den Schiffen.
  603. Ilias 9. Gesang: Die Gesandtschaft an Achilleus. Ihre Bitten.
  604. Ilias 4. Gesang: Bruch der Eide. Agamemnon mustert das Heer.


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