GUT Songtexte
Empire of the Centipede of Pigs and Hoes
Hypnotized Harem
Jenna Haze (You're a Pro)
Gründung im April 1991
Odour of Torture
- Wound Fuck
- Perpetual Sperm Injection
- Cuntshredder
- The Taboo Room
- Eat My Cum (Choke on Me)
- Consequence
- Dildo Delirium
- Cripple Bitch
- Triple Penetration
- Dissected Homo‐Foreskin
- Sperm Poisoning
- Grotesque Deformities
- Cunt Catheter
- Twat Amputation
- Disgusting Corpse Dissection
- Bodyscarper
- Vomitorium of Maggot‐Infested Cunts
- Drastic Dissection
- I’ll Make You Dead
- Lips – The Passage to Pleasure
- She Died With Her Legs Spread
- Faggot Colony
- Revel in Cunt Slime
- Hot Power Shower / Raping Pregnant Leather Whores
- Enbalmed in Pig Sperm
- Cock Contest
- Addicted to Animal Sex
- Gorgasmatron
- Schwanzlose Amphibie
- Caviar Dinner
- Art of Butchery
- Dykeslayer
- Anal Sushi
- Diarrhea Shower
- Defaced Slut
- Afterburner
- Knocked Out Bitch
- Confessions of a Necrophile
- Odour of Torture
Disciples of Smut
- Summoning the Befouled Servants of the Bizarre
- Smothered with Austrian Chloroform
- Disciples of Smut
- Altar of Domination
- Make ’em Cum Slowly
- Hypnotized Harem
- The Well of Ghouls
- Empire of the Centipede of Pigs and Hoes
- Anus Anubis
- Cacophonous Rites
- Dickslapped and Shrinkwrapped
- Cave of Sexual Savagery
- From Below
- Chants from the Sex Dungeon
- Diabolical Degradation
- Myth of Perversion
The Cumback 2006
- Pimptro (von GUT feat. MC Unilingus)
- Pimpin the Underground
- Jenna Haze (You’re a Pro)
- Freestyle Fuck‐O‐Rama
- Three Handsome Guys (Rock the Block) (von GUT feat. Angela Spectulum)
- Reign in Bukkake
- Let Me Be Your Sperm Factory
- Girls (Just Wanna Have Cum)
- Drink My Spit (von GUT feat. Angie Spirale)
- Mrs. Boomfuksicc
- G.U.T. Forever (von GUT feat. Willie Idol)
- Fuckology, Inc.
- Aurora Snow (You’re Not Bad, Hoe)
- Throatjob (It’s a Dirty Job, but Someone’s Gotta Do It) (von GUT feat. Anal Admiral)
- Pussy Pitch and Penis Punch
- How Low? (von GUT feat. Maria Fellatio)
- Choke on My Rock
- Nymphos Without Pants
- Anal Tambourine (von GUT feat. Willy the Kid)
- I Hate Chicks (But I Love Pussy)
- My Boner, Your Dinner
- Song for Heather
- Panzerwoman 666
- Next Level Shit
- Strap It On (outro)
- The Magic Sound of Lonely Hearts
- Making Of
- Song for Heather
The Singles Collection (Compilation)
- Art of Butchery
- Mawkish: Undead & Pulverised Vagina
- Consequence
- Wound Fuck
- Corroded in Bestialized & Gorefying Wormjizz
- They Squeal Like Pigs
- Intro / Women in Decay
- Grotesque Informities
- Dissgusting Corpse Dissection
- Bizzare Reality of Bestiality
- Hyperintestinal Vulva Desecration
- I’ll Make You Dead
- Septic Oral Sex
- Drastic Mutilation
- Confession of a Necrophil
- Spermatic Suffocation
- Sperminator
- Intestinal Cumshot
- Dead Girls Don’t Say No
- Vagina Berserker
- Pussy Grinder
- Anal Sushi
- Revel in Cunt Slime
- Fistful of Sperm
- Inverted Pussyfix
- Cripple Bitch
- Atomic Nuclear Desulation
- [unknown]
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Mehr Songtexte

- Pimtro
- Pimpin' the Underground
- Jenna Haze (You're a Pro)
- Freestyle Fuck-O-Rama
- Three Handsome Guys (Rock the Block)
- Let Me Be Your Sterm Factory
- Drink My Spit
- G.U.T. Forever
- Aurora Snow (You're Not Bad, Hoe)
- Throatjob (It's a dirty Job, but Someone's Gotta Do It)
- How Low?
- Anal Tambourine
- My Boner, Youre Dinner
- Catch Your Snatch
- Gang Scool Exam 1+
- Perpetual Sperm Injections
- Eat My Cum (Choke On It)
- Dissected Homo-Foreskin
- Vomitorium of Maggot-Infested Cunts
- I'll Make You Dead
- Lips: The Passage to Pleasure
- Hot Power Shower/Raping Pregnant Leather Whores
- Intro
- Morbid Pathology
- Drowned in Blood
- No Title
- Mawkish:Undead & Pulverised Vagina
- Corrodet in Bestilized
- Women in Decay
- Ill Make You Dead
- Drastic Mutilation
- Dead Girls Dont Say No
- Return of the Cliteating Clique
- Lips - The Passage to Pleasure
- Fruity Farzzz!!!
- I Broke My Legs at the Kamasutra Parade
- Sextravaganza Speciale
- Pimps of Gore
- Anti-PC-Crew
- Throatjob (It's a Dirty Job but Someone's Gotta Do It)
- Confessions of Necrophile
- Fuckology, Inc.
- How Low
- Gag School Exam 1+
- Public Animal No.1
- Pimptro
- Lesbo Action on the High Seas
- Strawsuckers
- Taylor Rain (You're a Freak)
- Bizarre Reality of Bestiality
- Intro/ Woman in Decay
- Bizarre Reality of Beastiality
- Smoldering Decay
- Dead Girls Don't Say No
- Mawkish: Undead & Pulverized Vagina Putrefaction in Dehydrawlic Sperm Soup
- Corroded in Bestialized & Goryfying Wormjizz
- Revel in Cuntslime
- Atomic Nuclear Desolation
- Alice Schwarz (Is Dead)
- Bathed in Virgin Blood
- Putrefaction in Dehydrawlic Sperm Soup
- Punk Ass Bitches
- Decomposed Pussy
- Real Men Cut Their Hair
- Fuck Me Deadly
- Throatjob (It’s a Dirty Job, but Someone’s Gotta Do It)
- Anti‐PC‐Crew
- Taylor Rain (You’re a Freak)