Frankie Goes to Hollywood Songtexte
The Power of Love
Two Tribes (Annihillation)
Welcome to the Pleasure Dome
Gründung im August 1982, Auflösung im April 1987
The Club Mixes 2000 (Compilation)
- Relax (Club 69 Future Anthem, Part 1)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Nalin & Kane remix)
The Power of Love (Rob Searle club mix)
- Two Tribes (Apollo Four Forty remix)
- Warriors of the Wasteland (Paralyzer’s Warriormix)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Stripped Down mix by Thomas Schumacher)
Relax (Marc et Claude’s Respect remix)
- Two Tribes (Olav Basoski Tiberium Power mix)
- Rage Hard (Kay Cee remix)
Twelve Inches (Compilation)
Mehr Songtexte
- Welcome to the Pleasure Dome
- (Tag)
- Fury
- Wish the Lads Were Here
- Two Tribes (Legend Instrumental)
- Two Tribes (Workout Instrumental)
- (Don't Lose What's Left) Of Your Little Mind
- Warriors (of the Wasteland)
- Power of Love '93
- Warriors ZCID 25
The Power of Love 2000
- [untitled]
- Two Tribes (Surrender)
- Relax (instrumental)
- Welcome to the Pleasureland
- Two Tribes (Techno)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Altered Real)
- Relax (New York Mix - The Original 12")
- Two Tribes (Teckno Prisoner feat. Adamski)
- Only Star in Heaven
- Well... / World Is My Oyster
- Wish (The Lads Were Here) / The Ballad of 32
- Two Tribes (For the Victims of Ravishment) / The Last Voice
- Is There Anybody There? (Movement 2)
- Relax (original 7")
Is There Anybody Out There? (Movement 2)
- Two Tribes ("Cowboys and Indians")
- One February Friday ("Doctors and Nurses")
- Ferry 'Cross the Mersey
- The End
- Relax (The US mix / Come Dancing)
- Relax (The single / The Act)
- Relax (The Party Trick / Acting Dumb)
- "On the Subject of Frankie Goes to Hollywood..."
- Holier Than Thou (Trapped)
- "And in at Number 35..."
- "War Is Peace..."
- "Who Then Devised the Torment..."
- Holier Than Thou (Scrapped)
- "My Uncle Is a Monster..."
- Two Tribes (Annihillation)
- Relax (International / live)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (The Soundtrack from Bernard Rose's video)
- Two Tribes (Carnarge)
- Warriors of the Wasteland (Turn of the Knife)
- Relax (club 69 Future Anthem Part1)
- Our Silver Turns to Gold (monitor mix / Ibiza sessions / May 1985)
- All
- Warriors Cassetted
- Two Tribes (Fluke's Magimix Instrumental)
- Frankie Goes to War
- Pocket Vibrator (Monitor mix/Sarm Sessions/October 1986)
- ''Pamela''
- Sufferagette City (Suffer in the City)
- Well... / The World Is My Oyster
- End I.D.
- Delirious (monitor mix / Ibiza sessions / May 1985)
- Wildlife Cassetted
- Change of Hard (Rage Hard remix DMC)
- Holier Than Thou Edit (No Rest for the Best)
- (Gap)
- (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (monitor mix / Sarm sessions / May 1986 / voiceless)
- For Heaven's Sake (Monitor mix/Wisseloord Sessions/March 1986)
- Drum Loop (Monitor mix/Wisseloord Sessions/November 1985)
- Relax (From Hard to Soft)
- Delirious (Monitor mix/Ibiza Sessions/October 1985)
- Rage Hard (Montreaux Popfest/live)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (original 7")
- Fuck Off (Monitor mix/Wisseloord Sessions/November 1985)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Pleaserfix - The original 12")
- For Heaven's Sake (monitor mix / Wisseloord sessions / March 1986)
- "Pamela"
- Watching the Wildlife (Die Letzten Der Menschheit)
- Two Tribes (Don't Want to Die)
- Our Silver Turns to Gold (Monitor mix/Ibiza Sessions/May 1985)
- Relax (Come Fighting) (MCMXCIII)
- Megamix
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Pleasurefix)
- Frankie Goes to High Bronski (DMC)
- ''Stan''
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Real Altered)
- Don't Lose What's Left - Of Your Little Mind
- ...Bang
- I Can't Get No - Satisfaction (Monitor mix/Sarm Sessions/May 1986/Voiceless)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Deep Down Bass-Ment dub)
- Rage Hard (Dirty Harry)
- Orgasm Discussion
- "Stan"
- Relax (MCMXCIII)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (The Fruitness mix) a.k.a. (The alternative)
- Rage Hard (✚) (✚✚) ✪
- Two Tribes (Keep the Peace, intro)
- Ferry Cross the Mersey (…and Here I’ll Stay)
- Don't Lose What's Left
- The World Is My Oyster (In Its 7" Form)
- Ferry Cross the Mersey (…and Here I'll Stay)
- The Soundtrack From Bernard Rose’s Video of the Welcome to the Pleasuredome
- Warriors (Attack) Seven Inch
- Warriors of the Wasteland (Attack) Seven Inch
- (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (monitor mix / Sarm sessions / May 1986 / voiceless)
- “Pamela”
- For Heaven’s Sake (monitor mix / Wisseloord sessions / March 1986)
- “Stan”
- War!
- Two Tribes (Teckno Prisoner Featuring Adamski)
- Scrapped And Trapped
- Get It On (Bang A Gong)
- Relax 89
- Relax (Man Has a Sense for the Discovery of Beauty, Part One)
- Warriors (Compacted, Extract) "The Diamond Mine..."
- ...the Factory
The Power of Love (... Best Listened to by Lovers)
- Pleasurefix
- For Heaven's Sake (Wisseloord session, March 1986)
- Two Tribes (We Don't Want To Die)
- Frankie Goes to Hollywood: History (excerpt) "Zang Tuum Interlude"
- Two Tribes (Hibakush-Ah!)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Fruit mix a cappella)
- Relax (Relax, Trevor Honey, Relax)
- Relax (I'm Impotent OK, I Can't Get It Up Anymore, I'll Talk to Pele About It)
- Relax (Sexually Awakened on Acid)
- Relax (Vasectomy Snippet)
- Relax (Frankie Goes to Dreamscape)
- Relax (Relax Don't Sue Us)
- Relax (Why Is the Pop World So Boring?)
- Relax (Relapse in Do It All)
- Relax (Cardiff S.T.D.)
- Relax (Grandpa Knows Best)
- Relax (Rejects)
- Relax (Seduction Overload)
- Relax (Frankie Goes to Amarillo)
- Relax (Don't Come)
- Relax (Realisation and the Ban)
- Relax (Putting the Balls Back Into Frankie)
- Relax (Frankie Bang! No More)
- Relax (Can't Get It Up _ The Anticlimax/)
- Warriors (End)
- Warriors (Return)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction)
- Two Tribes (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction)
- San José (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction) [Explicit]
- Warriors of the Wasteland (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction)
- Watching the Wildlife (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction)
- Black Night White Light (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction)
- Relax (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction)
- Rage Hard (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction)
- The Power of Love (Blank & Jones So80S Reconstruction)
- Relax – No 1 and Guiltless (version 2)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (A Remade World, Voiceless)
- The Only Star in Heaven (29.08.84: ’Gary’s mix’ dub bits)
- Two Tribes (Carnage 7”, Voiceless)
- War (Hide Yourself!, Voiceless)
- The Power of Love (Voiceless)
- Relax (Peter Rauhofer's Doomsday dub)
- The Only Star in Heaven (29.08.84: ’Gary’s mix’ with Keys and BD)
- Relax – No 1 and Guiltless (version 1)
- Relax (Saeed & Palash Addictive Journey)
- Relax (Come Fighting, Voiceless)
- War (Hide Yourself) / One February Friday
- Fury/Born to Run
The Power of Love (original 7” instrumental)
The Power of Love (Best Listened to by Lovers)
- Holier Than Thou, Pt. Two
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (alternative Real)
- One Bit (Wildlife Bit 1)
- Rage Hard (+)
- Holier Than Thou (Part One)
- Rage Hard (++)
- War! (Hide Yourself!)
- (Don’t Lose What’s Left) of Your Little Mind (Compacted)
- Two Tribes (Carnage 7″)
- Two Tribes (Annihilation 7″)
- One February Friday (Singlette version, Pt 3)
- War! (…and Hide)
- Watching The Wildlife (Bit 4)
- Rage Hard (++ Coda)
- War! (Hidden)
- Warriors of the Wasteland (End)
- Watching the Wildlife (Bit 1)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Urban)
- Relax (Bonus (Again))
- Warriors of the Wasteland (7″ A-Side)
- Warriors of the Wasteland (End (Compacted))
- Roadhouse Blues (Compacted)
- Born to Run (International)
- Hotter Wildlife (Watching the Wildife [Hotter])
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Fruitness)
- Watching the Wildlife (Bit 2)
- Relax (Sex mix (Edition 2))
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (The Soundtrack From Bernard Rose’s video)
- Warriors of the Wasteland (Beginning (Compacted))
- War! (Coming Out of Hiding)
- Warriors of the Wasteland (7″ B-Side)
- The Condom Mix (Wildlife Bit 3)
- Relax (Sex mix (Edition 3))
- Warriors (Of the Wasteland) (7″ B-Side)
- One February Friday (Singlette version, Pt 1)
- Warriors of the Wasteland (Return)
- Watching the Wildlife (Die Letzten Tage Der Menscheit)
- Two Bit (Wildlife Bit 2)
- Watching The Wildlife (Bit 3)
- The Only Star in Heaven (Starfix)
- Rage Hard (+++*)
- One February Friday (Singlette version, Pt 2)
- Orchestral Wildlife (Wildlife Bit 4)
- For Heaven’s Sake (Monitor mix/Wisseloord Sessions/March 1986)
- “And in at Number 35…”
- (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (Monitor mix/Sarm Sessions/May 1986/Voiceless)
- “My Uncle Is a Monster…”
- Two Tribes (Keep the Peace, intro) “On the Subject of Frankie Goes to Hollywood”
- “Who Then Devised the Torment…”
- Don't Lose What’s Left (of Your Little Mind)
- Relax (New York Mix - The Original 12″)
- San José (Blank & Jones So80S reconstruction)
- Truth and Lies
- Hibakusha
- Two Tribes (For the Victims of Ravishment), Part 2
- Two Tribes (For the Victims of Ravishment), Part 1
- Snatch of Fury (Stay) / Welcome to the Pleasure Dome
- Fury / Born to Run
- Two-Tribes
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (The Fruitness mix) aka (The Alternative)
- Zang Tuum Tumb – Bring Your Imagination
- Relax (25.12.84)
- Relax (05.01.84)
- Two Tribes (09.08.84)
- The Power of Love (25.12.84)
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome – the Event of the Decade
- And Meanwhile... Backstage
- Rage Hard (04.09.86)
- The Power of Love – Win Hearts and Minds
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome (28.03.85)
- Two Tribes (25.12.84)
- Relax – No.1 and Guiltless (version 1)
- Relax – No.1 and Guiltless (version 2)
- Rage Hard (+ ++*)
- “War Is Peace…″
- Welcome To The Pleasuredome (10.08.84: 'Pleasuredome II')
- Two Tribes (Olav Basoski's Tiberium Power Mix) (Bonus Track)
- War (17.05.84: 'War! III')
- The Only Star In Heaven (29.08.84: 'Gary's Mix' With Keys and BD)
- The World Is My Oyster (Including Well, Snatch of Fury)
- The Only Star In Heaven (29.08.84: 'Gary's Mix' Dub Bits)
- Warriors (Of The Wasteland) (Attack Mix / Feat. Gary Moore)
- Relax (original 7inch)
- Relax International
- Groove La Afrika / Relax (Mixed)
- Bang...
- Intro
- Junk Funk
- Krisco Kissess
- The Other Side Of Midnight
- Watching The Wildlife (Animal Lust)
- The Waves (Animal Fat)
- Wildlife (Voiceless)
- Welcome To The Pleasure Dome (The Soundtrack From Bernard Rose's Video)
- Welcome to the Pleasure Dome (How to remake the World)
- Rage Hard (Remix / Dub) /
- Rage Hard (Remix / Edit) / (Vocal)
- Is Anybody Out There-
- Warriors (Compacted)
- Welcome to the Pleasure Dome (The Soundtrack From Bernard Rose’s video)
- Relax (remix) [Mixed]
- Relaxxx
- Relax (David Guetta Rework) - Live At AlUla, Mixed
- Relax (David Guetta rework)
- Relax (original 7”)