Former Fat Boys Songtexte
Rocky Loves Emily
- Intro
- Makeoutparty
- Hodown
- Ice Ice Baby
- piggyback.miss.that
- My Side of the Tracks
- She's Got A Boyfriend
- She's Getting Ready
- Turn Your Music Down
- Shake Ya Ta Tas
- Duke Boy Call to Arms
- Dukes of Hazzard (Where's the Party At?)
- I'm a Dinosaurus (2005 Hard Corey Remix)
- Mismosh
- Imaginate
- (I Like) Young Girls
- Hey Ma! I'm a Rapper!
- Jimmy Stewart Rocking the Mic
- Slumber Party!
The Legend of Hard Corey
- The Legend of Hard Corey
- Seven Evil Exes - The Officially Rejected Unofficial Theme Song To Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
- She Needs A Superman
- That's What She Said
- Abduct Me
- G33k Squad - Geek Squad
- Junk Food
- Don't Tickle Me
- Play To Win - St. Mario's Fire
- Reading Rainbow
- It's Morphin' Time
- I Rule Hyrule (Super Smash Bros. Anthem)
- Dinosaurus II: The Lost World
- Revenge of the Nerds
- You Can't Call
- Shawty U My Boo - U My Main Ho
- We Eat Lots of Cereal
- Shake Yo Dicks - Hard Corey's 2011 Manthem Remix
Mehr Songtexte

- Snakes on a Plane! (The Official Unofficial Theme Song From Snakes on a Plane the Movie with Samuel L. Jackson)
- She’s Got a Boyfriend
- I’m a Dinosaurus (Roar! Roar!)
- Dukes of Hazzard (Where’d the Party Go?)
- Intro (Rocky Loves Emily)
- Nerdapalooza
- Duke Boy Call to Arms (To the General Lee)
- Sperm Donor
- The Superbunny Hop Hopity Hip
- Dear Christopher Nolan (Musical Interlude) (KENAN THOMPSON IS ROBIN!) - Reprise
- I Love Chikin! I Love Dik! - Our Theme Song For Chick-Fil-A
- Trapped Inside A Toy
- Pippa Middleton -
- Happy Thanksgiving (Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!)
- It's Yo Pot Dealer
- Going Green at the North Pole
- Bling Bling
- (Pppffbbbttt) I'm On A Boat (Outro: The T-Pain Experience is one Where You're Stuck On A Lonely Island)
- A Dinosaur Returns to Myspace
- Yeah You Could Be A Werewolf (Halloween Express)
- Casin-Ho
- (I Wanna) Michael Phelps All Over Your Face [Purple Stuff]
- Molly
- Abraham Lincoln Was No Vampire Hunter (The Greatest Song Ever)
- Anything Butt Sex
- Waffles From The Moon (aka Justin Timberlake)
- NewDitty Is Lewd Ditty (Whoopy Doop Dooo)
- Boomstick - Retchid Evil Dead Remix
- Barry White Knight In Shining Armour
- Cialis! Buy Viagra! You Won! Lose 50 Pounds Working From Home!
- The W Hotel
- Pound of Flesh (DJ Shylock Remix for the Bill Collectors Association)
- Booger Hanging Out
- Space Penguins (We Arrrgh!)
- Smashed the Homie
- G1's Rule
- I'm In The Club and I Can't Sing (But I'm Singing Anyway) (Yeah)
- 80085
- Greedo Shot First (Make Star Wars Great Again)
- Take Their Clothes Off
- Warp 9 - Star Trek Remix
- Dear Zack Snyder (I Watches The Watchmen 2)
- Being a Gentleman
- Bukowski In Love
- Jingle Bells, Batman Smells, The Joker Got Away
- Nerdvana
- Space Dinosaur
- Nerdstar (Rockstar Parody) - Post Nerdcore Remix
- Puppy Dogs, Kitty Cats, and Skunky Skunks
- Wanna Buy Beats?, Pt. 1 - 5
- She-Ra Was The Best Show Ever (Except for He-Man)
- I Play Lots Of Warcraft
- Dirty Erik's Endless Christmas Poop Song
- My Weiner (My Weiner)
- Lady Officer, I'm Lil' Wayne, You Can't Pull Me Officer
- I Got A Text
- Ytcracker Wants to Buy Some Beats
- Bee Bwaa Bwaa Bum De Dum Beep Boom
- I Want It [Gimme, Gimme] [[Toys]]
- One, Two, I Called You
- Na Na Na Na (a Theme From Batman)
- Corey, Just Because I Said I'd Pee In Your Laundry Basket Doesn't Mean I Did
- I Swear (That's Not Pee It's Jizz)
- Your Dad Found You and Your Sister's Old Porno
- A Christmas Song (My Nuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
- Get Arty: An Intro (Dear People Who Listen to this music, here is some art for you and stuff.)
- Freestyle About Sluts and Butts #469
- I Bet I Can Rip Ass For A Whole Song
- Popcorn Makes You Pregnant Eat It
- Space Chair
- Firewater
- Yay I'm Not a Daddy!
- Keep The Change (You Filthy Animal)
- I Am Zod (Superman Who?)
- For My Ninjas
- Show Me Your Breasts
- Can I See Your Biscuit Mrs. Claus (A Family Holiday Classic)
- Text Message Energize (featuring Captain Kirk)
- Ring, Ring (I Make Crack Sales)
- Jerk It
- Flicka FlIcKa Text Message
- Dear Justin Bieber You're Going One Direction (Girl I'm Still Ur Bofriend Baby as Long as You Love Me I Want Somebody to Love Yourself Cuz It's a No Brainer What Do You Mean I'm the One Girl!)
- Snakes on a Plane 2: Sharks on a Rollercoaster
- iPhones Suck
- Corey, I'm Gonna Pee In Your Laundry Basket
- Christmas Roostledoodledooster
- Smurf In My Phone
- Roostledoodledoo
- # # (Hashtag Hashtag)
- Candy Canes
- Extreme Makeover
- My Mom Was A Polar Bear (Roar)
- Blackberry Storm Song
- I Am The Kingpin (Carlton Fisk Not That Movie)
- Pimped Out and Rolling
- Let's Make a Toast
- My Balls Are In Battery Acid
- Cowboy In Wonderland Having Secks With Alice In Her Wonderland
- Bounce Like A Tigger (From 100 Acre Wood to the Hood)
- Pedophile Here (A Great Pranktone)
- Make a Slut Dance (no Cosby)
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf
- 35 Songs To Go
- Your Mom's Prolly Out Fuckin Your Friends
- You Actually Paid For This Using Your Monies, Real Money??!?! (Freestyle)
- Tweet Tweeeeeet (Twitter Song)
- Horny Like A Wolf
- Pippa Middleton Outro (Thoughts About the Monarchy and Its Place in Modern Day England)
- Yo, Yo It's Yo Grandma (Old People Calling)
- White Christmas
- How To Have Sex
- Punch You In The Face
- Wanna Buy Beats? - Part 5
- Give Us Your Money and Turn Down for What
- I Gots a RIM Job
- You Better Wake Up (This Is Your Alarm)
- The Christmas Shoes (Our NewSong is The Free Shoes Rap Remix for Jesus)
- Show Me Where Your Dick Was
- Police (I Could Do What You Do)
- Rinnnnnnnnng, Rinnnnnnnnng, Rinnnnnnnnng
- Roostledoodledoo Muthafuckers (No Seriously)
- Blackberries Suck (RIM Job)
- Wanna Buy Beats?, Pt. 1
- Mmmmm Taco Bell
- The Nooz
- One Of Your Haterz (Operator Please!)
- Check Yo Voicemail (Prolly Some Dude Looking To Bone)
- Iraq Out
- Life Is Like An Aeroplane (The Theme To Ducktails)
- Stop Fucking Me You Got A Text Message
- Maria Gonorrhea (Booty Callin)
- Dear Christopher Nolan
- William Collector Calling You
- I Got A Prince Albert
- Nerf Gun Anthem
- Download a Car (net Neutrality Forever)
- Submarine Aliens
- Wanna Buy Beats?, Pt. 4
- Check Yo Voicemail (Prolly Some Girl Looking To Bone)
- Unnnnnhhh Tone
- Oh Tannenbaum [On Your Mom]
- Wanna Buy Beats?, Pt. 2
- Wanna Buy Beats?, Pt. 3
- She Was a Ten Last Night
- Poo In My Mouth Gentlemen's Club
- Binge Drink (Fuck My Liver)
- Samuel L. Jackson Leaves Hard Corey a Voicemail
- Santa's Chimney
- Doogie Howser Theme Song (The Theme To Doogie Howser M.D.)
- Brush Yo Teeth
- Bat Suit up
- Space TV Show: The Final Frontier
- Spakes Penguins - Outtake
- My Name is Squirty Squirt (Puppy Dogs, Kitty Cats, and Skunky Skunks Intro)
- Boldly Go
- Where Are You Christmas?
- A Holiday Roostledoodledoo (Christmas Cock)
- Kill That Duck
- Oh Tannenbaum
- 1989
- I've Got A Christmas Boner
- Greedo Shot First (Make Star Wars Great Again) - Special Edition
- Ahhhnold Was Mah Daddy
- Santa Needs A Bailout (Please)
- Brush Your Teeth
- William Collector Strikes Back (Bill Collector Anthem)
- Have Hope My Friend (Herpes)
- Oh Tannenbaum (Rough Draft)