The Show
- Who We Be
- The Airport
- Leak It Out
- The Check In
- Traffic (von eMC feat. Little Brother)
- Say Now
- The Message
- Don't Give Up on Us (von eMC feat. ADI of Growing Nation)
- Git Sum (von eMC feat. Sean Price)
- We Alright
- The Interview
- eMC (What It Stand For)
- The Angry Merch Guy
- The Grudge
- Make It Better
- The Lobby
- Winds of Change
- The Show (von eMC feat. Ladybug Mecca)
- The Backstage
- Borrow You
- Once More
- U Let Me Grow
- Feel It
- Outtakes
The Tonite Show
- The Departure (skit) (von eMC feat. Masta Ace, Wordsworth & Isabelle Camenzind)
- Fly Thoughts (von eMC feat. Pearl Gates)
- The Opening (skit) (von eMC feat. Russell Peters & Tonedeff)
- The Monologue
- The Green Room (skit) (von eMC feat. DJ Danica, Pearl Gates, Masta Ace & Wordsworth)
- Stoopid (von eMC feat. B‐Real)
- The Male Groupie (skit)
- Moopies (von eMC feat. Sadat X)
- The Couch (skit) (von eMC feat. Russell Peters & Rosie Perez)
- Signtology (von eMC feat. Dion)
- Triple Threat (von eMC feat. Powermalu)
- The Car Jack (skit) (von eMC feat. Bklyn Science & Stricklin)
- It Ain't Easy (von eMC feat. Marlon Saunders)
- I Like You Like (von eMC feat. Strickie Love)
- Scream (von eMC feat. Pav Bundy)
- The Math Man (skit) (von eMC feat. Russell Peters, Annunaki & Rosie Perez)
- Numbers (von eMC feat. Xzibit)
- Tony's Room (skit) (von eMC feat. Masta Ace, Bob Power & Tony Rock)
- Spun a Web
- Away from Love
- The Closing (skit) (von eMC feat. Russell Peters & Steve "The Angry Merch Guy")
- Outtakes
Mehr Songtexte

- E.M.C. (What It Stand For?) (dirty)
- E.M.C. (What It Stand For?)
- E.M.C. (What It Stand For?) (instrumental)
- Git Some (feat. Sean Price) (dirty)
- Git Some
- Git Some (instrumental)
- Airport (skit)
- The Check In (skit)
- Traffic
- Message (skit)
- Don't Give Up on Us
- Radio Station (skit)
- Angry Mech. Guy (skit)
- Grudge
- The Lobby (skit)
- The Show
- Back Stage (skit)
- Borrow U
- Unlisted Bonus Track
- [untitled]
- Git Sum
- Turning Point
- Stay Busy
- Charly Murphie
- Firehouse Lounge
- Verified
- Body Shots
- The Coolest
- Superbowl Sunday
- New School Nursery
- Gotchu
- Sweet Potato Fries
- Moopies
- It Ain't Easy
- Stoopid
- The Departure
- Signtology
- Fly Thoughts
- Scream
- I Like You Like
- The Opening
- Triple Threat
- Tony's Room
- The Math Man
- The Couch
- Numbers
- The Male Groupie
- The Green Room
- The Car Jack
- The Closing
- Outakkes
- The Closing (skit)