Eduard Artemyev Songtexte
No Sobkach Mandjurie
Geboren am 30. November 1937, Gestorben am 29. Dezember 2022
Three Odes
- Ode #1: "Ode to the Herald of Good": A Torch
- Ode #1: "Ode to the Herald of Good": Herald of Good
- Ode #1: "Ode to the Herald of Good": Harmony of the World
- Ode #1: "Ode to the Herald of Good": Sport: You Are a Perpetual Progress
- Ode #1: "Ode to the Herald of Good": A Beauty of the Earth
- Ode #1: "Ode to the Herald of Good": Appeal
- Ode #1: "Ode to the Herald of Good": Sport: You Are a Peace
- ODE #2: "Phantom From Mongolia"
- ODE #3: "There & Here (Terzetto)"
Urga: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Mehr Songtexte
- Part XIII
- Part X
- Climbing to the Circe's Palace
- Jane's Letter
- Go to the Rescue of Oliga / "A Slave of Love" Main Theme
- Stalker - Meditation
- Meeting
- Stalker - Theme
- Le Tourbillon de L'Histoire
- Lonely Sail
- Solaris - Dream
- Solaris - Picture P. Brueghel 'Winter'
- Part III
- Solaris - ILL
- Part V
- I Wouldn't Be Changed
- Part XIV
- Who I Am?
- Part I, Bach
- Part II
- Part IV
- Part IX
- Zerkalo: 11.
- Part XI
- Part XV
- Hari's Theme
- Part XII, Bach (remix #2)
- Who Am I!
- You're Bolshevik, Pototsky?
- The Prisoner's March
- Solaris - Station
- Zerkalo: 10.
- Part VIII, Bach (remix #1)
- Stalker - They go long
- Lacrimosa
- Dedication to A. Tarkovsky
- Pototsky's Death
- Le Vent de L'Espoir (Char À Voile)
- Part XVII, Bach 2
- Stalker - Train
- Part XVI, Bach (remix #3)
- Zerkalo: 13.
- Part VI
- Children's Home
- Achille's Funeral
- Rakkans
- Zerkalo: 12.
- Solaris - Listen to Bach (The Earth)
- Part VII
- Marching / "A Slave of Love" Main Theme
- Mirror - Exodus
- Solaris - Return
- Hymn to Man
- Stalker: 1.
- Stalker: 2.
- Stalker: 3.
- Stalker: 4.
- Stalker: 5.
- Stalker: 6.
- Stalker: 7.
- Stalker - Ocean
- Main Theme -
- Zerkalo: 4.
- Zerkalo: 1.
- Zerkalo: 2.
- Zerkalo: 3.
- Zerkalo: 5.
- Zerkalo: 6.
- Zerkalo: 7.
- Zerkalo: 8.
- Zerkalo: 9.
- On the Bank of the Milky Way
- Symphony No.6 and Waltz - C Sharp Minor
- Solaris: Picture P. Brueghel “Winter”
- Zerkalo: 14.
- Solaris, Part I
- Solaris - Picture P. Brueghel ’Winter’
- Solaris - Ocean