Eduard Artemyev Songtexte
No Sobkach Mandjurie
Geboren am 30. November 1937, Gestorben am 29. Dezember 2022
A Slave of Love: Original Soundtrack from the Mosfilm Picture
- Prelude / Love Theme From Oliga
- Time for the Rest
- You’re Bolshevik, Pototsky?
- I Wouldn’t Be Changed
- The Stuff Arrived
- Start Shooting
- I Am the Idols of the Movie
- Marching / “A Slave of Love” Main Theme
- The Film of Pototsky
- To Moscow
- Pototsky’s Death
- You Are a Betrayer
- Rehearsal of the Last Shot
- Go to the Rescue of Oliga / “A Slave of Love” Main Theme
As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me (Soundtrack)
- Introduction
- In a Vagon
- The First Stop
- The Letter (Postman)
- Vagon, Night, Photo
- Arrival to the Last Station
- In the Kirk
- Welcome to Gulag
- Captives Into Mine
- Haircut (Requiem)
- Punishment
- A Polar Night
- Attempt to Escape
- Goodbye Dr. Staufer
- Getaway From Gulag
- Mirage
- Prints in Tundra and the First Tree
- Chase
- Vision of a Daughter
- A Storm
- Chase and Rescue
- In a Forest
- Road to Chukcha Settlement
- Down by the River
- Igloo Love
- The Way to Freedom
- In the Middle of Asia
- Captain Tanks Up His Car
- Bazaar
- Captain Arrives
- A Bridge
- In the Iranian Prison
- Passport
- Photoalbum
- Christmas
- Children's Choir
- Family's Meeting in the Kirk
- Finale Titles