All The Information At Hand
delayed reaction elements
- jesus, guns, ghost stories
- bare feet on lego bricks
- pure california neon
- the full gravity only later realized
- the poetry of public transportation
- a.r.n.r.
- talking about art is like puking about food
- we don't actually make anything here anymore
- there is no hand too left, no cubicle too deadly
- eagle beaks
- that's what happens to delicate things
no three men make a tiger
- init.
- if you're going to say nothing, say yo a few times first
- a fortune gone to hashed kids
- i don't know tim, i'm not the loudest guy at the fuck you contest
- reporting live from the wellspring of opinions and lost buttons
- the true story of baron vonfeedreader
- think occasionally of the uploading, of which you spare yourself the sight
- all the starving artists, eating their own hands
- waiting in line to meet steve at the crossroads, at midnight
- make noise not marketing
- pander junkies
- don't tell us what we're doing, we don't want to know
- the disgusted briefcase
- alexander the great genre switching soulsuck
- eye teeth and egos
Not What Ships Are Built For
- the nobility of being first in line
- the interworkings of the human hand
- bandaids eventually fail, but always leave a ring
- the kill tone two (edison's new filament remix)
- the blue bike
- oh brother, this is where things began to burn
- don't get all sentimental, bro
- the ghosts in this building are absolutely serious
- we once used to keep things in jars, no longer
- these things are better left on an answering machine......late