D/W/A Remix Works (Compilation)
- Thirsty (DYM remix) (von Terrolokaust)
- A Kiss Between the Eyes (DYM remix) (von vProjekt)
- I Am Unstoppable (DYM's NoiTekk Militia mix) (von CeDigest)
- Zwanziger (DYM remix) (von Detroit Diesel)
- No God (DYM remix) (von SIN D.N.A.)
- To Spread the Chaos (DYM remix) (von CygnosiC)
- See My Hate (DYM remix) (von C-Lekktor)
- Destroy Everything (DYM's Simulated Society remix) (von Latexxx Teens)
The Technocratic Deception
- The End
- Let Your Blood Run Dry
- Bring Me Down (von DYM feat. It-Clings)
- Rapture
- Tumor - Type 2
- Slave
- Techno Decepto
- What If (von DYM feat. Chiasm)
- Bit Conspiracy
- Glass Catfish
- Let Your Blood Run Dry (Grendel remix)
- Rapture (iVardensphere remix)
- Techno Decepto (vProjekt version)
- What If (Soman remix) (von DYM feat. Chiasm)
- Swarm (Mas-Si-Osare remix)
The Technocratic Exception (Remix)
- The End (Ashes Rising remix by [product])
- Let Your Blood Run Dry (Grendel remix)
- NWO (Panic Lift remix)
- Rapture (iVardensphere remix)
- Tumor (Sirus remix)
- Slave (aktivehate remix)
- Techno Decepto (vProjekt version)
- What If (Soman remix) (von DYM feat. Chiasm)
- Bit Conspiracy (Die Sektor remix)
- Glass Catfish (Trapped by Ruinizer)
Mehr Songtexte

- Automony of the Will
- Right to Fail
- EBGM (remix by PreEmptive Strike 0.1)
- Abbra Cadaver
- For Katherine
- Bender (remix by Sincere Trade)
- Martha Monoxide (remix by DYM)
- Touch (remix by C-Lekktor)
- The Invilid (remix by Amduscia)
- Government Stomp! (remix by Encephalon)
- Lude
- W.M.D.
- NeuWorldBrave (remix by Not Found)
- Autonomy of the Will (remix by Die Sektor)
- Life Sized (remix by CompUterus)
- Sin Phony (remix by Fractured)
- Bring Me Down
- What If
- Resonance
- White Light
- Devour
- Right to Fall (Let Us Fall mix by Areal Kollen)