Cloned II (Remix)
- Blackpointer
- Plasmodium
- May God Be With You
- Multicore (Disharmony remix) (von Panicforce)
- Tag ohne Gestern (Disharmony remix) (von Polygon)
- Retrospect
- Sie (dISHARMONY remix) (von Fractional)
- Subtronic
- Parting (Disharmony remix) (von Framework)
- Memoria (Disharmony remix) (von Totakeke)
- tERROR infernaliS (Disharmony remix) (von Tri-State)
- Inner Wars (Disharmony remix) (von The Last Influence of Brain)
Cloned: Other Side of Evolution (Remix)
- Mutantx (Disharmony remix) (von GrandChaos)
- Stir Up the Dust (Disharmony remix) (von Anhedonia)
- Apocalypse (Disharmony remix) (von Pecadores)
- Tuistoz Herz (Disharmony remix) (von Burzum)
- Alone (Disharmony remix) (von Empty)
- Suspection
- Bar Code (Disharmony remix) (von Flint Glass)
- Nautilus
- Zeit Zerstoert (Disharmony remix) (von Mnemonic)
- Earth (Disharmony remix) (von Sara Noxx)
- Like Falling Crystals (Disharmony remix) (von Stendeck)
- Synové Svetla (Disharmony remix) (von Tábor radosti)
- Kasida (Disharmony remix) (von Fractional)