Cutting Crew Songtexte
(I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight
I've Been In Love Before
(I Just) Died in Your Arms
No Problem Child
(She Just Happened to Be) Beautiful
Gründung 1985
Tom Arnold
Martin Beedle
Nick Van Eede
Colin Farley
Dominic Finley
Sam Flynn
Kevin MacMichael
Tony Moore
Gareth Moulton
All For You: The Virgin Years 1986–1992 (Compilation)
Any Colour
- One for the Mocking-Bird
- I’ve Been in Love Before
- Life in a Dangerous Time
- Fear of Falling
(I Just) Died in Your Arms
- Don’t Look Back
- Sahara
- It Shouldn’t Take Too Long
- The Broadcast
- For the Longest Time
- (I Just Died) In Your Arms (12″ remix)
- I’ve Been in Love Before (extended)
- One for the Mocking-Bird (extended remix)
Any Colour (Arthur Baker remix)
The Scattering
- Year in the Wilderness
- The Scattering
- Big Noise
- Everything but My Pride
- Handcuffs for Houdini
- (Between a) Rock and a Hard Place
- Tip of Your Tongue
- Reach for the Sky
- The Last Thing
- Feel the Wedge
- Binkies Return (instrumental)
- Brag
- Christians
- Card House (live)
- Contact High
- More Than a Dream (demo)
- Into the Night (demo)
- No Secrets (demo)
Compus Mentus
- No Bad Thing
- (Another One of My) Big Ideas
- Frigid as England
- Julie Don’t Dance
- If That’s the Way You Want It
- Need Someone
- Your Guess Is as Good as Mine
- Ricochet
- Sweet Auburn
- Crooked Mile
- Don’t Let It Bring You Down
- All the Way In
- Been in Luv (92)
- Everything but My Pride (92 remix)
- Open Up Your Window (demo)
- Mirror and a Blade (live)
- One for the Mockingbird (Shelly Yakus US remix)
- Any Colour (dub)
- Kites (demo)
Best of the 80’s (Compilation)
(I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight
- I’ve Been in Love Before
- One for the Mockingbird
- Rock and a Hard Place
Any Colour
- Fear of Falling
- The Broadcast
- Sahara
- Tip of Your Tongue
- Life in a Dangerous Time
- Don’t Look Back
- The Scattering
- Christians
- It Shouldn’t Take So Long
- Reach for the Sky
- If That’s the Way You Want It