Colin Meloy Sings Live!
- Devil's Elbow
- We Both Go Down Together
- Evoking a Campfire Singalong
- The Gymnast, High Above the Ground
- Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect / Dreams
- Dracula's Daughter
- Wonder
- A Brief Introduction to Shirley Collins
- Barbara Allen
- The Engine Driver
- On the Bus Mall
- A Skull, a Ship and a Sheep
- California One / Youth and Beauty Brigade / Ask
- The Bachelor and the Bride
- A Cautionary Song
- Red Right Ankle
- Bandit Queen
Colin Meloy Sings Together (Compilation)
Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey / Shirley Collins
- I Know Very Well How I Got My Name
- Pregnant for the Last Time
- Jack the Ripper
I've Changed My Plea to Guilty
- Sister I'm a Poet
- Everyday Is Like Sunday
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Charlie
- Barbara Allen
- Cherry Tree Carol
- Turpin Hero
- I Drew My Ship
Colin Meloy Sings Sam Cooke / The Kinks
Mehr Songtexte

- Devil's Elbow
- Here I Dreamt I Was an Architecht/Dreams
- Dracula's Daughter
- California One/Youth and Beauty/Ask
- Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect/Dreams
- Tristan and Iseult
- Tristan and Iseault
- Cocoon
- Nothing's Too Silly for a Decemberists Record
- Grace Cathedral Hill
- Sunshine
- Gymnast, High Above The Ground
- Prologue to the Apology Song
- Wagoner's Lad
- Nighttime (Big Star)
- [stage banter]
- Angel Won't You Call Me
- Shiny
- Make Julianne Cry
- Tristan and Iseuldt
- Sister, I'm a Poet
- California One
- Everything I Try to Do
- Sister, I'm a... and Blank
- It's Weird & Wonderful
- [encore]
- Every Day Is Like Sunday
- Leslie Ann Levine
- Southern Girls (Cheap Trick cover)
- Epilogue to the Apology Song
- Eli, The Barrow Boy
- O' Valencia
- Intro to Leslie
- Intro / There We Definitely Are
- The Apology Song
- California One - Youth And Beauty Brigade
- Cynthia Mask (Robyn Hitchcock)
- The Dulcet Tones of Chris Funk's Herdy-Gerdy
- Song For Myla Goldberg
- BJM Song
- Wooo...
- Bandit Queen (set up)
- I Dreamt I Was an Architect
- Leslie Anne Levine
- Um, Hey
- intro
- Summersong
- We Have Tricks Up Our Sleeves
- Shankill Butchers
- Los Angeles, I'm Yours
- O Valencia!
- Oceanside
- Of Angels and Angles
- California One Youth and Beauty Brigade
- When Ye Go Away (The Waterboys)
- Getting Colder, Getting Less Entertained
- Glacier Bay (Scrud Mountain Boys)
- July, July
- Youth & Beauty Brigade
- Nothing to Hold on To
- Kingdom of Spain
- Very Touching Vignettes Involving Jenny's Stuffed Animal Chewbacca
- A Song About Gymnasts, Among Other Things
- Odalisque
- Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect
- The Bandit Queen
- Cautionary Song
- The Bagman's Gambit
- Kinda Cool I Guess
- Stranded
- Have You Sent Morrissey a Copy
- Bachelor to the Bride
- Apology Song
- The Sporting Life
- Nevermind, It's in 2-2
- My Mother Was a Chinese Trapeze Artist
- Devil's Elbow / We Both Go Down Together / Engine Driver / Gymnast, High Above the Ground / Baby Song / Shankhill Butchers / Tristan and Iseult / Here I Dreamt I was an Architect / Shiny / Everything I Try to Do Nothing, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Righ ...
- Blues Run the Game (&)
- O Valencia! (false start)
- The Island: The Landlord's Daughter
- The Soldiering Life (%)
- Cupid*
- Zoot
- King of Carrot Flowers, Part 1 (#)
- Hazards of Love
- Bridges and Balloons
- Southern Girls (~)
- The Perfect Crime #2
- Oceanside >