
- Genneral Intercessions
- Holy
- Litney Of Praise
- Gloria (Festival Setting) with Refrain
- Epilogue
- Preface / Holy / Fesival Setting
- The Lord Is My Light
- Celtic Alleluia
- Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Kyrie
- Lamb Of God
- The Lords Prayer
- Lord, Have Mercy
- We Believe
- Doxology and Amen
- Gloria
- Penitential Rite
- Memorial Acclamation B
- Memorial Acclamation A
- Jesus, Lamb Of God
- Closing Lenten Gospel Dialogue
- Memorial Acclamation D
- Sprinkling Rite
- Memorial Acclamation C
- Prologue
- Dismissal Of Catechumens
- Blessing and Dismissal
- Advent Intercessions
- Preface / Holy / Festival Setting