Choristers of St. Paul's Cathedral Songtexte
Anfang 1126
Christmas Voices
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- Walmisley Magnificat in D Minor
- Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
- The Call
- Ye Holy Angels Bright
- The Ash Grove
- Faithful Shepherd Lead Me
- O For a Closer Walk With God
- The Coventry Carol
- Brother James' Air
- Feast Song for St. Cecilia
- There is a Green Hill Far Away
- Praise to the Holiest in the Height
- Ye now are sorrowful
- Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
- For The Fallen
- Linden Lee
- Nunc Dimittis in A Flat Op 6
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flock
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- Praise, My Soul, the King of heaven
- He Who Would Valiant Be
- We Three Kings
- Walmisley Nunc Dimittis in D Minor
- Lord Jesus Think on Me
- Now Thank We All Our God
- Magnificat in A flat Op 6
- Wesley Magnificat from Evening Canticles in E Major
- Blair Nunc Dimittis from Evening Service in B Minor
- Wesley Nunc Dimittis from Evening Canticles in E Major
- How Can I Keep From Singing
- Annie Laurie
- Hear my prayer
- Wood Nunc Dimittis in F
- The Lost Chord
- O Worship the King
- Christians Awake
- Brewer Nunc Dimittis from Evening Canticles in D
- Sun of My Soul
- See Amid the Winter
- Stanford Magnificat in C
- Pie Jesu
- How Blest Are They
- The Day Thou Gavest
- Unto Us A Child Is Born
- Blair Magnificat from Evening Service in B Minor
- Wood Magnificat in F
- A Gaelic Blessing
- For The Beauty Of The Earth
- Lift Thine Eyes
- Angel Voices Ever Singing
- Long Since In Egypt's Plenteous Land
- Stanford Nunc Dimittis in C
- Let The Bright Seraphim
- Brewer Magnificat from Evening Canticles in D
- Like a Mighty River Flowing
- A Cry in the Night
- The First Noël
- Mary's Boy Child
- The Virgin Had a Baby Boy
- Nova Nova
- We Three Kings of Orient
- Unto Us a Boy Is Born
- Jesu Parvule
- Greensleeves