Eight: Sabotage Live at Centro360 (Compilation)
Spundae Presents Interpretations III (Compilation)
- Time Condition (Aqua Bassino mix) (von Jeff Sharel)
- Restless (von Laurent Brondel)
- Smashed / Future Sound of Pornography (a cappella) (von Bushwacka! / Cass)
- Panikattack (von Plastikman)
- Aphrodesiac / Future Sound of Pornography (a cappella) (von Nu Mood Orchestra / Cass)
- Microgroove (von Spacejunk)
- Ladyshave (Megatron Man mix) (von GusGus)
- The Egyptian (von Bushwacka!)
- Because (The Usual Suspects mix) (von Mr.C)
- Backwards Retro (von Tom Mangan)
- Please Stay (Röyksopp remix) (von Mekon)
- Behemoth (von Charlie May)
- Mondo Scuro (von Dark Globe)
- Conapt (Fantastic dub) (von Simon Bradshaw)
- Moving With Me (von Terry Francis & Haris da Fingers)
- Shake It for Me (M.A.S. Colective Macro Sub mix) (von The Hydraulic Dogs)
- Be Wiz Me (von Ernest Saint Laurent)
- Locked in Locked On (Mr. G. mix) (von Hairy Butter)
- The Search (Weekend World remix) (von Francesco Farfa Meets The Pleasure Team)
- Mind Rewind
- Spatialize (von Excession)
- All the Freaks (Dark Globe mix) (von Cass & Slide)
- The Game (Omid's main mix) (von Omid 16B)
Mehr Songtexte

- Little Bird
- Genesis
- Please Stay
- Excession
- Ladyshave
- Aphrodesiac
- The Egyptian
- 16B
- Charlie May
- Revelations
- Smashed
- SI Brad
- Francesco Farfa Meets the Pleasure Team
- Panikattack
- DJD Presents Hydraulic Dogs
- Cass
- Ernest Saint Laurent
- Because
- Found
- Terry Francis & Haris
- Cass & Slide
- Dark Globe
- Micro Groove
- Hairy Butter
- Time Condition
- Restless
- Backwards Retro
- Emotion Surfer
- Aphrodesiac / Future Sound of Pornography (a cappella)
- Smashed / Future Sound of Pornography (a cappella)
- Moving With Me
- The Search
- The Trader
- Giant Mad World