Carl Johnson Songtexte
Animated Feature Reel (Soundtrack)
- Magic Carpet / Parting the Seas (von Carl Johnson & Mark Watters)
- Aladdin and Cassim Escape (von Carl Johnson & Mark Watters)
- Alley Talk / Guards Chase Aladdin (von Carl Johnson & Mark Watters)
- River Roo
- Piglet and Pooh Fall
- Madellaine’s Theme / Sarousche’s Theme
- Quasi Walks the Walk / To the Fair
- In the Catacombs / The Rescue of Zephyr
- Time Machine Flight
- Dinos and Black Holes
- Time Machine Returns
- Off to the Bazaar
- In the Mine
- The Flight
- The Boy and the Bear
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- Scrapbook Pages
- Pooh and Piglet Corner
- Roo Joins the Quest
- Losing the Scrapbook
- La Fidèle
- Esmeralda Dances
- Talk About Paris
- Sarousche Steals La Fidèle
- Fireside Chat
- An Ordinary Miracle
- The Circus Comes to Paris
- Chris’ Theme
- You Used Me!
- To the Barn
- Tadpole Roundup
- Overture
- Quasi Meets Madellaine
- Home
- Fa‐La‐La‐La Falling in Love
- Sarousche Confesses
- Tracking La Fidèle
- Le Jour d’amour
- I’d Stick With You
- A Night on the Town
- Sarousche Threatens Madellaine
- The Celebration