Bruno Coulais Songtexte
La Nuit
Kat and the River
Scream Faire
Les Choristes : In memoriam
Geboren am 13. Januar 1954
Wendell & Wild: Soundtrack from the Netflix Film
- Kat and the River
- The Soul Jockeys
- Raising the Dead
- Guilty
- Traitor
- Magic Cream
- Parents in the Cemetery
- Raul and Kat’s Family
- Bring Back the Dead
- Super Père Cemetery
- Sister Helley
- Scream Faire
- Manberg
- You Saw the Future
- A Vision
- Say My Name
- For Eternity
- Kat and Raul Escape and Bearz a Bub
- No No No
- How Is It Possible?
- Old Guard House
- What About Kat
- Raul and the Cream
- So Much We Love You
- Resurrection
- Your Personal Demons
- Protecting the Child
- Kind of an Expert
- Bests and Klaxons
- Sculptures and Graves
- I Need to Show You Something
- The Falling Brick
- Bad Things
- It’s Time to Test the Cream
- Mariana on the Phone
White Fang (Soundtrack)
- Castor-Gris
- Le Nom de Croc-Blanc
- Beauty Smith
- Le Combat de Croc-Blanc
- La Bête Majestueuse
- Curtis et Croc-Blanc
- Alpha
- La Vie au Village
- La Perte de la Mère
- La Meute des Loups
- L’Impuissance de Weedon
- Les Chiens de Castor-Gris
- Le Départ de Croc-Blanc
- The Town and the Bad Dog (von Gast Waltzing)
- The Beginning (von Gast Waltzing)
- The Rest, Bad Feel and Memories (von Gast Waltzing)
- Emotion and Hard Time (von Gast Waltzing)
- You Will Find a Home (von Bonnie “Prince” Billy)
Mehr Songtexte
- L'Arrivée à l'école
- Caresse sur l'océan
- Lueur d'été
- L'Incendie
- L'Évocation
- Nous sommes de fond de l'étang
- To Be By Your Side (Nick Cave)
- Masters Of The Field (Robert Wyatt)
- Northern Bound
- The Crossing
- The Highest Gander (Robert Wyatt)
- Beating Drums
- The Return Of The Cranes
- The Blue Thread
- The Red Forest (Robert Wyatt)
- Like A Breath Of Air (A Filetta)
- The Takeoff
- Amidst The Factory Smoke
- The Glider
- After The Hunt
- The Paper Parrot
- The Swans Flight
- Feathers And Stripes
- The Wounded Dove (Gabriel Yacoubs)
- Off Camera
- L'Hélicoptère
- L'École
- Piu Bella Cosa
- Everlasting Love
- La Baleine
- Hay Wadi Hay Galbi
- Joyeux Anniversaire Maman
- L'Avion
- Avalon
- No Woman No Cry
- L'abeille et les fleurs
- L'amour des escargots
- L'heure chaude
- Sous le voile de l'eau
- L'orage
- The Death of Lhakpa
- The Salt
- Tinlé and the Child
- The Night
- The Council
- The Walk
- The Songs
- The Lake
- The Ceremony
- Karma's Anger
- The Exhaustion
- Péma's Tears
- The Caravan
- The Tracks
- Tinlé's Death
- To Be by Your Side
- Masters of the Field
- The Highest Gander
- La Forêt rouge
- Comme un souffle
- La Colombe poignardée
- Dangerous
- In memoriam (a cappella)
- Epicy
- Cardinal Knowledge
- Comme un aimant : Is It Realty Home?
- L'Espoir de l'ours
- Les Choristes : Les Choristes
- The Taking Off
- Sin Arrimo
- Carresse sur l'océan
- No Tiene Telerana
- Action - Réaction
- L'Automate
- Le Pičge
- Le Plan d'attaque
- C'est la prophétie
- Color Blind
- Dream’s End
- The Fight of Stag-Beetles
- The Sacred Beetle and the Pheasant
- The Bee and the Flowers
- Under a Veil of Water
- Thunderstorm
- The Metamorphosis
- The Ladybird
- Carnivorous Plant
- Skidding
- Snail-Love
- The Warm Hour
- Night
- Head End
- Playing (piano)
- Tea Leaves - 2
- You Are Not
- In the Stone
- Wybie and Coraline
- The Message of the Mice
- The Game
- Where Did You Go
- The Kiss
- The Chimney
- The Theatre
- Another Wybie
- The Other Bedroom
- Spink and Forcibel
- The Escape
- Coraline Despair
- Tea Leaves - 1
- Trap for the Mice
- Reconciliation
- Mice Circus - 2
- Little Me
- I Knew
- Dreams
- Wybie End
- My Parents
- The Cat
- Little Door
- Bobinsky Circus
- Elle t'exploite
- Le vote à l'académie
- L'annonce funèbre
- Vois sur ton chemin - From Les Choristes
- Samba Montparnasse
- Musique d'été
- Cerf volant
- Action, réaction
- In mémoriam (a capella)