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- PyhPzy
- Pat Metheny & Charlie Haden
- Pat Razket
- PAT RIOT (DJ/Producer)
- Pat Ryan Key
- Pat the Bunny
- Pat The White
- Pata E Cumbia
- Pata Negra
- Pata Powe
- Patachou
- Patagonia Revelde
- Pataka Boys (PAV4N, Sonnyjim & Kartik)
- Pataki, Gisella
- Pataky, Attila
- Patán
- Patanchón, Daniel
- Patané, Lucy
- Pataphysics (Melbourne based hip hop/soul artist/producer)
- Patar, Wazir (Punjabi Singer and Composer)
- Patati e Patatá
- Patawawa (UK Electronic Trio)
- Patáx (Spanish jazz band)
- Patch and the Giant
- Patch the Pirate
- Patch, Bruce
- Patch, Soul
- Patchanka (A Danish band)
- Patchanka
- Patches (Belgian synth/art pop artist Lotte Lauwers)
- Patchwork Grace
- Patchworks
- Patchy Sanders
- patchymate (Hyper-pop producer)
- Paté de Fuá (Mexican Cafón/Foxtrot/Tango group)
- Patea Maori Club
- Patejdl, Vašo
- Pátek, Arnošt
- Patel, Himesh (voice actor)
- Patel, Levi (New Zealand ambient/piano/post-rock composer)
- Patel, Raag
- Patel, Vismay
- Patenbrigade: Wolff
- Patenbrigade: Wolff feat. Noxx, Sara
- Patent Ochsner (Swiss rock)
- Patent Ochsner feat. Sarda, Daniela
- Patent Pending
- Patent Pending (US bluegrass band)
- Päter
- Pater Iltis (Rock'n' Roll Band from Switzerland)
- Pater Moeskroen (Dutch folk group)
- Pater Vortex
- Patère Rose, La
- Paterlini, Fabrizio (Italian composer and pianist)
- Paterson, Ben (jazz pianist)
- Paterson, JB (Brisbane, Australia singer-songwriter)
- Paterson, Rod
- Path of Destiny
- Path of Wrath
- Path To Elda (Psychedelic rock performer)
- Path Unknown
- Pathak, Falguni
- Pathak, Shruti (Playback singer)
- Pathak, Shruti & Kamath, Naresh
- Pathetic (Experimental Electronic Artist)
- Pathetic Ordinary (Singaporean pop-punk band)
- Pathfinder (Polish power metal band)
- Pathogen (breakcore)
- Pathogen (Australian death metal band)
- Pathology (United States brutal death metal)
- Pathos
- Pathos (stoner rock band from Brazil)
- Pathos, Pathos
- Pathosray
- Paths of Possession
- Patience
- Patience (Roxanne Clifford, ex-Veronica Falls)
- Patience & Prudence
- Patience & Prudence feat. Clifford, Mike
- Patient Sixty-Seven
- Patient Zero (UK industrial/EBM)
- Patient, Patient
- Patients
- Patife, DJ
- Patillo, Leon
- PATINA (Danish indie band from 2018)
- Patinkin, Mandy
- Patiño
- Patiño Quintana
- Patio Solar
- Patito Feo
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