- O
- OO
- OO
- OOak
- OakObe
- ObeObs
- ObsOce
- Oceoch
- OchOct
- OctOde
- OdeOdo
- OdoOfa
- OfaOff
- OffO
- OOha
- OhaOiz
- OizOKA
- OlOld
- OldOle
- OleOli
- OliOli
- OliOls
- OlsOma
- OmaOml
- OmmOn
- OnOne
- OneOne
- OneOne
- OneOnl
- OnlOny
- OnyOpe
- OpeOpi
- OpiOra
- OraOrb
- OrbOrc
- OrcOre
- OreOri
- OriOrk
- OrkOro
- OrpOrr
- OrrOrw
- OrwOsb
- OsbOsk
- OskOst
- OstOth
- OthOtt
- OttOur
- OurOut
- OutOut
- OutOva
- OvaOve
- OveOwe
- OweOxb
- Oxe
- OzeOZZ
- Ovall
- Ovalle, Iván
- OVAN (Korean rapper)
- Ovations, The (US vocal group from New Jersey)
- OvDeth
- OVE (indie‐pop band from Hamburg, Germany)
- Ovejas Negras, Las
- Ovejas Negras, Las feat. Ñengo Flow
- Ovenden, Julian & McPhee, Katharine
- Ovens
- Over Easy (American DJ/Producer Duo)
- Over It
- Over My Dead Body
- Over My Dead Name
- Over October (Filipino pop/alternative rock band)
- Over the Bridge
- Over the Garden Wall (Animated TV Show)
- Over the Moon (French pop duo)
- Over the Ocean (from New York, USA)
- Over the Rhine
- Over the Wall (Glasgow, Scotland)
- Over, Lary
- Over, Lary & Darell
- Over, Lary & Ñejo
- Over, Lary, Amenazzy & Farruko
- Overall, Kassa
- Overall, Kassa feat. Brown, Danny & Wiki
- Overall, Kassa feat. Croker, Theo
- Overall, Kassa feat. Hakim, Nick & Croker, Theo
- Overall, Kassa feat. Hoard, J.
- Overall, Kassa feat. Iyer, Vijay
- Overall, Kassa feat. Lil B, Shabazz Palaces & Francis and the Lights
- Overall, Kassa feat. Mvula, Laura & Francis and the Lights
- Overboard
- Overboard (a cappella group)
- Overcast (US metalcore band)
- Overcoats
- Overcome (American christian hardcore)
- Overdawn
- Overdose (Brazilian metal band)
- Overdose TV
- OverDoz.
- Overdream (metal/rock)
- Overdrive (Swedish metal band)
- Overdrive (NWOBHM band)
- OverDrive Division
- Overdrive Orchestra
- Overdrivers
- Overflash
- Overflow (Croatian punk band)
- Overflow (South Carolina Christian pop/rock band)
- Overground (German boygroup)
- Overgrown Throne (Chapel Hill, NC punk)
- Overhand, Sam
- Overhead (French band)
- Overhead (Finnish progressive rock band)
- Overkill (US thrash metal band fronted by Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth)
- Overlake
- Overland (band featuring Steve Overland)
- Overland, Steve
- Overlanders, The
- Overload (Swiss thrash metal band)
- Overlord (Chilean melodic thrash/death metal)
- Overlorde
- Overlords, The (Danish Synth-pop / EBM / electro / techno / goa trance project)
- Overman, Charlie
- Overmars (French metal band)
- Overmaster (Power Metal, Alessandria, Piedmont, Italy)
- Overmono (brothers Tom & Ed Russell (Truss & Tessela))
- Overmono feat. St. Panther
- Overnight
- Overo
- Overpade
- overpade (michael; soundcloud)
- overpade & Ajalaii
- overpade & Morg, Captain
- overpade & Muchi
- overpade & redveil
- overpade & Senju, Lando
- overpade, skaiwater & Nimstarr
- Overpass (successor to California Punk Band 'Slovenly')
- overpass (British band, Birmingham)
- Overrides, The
- Overscene
- Overseer (English DJ/producer)
- Overseer, The (American Christian metal band)
- Overself