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- KyykZm
- Kellerman, Shawn
- Kellermann, Lone (Danish blues and rock singer and comedian)
- Kellermensch
- Kelley, Brian (Florida Georgia Line)
- Kelley, Charles
- Kelley, Charles feat. Bentley, Dierks & Paslay, Eric
- Kelley, Elijah
- Kelley, Gabriel
- Kelley, Irene
- Kelley, Josh (US pop rock/country singer-songwriter)
- Kelley, Mike (American artist)
- Kelley, Paula (American singer-songwriter)
- Kelley, Ryan
- Kelli‐Leigh
- Kellianna
- Kellie, Lauren
- Kellies, Las (Argentine post-punk band)
- Kellner (German band)
- Kellner, Mathias
- Kellogg, Britnee
- Kellogg, Lynn
- Kellogg, Stephen
- Kellogg, Stephen and the Sixers
- Kells (French metal band)
- Kells, The
- Kellum, Will (gospel singer)
- Kelly (a.k.a. Liam Sullivan, "Shoes" and "Let Me Borrow That Top")
- Kelly (German YouTuber missesvlog)
- Kelly Abarca
- Kelly Brothers, The
- Kelly Family, The
- Kelly Family, The & Keating, Ronan
- Kelly Khumalo
- Kelly Pettit
- Kelly, Aaron
- Kelly, Angelo
- Kelly, Angelo & Family
- Kelly, Ariel
- Kelly, Bev
- Kelly, Brian (composer, pianist)
- Kelly, Brian (Rock)
- Kelly, Bridget
- Kelly, Bridget feat. Lamar, Kendrick
- Kelly, Casey
- Kelly, Claire
- Kelly, Dan (Australian singer/songwriter/guitarist)
- Kelly, Dan and Alpha Males, The
- Kelly, David (production music composer)
- Kelly, David Patrick, Soo, Phillipa & Golden, Annie
- Kelly, Elizabeth Joan
- Kelly, Emmanuel
- Kelly, Erika
- Kelly, Eugene (Scottish indie rock musician)
- Kelly, Frank
- Kelly, Gene (US dancer/actor)
- Kelly, Gene & Garland, Judy
- Kelly, Gene & O’Connor, Donald
- Kelly, Gene & O’Connor, Donald
- Kelly, Gene & Reynolds, Debbie
- Kelly, Gene & Silvers, Phil
- Kelly, Gene and O’Connor, Donald
- Kelly, Grace (US jazz saxophonist, singer, and composer, born Grace Chung)
- Kelly, Grace (New Zealand born artist)
- Kelly, Grace (feat. Wong, Cory)
- Kelly, Herman
- Kelly, Ian (Canadian singer/songwriter)
- Kelly, Iggi
- Kelly, Jadea
- Kelly, Jo Ann
- Kelly, John Michael & Itoiz, Maite
- Kelly, Jonathan (Irish singer-songwriter)
- Kelly, Judah
- Kelly, Junior
- Kelly, Kate
- Kelly, Kathy (ex-member of "The Kelly Family")
- Kelly, Kimberly
- Kelly, Kristen
- Kelly, Kristen Lee
- Kelly, Laura Michelle
- Kelly, Lisa
- Kelly, Luke
- Kelly, Luke & Dubliners, The
- Kelly, Maite
- Kelly, Maite & Fischer, Helene
- Kelly, Maite & Kaiser, Roland
- Kelly, Mark (Swiss songwriter)
- Kelly, Mark (production music)
- Kelly, Mia (Canadian Folk artist)
- Kelly, Michael Patrick (Paddy Kelly of “The Kelly Family”)
- Kelly, Michael Patrick (use Paddy Kelly as artist)