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- James, Kery feat. Mac Tyer
- James, Kery feat. Médine
- James, Kery feat. Niro
- James, Kery feat. Oumar & Sam
- James, Kery feat. Rami, Leïla
- James, Kery feat. Samet, Kayna
- James, Kery feat. Sicard, Davy
- James, Kery feat. Sofiane
- James, Kery feat. Soolking
- James, Kery feat. Toma
- James, Kery feat. Vitaa
- James, Kery feat. Youssoupha et Médine
- James, Kery feat. Zaho
- James, Kevin (Australian singer, guitarist, and flautist)
- James, Kris (British singer-songwriter)
- James, Lance
- James, Latrell
- James, Leela
- James, Leela feat. Hamilton, Anthony
- James, Leela feat. Ryan, Joe, III
- James, Leon (Indian film score composer and singer)
- James, Lily
- James, Lily, Wynn, Jessica Keenan & Davies, Alexa
- James, Lily, Wynn, Jessica Keenan, Davies, Alexa & Imrie, Celia
- James, Loraine (British electronic producer and musician)
- James, Loraine feat. Baths
- James, Loraine feat. bLACK, LeE
- James, Loraine feat. Iceboy Violet
- James, Loraine feat. Nova
- James, Loraine feat. Samara, Eden
- James, Loraine feat. Stone, Xzavier
- James, Lovey (American Idol)
- James, Luke (singer / songwriter)
- James, Luke feat. Hit-Boy
- James, Lulu
- James, Marc
- James, Marianne
- James, Mark Aaron
- James, McKinley (Vintage rocker from Rochester, NY)
- James, Michael (Christian/country music artist)
- James, Mickie
- James, Mitch (hispanic american hip hop artist)
- James, Morgan
- James, Morgan (bald man)
- James, Morgan feat. Glasper, Robert
- James, Nate
- James, Nate feat. Carmen Reece
- James, Olly
- James, Parson
- James, Paul (Canadian blues guitarist)
- James, Peyton
- James, Reuben
- James, Rick (US vocalist, multi‐instrumentalist, composer & producer)
- James, Rick & Marie, Teena
- James, Rick feat. Marie, Teena
- James, Rick feat. Robinson, Smokey
- James, Rick featuring Robinson, Smokey
- James, Rick featuring Shanté, Roxanne
- James, Rick with Marie, Teena
- James, Ricky (Pop Punk)
- James, Ro
- James, Ro ((R&B singer))
- James, Rosalind
- James, Ryland
- James, Sam (folk artist)
- James, Sam (Singer / Guitarist)
- James, Samantha
- James, Samuel
- James, Sara (Polish singer of Nigerian descent, Polish representative at Junior Eurovision 2021)
- James, Sara (US Singer)
- James, Scott (UK singer-songwriter)
- James, Scott (US singer-songwriter)
- James, Seth (Texas country rock guitarist, singer/songwriter)
- James, Shawn
- James, Shawn & Shapeshifters, The
- James, Shayfer
- James, Siân
- James, Skip
- James, Sonny
- James, Steve (US folk blues musician)
- James, Steve (US house DJ/producer)
- James, Sunnery & Marciano, Ryan (duo)
- James, Sunnery & Marciano, Ryan, Martini, Bruno & Mayra
- James, Susan (singer/songwriter)
- James, Teresa, & The Rhythm Tramps
- James, Tom (producer/DJ from UK)
- James, Tommy (American musician, singer, songwriter and record producer)
- James, Tommy & the Shondells
- James, Tyler (English R&B singer)
- James, Tyson (Christian conservative hip hop artist)