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- DynDys
- DyvDzs
- Dead Suns, The
- Dead Swans
- Dead Talks (Finnish death metal group)
- Dead Tired
- Dead to a Dying World
- Dead to Fall
- Dead to Me
- Dead to This World
- Dead Tongues, The
- Dead Tooth (New York)
- Dead Trees, The
- Dead Vampires
- Dead Venus
- Dead Voices on Air
- Dead Vows
- Dead Wasteland
- Dead Weather, The
- Dead When I Found Her (electro-industrial)
- Dead Winter Carpenters
- Dead Witches
- Dead Workers Party
- Dead World
- Dead World Reclamation
- Dead Wrong (PA alt. rock band)
- Dead XIII, The
- Dead Zoo, The
- Dead-End Alley Band, The
- Dead, The (03–15 post Grateful Dead)
- DEAD:LUNG (Dubstep)
- DEAD! (UK rock band)
- Dead/Awake
- dead7 (St. Louis nu-metal band)
- Deadbeat (Canadian electronica musician)
- Deadbeat Cousins, The (Blues/rock band from Phoenix, Arizona)
- Deadbeat vs. Beaupré, Stephen
- Deadbeats (UK downtempo duo Ged Day & Damian Stanley)
- Deadbeats, The (Punk band from Melbourne)
- DeadBeatVillain
- Deadbloomer
- Deadbolt
- Deadborn
- Deadborns
- deadboy & the Elephantmen
- Deadbuttons
- Deadcrow
- DeadEye (Grateful Dead tribute band)
- Deadeye Dick
- Deadfellow
- Deadfly Ensemble, The
- Deadguy
- Deadharrie
- Deadheat
- Deadi
- Deadland Ritual
- Deadlands (Metalcore band based in Long Island, New York.)
- Deadlands (Thrash Metal from the US)
- Deadlast (Nu-metal band from Halifax, UK)
- Deadlians, The
- DEADLIFE (Future Synth artist)
- DEADLIFE feat. Hedrick, Tessa
- DEADLIFE feat. Mecha Maiko
- DEADLIFE feat. Scandroid
- Deadlights (Australian hardcore)
- Deadlights, The
- Deadline (female fronted punk rock band from London)
- Deadline (death metal from Tychy, Poland)
- Deadline (drum & bass duo from London)
- Deadline (Metal band from Pretoria, South Africa)
- Deadlines and Diamonds
- Deadlines, The
- Deadlock (German melodic death metal band)
- Deadly Apples
- Deadly Carnage (Italian post-black metal)
- Deadly Circus Fire
- Deadly Gentlemen, The
- Deadly Guns (Hardcore/gabber dj/producer Michael Augustus)
- Deadly Guns & D-Fence
- Deadly Guns & Dither
- Deadly Guns & E-Force
- Deadly Guns & F. Noize
- Deadly Sins (Italian house)
- Deadly Sins
- Deadly Snakes, The (Canadian indie rock band)
- Deadly Syndrome, The
- Deadly, Dena
- Deadman (rock band from Austin, TX)
- deadman (Japanese rock band)
- Deadman Dance
- Deadman Wonder Band feat. fade
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