B.M. Sharp Songtexte
Gründung 2005, Auflösung 2008
Music is Tight
- Sylvan
- Tmesis
- Carapace
- Paladin 2.0
- Incommunicado
- Grandee
- Wunderkind
- Confluence
- Bonhomie
- Multifarious
- Salmagundi
- Cognoscenti
- Neoteric
- Sobriquet
- Venal
- Imbroglio
- Arcane
- The Plan of an Aesthene
- This Recalcitrant Fellow
- Atwood Moves Crabwise
- Skulking in the Woods
- Puling Always
- The Impalpable Veil of Gloom
- Empyrian to Behold
- Good Morrow
- Ignorant But More Voluble
- The Naif
- Variations on a Theme
- The Olympian and the Chthonic