
Geboren am 21. August 1945, Gestorben am 08. November 2006

Mehr Songtexte

  1. Rope Down
  2. StoreHouse Shootout
  3. Three Friends Theme (instrumental)
  4. Murdering Horse Theives
  5. Murphy's Death
  6. Robo Vs. ED-209
  7. Reel
  8. Column of Sadness
  9. The Heart of Dun Huang
  10. Farewell Kind Soul
  11. Fire on the Mountain: The Ride
  12. Fire on the Mountain: Tree Chop
  13. Fire on the Mountain: Drop Off / Rascal
  14. Fire on the Mountain: Gracias
  15. Fire on the Mountain: Boots / Cruza / Cabdle
  16. Fire on the Mountain: Forever / Shutters
  17. Fire on the Mountain: Mountain Lost
  18. Fire on the Mountain: Good-bye Ol' Horse
  19. Fire on the Mountain: End Titles
  20. Flyers: Aerail Ballet
  21. Martin and Agnes Love Theme
  22. Denouement / End Titles
  23. St. Martin Leads the Way
  24. Driven From the City
  25. Cask and St. Martin
  26. Agnes's Wagon
  27. Assault on Agnes
  28. The Feast
  29. The Locket
  30. Out of the Well
  31. Palmer's Mansion / Robin Hood
  32. Fire Drill / La Crosse / Hoover Award
  33. Diceman's Dilemma / Shopping for Preppies
  34. Come F You Want To
  35. Living on the Edge
  36. Double Trouble
  37. The Diceman Cometh
  38. Dizzy's Funeral
  39. Into It
  40. Polijarny Inlet
  41. Putin's Demise
  42. Gravin Dock #4 / Two Keys
  43. Dallas' Sonar
  44. Course Two-Five-Zero / On Course
  45. 'Let Them Sing' (Hymn) / US National Command Meeting
  46. Three Days Only
  47. The Chase Begins
  48. 'Buckaroo'
  49. Jonesys' Theory
  50. Ryan Leaves to Dallas
  51. Turbulence / Chopper
  52. New Orders
  53. Red Alert
  54. A Chance
  55. 'Americans!'
  56. Konovalov's Attack
  57. 'Torpedo Impact... Now!'
  58. Torpedo, Bullets and the Cook / Kaboom!!!
  59. The New World (Hymn) / End Title
  60. Demo Theme #1
  61. Demo Theme #2
  62. Course Two-Five-Zero
  63. Finding The Disk
  64. Off the Train
  65. The Message
  66. Ryback After the Train
  67. On the Train
  68. Casey Is Back
  69. The Ghost Town
  70. Green Light to Bombers
  71. Trageting the F-117
  72. Casey on War I
  73. Casey on War II
  74. Casey on War II (alternative)
  75. Casey to the Rescue
  76. The Hostages Are Safe / Graveyard
  77. Casey Ryback
  78. The Train Is Going
  79. Family Story
  80. Choppers Are on Their Way
  81. Taking the Train
  82. Access Codes / On the Run
  83. Casey Goes Outside
  84. Casey Goes Outside (alternative)
  85. On the Roof
  86. Stealing Grazer One
  87. China Target
  88. Target Acquisition
  89. One Time Offer / The Phone
  90. Plane Target / Casey Fights
  91. Searching for Herb
  92. Searching for Herb (alternative)
  93. Dane Message
  94. Dane Message (alternative)
  95. Pentagon Threat
  96. Intruder Discovered (Roof Fight)
  97. We Got Him
  98. Dead, Not Dead (Searching Ryback)
  99. We Need a Bait / Making a Bomb
  100. The Cliff
  101. Illusion's Lake
  102. A Message From Carmen
  103. A New Unit
  104. An Ugly Planet
  105. Carmen's Departure
  106. Carmen's Shuttle Flight
  107. Dizzy's Death
  108. Fed Net #2
  109. Fed Net #3
  110. Fed Net #4
  111. Federal Network Intro
  112. Football Game
  113. Friends Vow
  114. Fun Order
  115. Live Fire Exercise
  116. Psychic Abilities
  117. Punishment: Asteroid Grazing
  118. Rasczak's Roughnecks
  119. Return To Base
  120. Rico & Dizzy
  121. Rico's Communication
  122. The Compound
  123. Ticonderoga Departure
  124. Tragedy at Buenos Aires
  125. Wargames
  126. Whiskey Outpost Rescue
  127. A Kiss in the Park (unused)
  128. Bug City
  129. Friends Vow (extended)
  130. Have Not Been To Paradise
  131. Intense
  132. Radio Shack (unused)
  133. Return to Base (extended)
  134. Rico's Roughnecks
  135. Strafing Run (unused)
  136. The Dinghy Race
  137. Wind Song
  138. Brain Bug
  139. Starship Troopers
  140. Flesh and Blood: Prelude
  141. Conan the Barbarian: Anvil of Crom
  142. The Hunt for Red October: Hymn to Red October
  143. Monsters: [untitled]
  144. A Team With Billy
  145. The Tree of Woe
  146. The Discipline of Steel
  147. Part IV
  148. Losing Carmen
  149. Time for Counterstrike
  150. M83 take 53
  151. Tango Urilla Mop-up
  152. Encounter With Rexor
  153. M52 take 82
  154. Clear the Mechanism
  155. Conan Leaves Valeria / The Search
  156. The Beginning
  157. Fantine Sells Her Hair
  158. Hot Shots! Part Deux
  159. My Name Is Murphy
  160. The Funeral (National Anthem of the Soviet Union)
  161. In the Court of King Osric
  162. The Baby
  163. The Big Chase
  164. Knocked Down
  165. The Aborigines Return
  166. M11 take 5
  167. Battle Preparations
  168. Number 2 Chair
  169. M92 alt B take 72
  170. Clarence Frags Bob
  171. Suite Of Themes
  172. Fixing Jane's Car
  173. Flight of the Intruder
  174. M62 overlay take 94
  175. Tavern Source
  176. A Perfect Game
  177. Gas Station Blow-Up
  178. Early Birds
  179. Seagal Pictures Logo Theme
  180. $90,000
  181. The Bank, Part II
  182. Valjean's Journey
  183. Mountain of Power Procession
  184. M51 take 61
  185. Attack of the Helicopters
  186. A Year Earlier...
  187. In Space
  188. Twirl
  189. Strike 3
  190. Levitation Truck
  191. The Tradition of the Games
  192. The Bank, Part III
  193. Return to the Blue Lagoon
  194. M102 take 11
  195. Quigley & Cora
  196. Klendathu Massacre
  197. Murphy Goes Home
  198. Thinking of Marius
  199. The Readcoats Move On
  200. M31 take 36
  201. Memories of the Glove
  202. M101 take 25
  203. Kids and Bugs
  204. Ambush At Planet P
  205. Orgy Fight
  206. Javert
  207. M12 take 24
  208. In the House
  209. Escape from the Tower of Set / Valeria's Gift
  210. We're Still Alive
  211. London
  212. M21 take 17
  213. The Accident
  214. End
  215. M71 alt take 90
  216. Les Miserables
  217. Anvil of Crom (by Erich Kunzel)
  218. Desert Trek
  219. Flying Bug!
  220. The Street of Deviants / Hopefuls at the Tower of Set
  221. Funeral Pyre
  222. Saving Amy / The Big Chase
  223. Fire!
  224. She's Not There
  225. M82 take 48
  226. Bugs Strike Again
  227. Big Is Better
  228. Evasion!
  229. A Lone Survivor
  230. Daryl Shot / Windmill
  231. A Message from Charity: [untitled]
  232. Marston's Attack
  233. Doom Decapitated
  234. Flight From Vigau
  235. Nuke'em
  236. Bug Threat
  237. Outside
  238. Destruction of the Roger Young
  239. M72 take 43
  240. The Truck Stops / Entering the Truck
  241. Dead Tanks
  242. Across the Board (End Credits)
  243. The Quarry
  244. Wealth Can Be Wonderful / King Osric
  245. Meeting Valeria / Stealing the Eye of the Serpent
  246. Hostilities
  247. Drive Montage
  248. Epilogue / End Titles
  249. The Death of Rexor / Conan the Assassin
  250. M86 take 74
  251. M65 take 56
  252. Civilisation
  253. Escape
  254. Robo Drives to Jones
  255. Brainy Bug
  256. An Age Undreamed of / Anvil of Crom
  257. Riders of Doom
  258. Texaco Station / Under the Truck
  259. Care Package
  260. Vanished Without a Trace
  261. Wolf Witch
  262. Gift of Fury
  263. Royus Interrupts
  264. Getting Answers
  265. The Tower of Set / Snake Attack (Las Cantigas de Santa Maria)
  266. Belle's Diner
  267. Quigley Pans Out
  268. Death and Freedom (Rejected version) / End Credits
  269. M101A overlay take 98
  270. O.C.P. Monitors
  271. Chamber of Mirrors (from Conan the Destroyer)
  272. 50 Minutes Left
  273. Battle Preparations / Battle of the Mounds, Part I
  274. Main Title, Billy Chapel Story
  275. The Arrival
  276. Part V
  277. Cosette's Farewell
  278. In the Bank
  279. OCP Monitors
  280. No Man's Land
  281. Part I
  282. Finding The (Disk)
  283. You'll Be Back
  284. Valjean and Cosette
  285. The Bodies
  286. M62 take 22
  287. Quigley Down Under: Main Title
  288. The Awakening
  289. Paris
  290. [untitled]
  291. M32 take 40
  292. Love in the Sewer
  293. Ricos Perceptional Powers
  294. M71 take 57
  295. In the Barn
  296. Fight in the Jeep
  297. The End of Thulsa Doom
  298. Matthew Quigley / End Credits
  299. Whiskey Outpost
  300. M23
  301. Orphans of Doom
  302. Caring for Fantine
  303. Looking for Me
  304. Infidels
  305. Wives Seat
  306. The Tree of Woe / Recovery
  307. Valjean's Promise
  308. The Tower of Set
  309. The Bridge
  310. Sgt. Zim
  311. Children of Doom
  312. Retreat!
  313. M22 pickup wild take 14
  314. Live Fire!
  315. I'll Be There
  316. Quigley Gets Beat Up
  317. Federal Network
  318. Heaven for Thieves
  319. Javert Suspects
  320. Directive 4
  321. Valjean's Confession
  322. Wifeing
  323. Coming Back
  324. Valjean Saves Marius
  325. Love Scene
  326. Revolution Time
  327. Death of Rexor
  328. Marston's Game
  329. Murphy Dies in O.R.
  330. Bumper #1 take 83 wild
  331. M63 take 45
  332. I Am Evil! / Hitting the Camel
  333. M24 take 29
  334. Who's With Me
  335. Anvil of Crom
  336. Death and Freedom / End Credits
  337. The Kitchen / The Orgy
  338. Car Chase
  339. Battle of the Mounds, Part II
  340. Rasczajk's Roughnecks
  341. Marius Follows Cosette
  342. The Battle of the Mounds / Resourceful Warriors
  343. Battle of the Mounds, Part III / Night of Doom
  344. Negotiating
  345. The Battle of the Mounds, Part II
  346. It's War
  347. The Roughnecks
  348. The Tavern
  349. Intro / Fed Net March
  350. Earl & Jeff
  351. Murphy's Dream
  352. Tower of Set
  353. M101A take 26
  354. Javert's Suicide
  355. M61 take 99
  356. Farewell
  357. Winter
  358. Pit Fights
  359. Stopping the Truck
  360. Jump Ball
  361. The Leaving / The Search
  362. M101B take 27
  363. The Bank, Part I
  364. Theology
  365. Battle of the Mounds
  366. An Age Undreamed of / Anvil of Crom (with Mako dialogue)
  367. Resourceful Warriors
  368. Klendathu Assult
  369. The Sheriff Arrives
  370. Jed and Matt / Bella Letter
  371. Gas Station
  372. The Discipline of Steel / What Is Best in Life
  373. Wargame Victory
  374. Conan the King / End Titles
  375. New Boyfriend
  376. The Bishop
  377. Wired
  378. The Kitchen / The Orgy / Stealing the Princess / You!
  379. Dingo Attack
  380. Marius and Cosette
  381. Bumper #2 alternate take 85 wild
  382. Head Chop
  383. Incoming!
  384. Russian Army Cadence (Solo Percussion)
  385. Missing Persons
  386. Tuttle, Parts II, Memories
  387. The Witch
  388. The Death of Fantine
  389. Under the Boat
  390. The Warning
  391. Like You Did a Million Times
  392. M93 take 76
  393. Attack of the Wolverines
  394. The Rescue
  395. The Sheriff
  396. After the Gunfight / Freedom
  397. M64 take 21
  398. Javert's Visit
  399. M81 take 44
  400. "I'll Never Leave You"
  401. Wrong Fire
  402. Showers
  403. Conan the King / End Titles (with Mako dialogue)
  404. Drop'em
  405. Have a Heart
  406. Abandon Ship!
  407. Carmen's Test Flight
  408. M85 take 50
  409. Javert Rides to Paris
  410. Wheel of Pain
  411. The Aborigines
  412. Last Dance
  413. Helpless Woman
  414. M41 Bumper take 91
  415. M101B pickup wild take 28
  416. Riddle of Steel
  417. Throwing Hard
  418. Breakfast
  419. Part III
  420. How Can You Leave Me Now
  421. Robo & Ed 209 Fight
  422. Prologue (film version) / Anvil of Crom
  423. Sky Shots / October
  424. Robocop 3
  425. Nukem
  426. The Wifeing
  427. M22 take 15
  428. Bumper #2 take 86 wild
  429. Rescue Party
  430. A Mistake
  431. The Ticonderago
  432. Theme From Les Miserables
  433. Force Shoots Robo
  434. Gladiator
  435. How Do You Like to Be Kissed
  436. Funeral Attack
  437. Recovery
  438. A Call Home From Rico
  439. M25_26 take 32
  440. The Mountain of Power / Capture
  441. Walk in the Park
  442. Summer Lovers
  443. Punishment
  444. Javert Is Too Late
  445. Part II
  446. M91 take 64
  447. Today, I'm Throwing Hard
  448. Robo Lives
  449. Toni's Death / Toni's Last Grenade
  450. M84 take 80
  451. The Stabbing
  452. Medic!
  453. Shadizar / Dream Quest
  454. Introduction
  455. Drum Postlude / End Credits
  456. Drum Prelude / Main Title
  457. Net Fight
  458. Akiro – Cavemen Fight
  459. Pit Band
  460. Chamber of Mirrors
  461. Winds of the Woods
  462. Door Lift / Dragon's Head / Conan the Destroyer
  463. Impaling the Guard / Dagoth's Death
  464. Bird – The Princess / Boating In
  465. Cutlery Interruptus / Akiro's Magic
  466. Farewell Valeria
  467. Eating the Elite / Crypt Rocks
  468. The Ending
  469. Princess Takes the Jewel / Forest Ride
  470. Mordor's Four
  471. Akiro – Cavemen Fight / Elite Guard Riders
  472. Dagoth Ceremony (original version with choir)
  473. The Dragon / Mordor's Death
  474. Town Source Music
  475. Zula – Bombaata Fight
  476. Dagoth Ceremony
  477. Ice Palace
  478. Main Titles/ The Caravan
  479. Indulgence/Mettle
  480. Feast for Martin
  481. Warpaint
  482. Orphans Of Doom/The Awakening
  483. Rescue Me
  484. Prepare for Battle
  485. Prologue (W/Narration)/Anvil Of Crom
  486. "Las Cantigas De Santa Maria" (The Snake)
  487. Martin's Withdrawal / The Pointer / The Castle
  488. The Box (with percussion overlay)
  489. Denouncement / End Title
  490. Street of Deviants
  491. The Defilers
  492. Theology/Civilization
  493. The Kitchen/The Orgy
  494. The Leaving/The Search
  495. Battle Of The Mounds Part I
  496. Battle Of The Mounds Part III (Revised)/Night Of Doom
  497. Battle Of The Mounds Part II
  498. The Tower Of Set Part 1
  499. The Plague Dog
  500. Conan The King/End Title
  501. Capture
  502. Hopefuls at the Tower of Set
  503. The Rape
  504. The Hall of King Osric
  505. The Mountain of Power Procession
  506. Lesson in Nature
  507. The Noose
  508. Wifeing (Theme Of Love From "Conan The Barbarian")
  509. Tree Of Woe/Recovery
  510. Agnes and Kathleen
  511. Orphans Of Doom (Chorus and Harp)/The Awakening
  512. Riddle Of Steel/Riders Of Doom
  513. Column Of Sadness/Wheel Of Pain
  514. Warm Welcome
  515. Saint Martin
  516. The Burning Wheel
  517. Battle Of The Mounds Part III
  518. The Discipline Of Steel/Freedom Council
  519. Orphans of Doom (orchestra and solo voice)
  520. A Rotten Trick
  521. Prologue/Anvil Of Crom
  522. The Snake/Infidels
  523. Zed Force
  524. The Wait
  525. Star Mother
  526. Prelude And Fedora Appears
  527. - - -
  528. Metamorphosis
  529. Rain
  530. Battle Montage
  531. Rising of the Moon
  532. Mitaura
  533. Butcher!
  534. Trek
  535. Sorrow
  536. Learoyd Saves Nigel
  537. March Of The Revolution
  538. No Escape
  539. The Jungle
  540. The Bank
  541. Dejected
  542. Earl and Cop Shot / Speeding Truck Climb
  543. Souvenir De Corfu
  544. The Oscar
  545. Flare of Youth
  546. War Is Over
  547. Bringing Money to Earl /Jeff in the Truck / Jeff Stabs Earl / Cop Pursues
  548. Search In The Villa
  549. Prologue - The Trek
  550. Always The Actress
  551. Grief
  552. Village Sqaure
  553. The Woman Saved Me
  554. Disappointed
  555. Fedora's Daughter
  556. Fandango
  557. Learoyd Sacrifices
  558. Truck Ramming / Climb the Truck / The Truck Falls
  559. Main Title (South China Sea)
  560. Discovered
  561. Learoyd Slays Lian the Magnificent
  562. Village Attack
  563. Honeymoon
  564. Learoyd Saves the Child
  565. Japanese Radio Source Cue
  566. La Carta De Rehen
  567. Trawwg March
  568. Deception
  569. Starship Troopers: Bugs
  570. Gus & P-Eye - The Search
  571. Statue / Deets Dies
  572. Arkansas Pilgrim (Clara, July, Lorena)
  573. Theme From "Lonesome Dove"
  574. Farewell Ladies - Finale
  575. Sunny Slopes of Yesterday
  576. Gus Dies
  577. Cowboys Down the Street
  578. Track 6
  579. Track 2
  580. Main Titles: Dark Territory
  581. Track 7
  582. Track 3
  583. Track 8
  584. Track 4
  585. Song: After the Train Has Gone
  586. Track 9
  587. Casey's Farewell
  588. Track 5
  589. Track 1
  590. Track 10
  591. Track 15
  592. Track 11
  593. Track 12
  594. Track 13
  595. Track 14
  596. Takeoff
  597. Johnson's Home
  598. Cherry 2000 Theme
  599. The Photograph
  600. Never Happened
  601. Outer Doors
  602. Tupolov’s Torpedo / Torpedo Hits
  603. Submarine Dive / Necessary Force
  604. Kaboom !!!
  605. Ryan Lifts Off / Emergence
  606. End Title (Ancestral Aid / Hymn to Red October [Main Titles] / Nuclear Scam)
  607. The Line / Red Route I
  608. Course Two-Five-Zero / Interlude / Two-Five-Zero / Padorin Reads
  609. Ryan’s Wheels (revised) / Tupolov / Buckaroo
  610. Mini-Sub / Contact
  611. Necessary Force
  612. Tyler’s Office / Ramius and the Doctor / Dallas Listens
  613. The Anthem of the Soviet Union (vocal)
  614. Hymn to Red October (Main Titles)
  615. - Prologue / Anvil of Crom (From "Conan the Barbarian")
  616. - Red Dawn Main Title (From Red Dawn / L'Aube Rouge)
  617. - Robocop Home (From Robocop)
  618. - Love Theme (From "Conan the Barbarian")
  619. - Farewell to the King (From Farewell to the King / L'Adieu Au Roi)
  620. - Column of Sadness / Wheel of Pain
  621. - Battle of the Mounds, Part 1 (From Conan the Barbarian)
  622. - The Orgy (From Conan the Barbarian)
  623. - The Funeral Pyre (From Conan the Barbarian)
  624. - Riddle of Steel / Riders of Doom (From "Conan the Barbarian")
  625. - Orphans of Doom / The Awakening (From Conan the Barbarian)
  626. - The Trek (From Farewell to the King / L'Adieu Au Roi)
  627. - Robocop Van Chase (From Robocop)
  628. - Showdown (From Robocop)
  629. - Death and Freedom (End Title) (From Red Dawn / L'Aube Rouge)
  630. - The Gift of Fury (From "Conan the Barbarian")
  631. - Atlantean Sword (From "Conan the Barbarian")
  632. - Nigel's Trip (From Farewell to the King / L'Adieu Au Roi)
  633. - The Search (From Conan the Barbarian)
  634. - Wolverines (From Red Dawn / L'Aube Rouge)
  635. - Theology / Civilization (From "Conan the Barbarian")
  636. Murphy’s Dream
  637. Gas Station Blow‐Up
  638. 's Not Gone, She's Free (Damaged) (original Soundtrack)
  640. The Sky Marshal
  641. Cruiser Pilot Carmen Ibanez Takeoff and Warp Drive
  642. Fade Into You
  643. Zander's End
  644. Capsule Landing Initiation /Fleet Under Plasma Shelling
  645. Destruction of the Rodger Young / Lifepod Escape
  646. Rico's Tanker Stunt
  647. Dizzy Flores' Funeral
  648. A New Sky Marshal
  649. Carmen's Fleet Trainer Ride
  650. Tristar Logo
  651. Dancing Continues / Rico & Dizzy Intimate
  652. The Canyon / Outpost Fort Arrival
  653. Invasion Live Coverage
  654. Interiors Inspection
  655. Administrative Punishment
  656. Boot Camp Greetings
  657. Lieutenant Rasczak Introduces
  658. Live-Fire Assault Range Exercise
  659. Carmen & Rico's Farewell
  660. Cyrano the Ferret
  661. General Owen
  662. Arachnids Attack / Ambushed
  663. Rico's Roughnecks Recruits / The Plasma Strikes Recur
  664. Fednet Continued
  665. Breaking News
  666. Starship Collision / Mobile Infantry Drop
  667. Rasczak's Roughnecks Raid
  668. Rico's Sweeper Squad in the Tunnels
  669. The Dance
  670. Rough Landing / Cavern Confrontation
  671. End Credits Suite
  672. Evacuation Vessel / Rasczak Dies / Dizzy Is Stabbed
  673. Return of the Rodger Young Crew /Casualties Counting
  674. Rico's Recovery
  675. Carl and the Capture / Zim the Hero
  676. The Menace
  677. Carmen's Message
  678. Dizzy Instructs the Tigers
  679. Dizzy Dies / Starfleet Strategy Shift
  680. Buenos Aires Sports Arena
  681. Propaganda Spot / Fleet Battle Station
  682. Course Check Emergency Evasion Asteroid Grazing
  683. Rapid Retreat Watkins Keeps the Nuke
  684. Rico Scores
  685. Telpathy Test
  686. Rico Wins the Match
  687. “Las Cantigas de Santa Maria” (The Snake)
  688. Tree of Woe / Recovery
  689. The Snake / Infidels
  690. Battle of the Mounds, Part III (revised) / Night of Doom
  691. Orphans of Doom (chorus and harp) / The Awakening
  692. Prologue (w/ narration) / Anvil of Crom
  693. Battle of the Mounds, Part III
  694. Battle of the Mounds, Part I
  695. Conan the King / End Title
  696. Indulgence / Mettle
  697. Wifeing (theme of love from Conan the Barbarian)
  698. The Discipline of Steel / Freedom Council
  699. The Tower of Set, Part 1
  700. Fed-Net #1 / Bug Attack on Newsman
  701. Klendathu Battle (Version 1)
  702. Teamwork
  703. Undocking
  704. War!!
  705. Fed-Net #3 / Countdown to Victory
  706. Battle Ready
  707. Fed-Net #2 / Crime and Punishment
  708. Hopper Canyon / Mess Hall Mess
  709. Fed-Net #4
  710. Friends Forever
  711. Radio Shack / Whiskey Outpost Pt. 2 / Death of Dizzy
  712. Rico’s Roughnecks / Destruction of the Rodger Young / Bug City
  713. Transporting
  714. Klendathu Battle
  715. Breckinridge Killed
  716. Brainbug / Cave Nuke
  717. Carmen’s Shuttle Ride
  718. Kiss in the Park
  719. Call to War / Bad News From Home
  720. Rasczak’s Roughnecks
  721. Telepathy Practice / Carl Orders Cyrano
  722. The Fleet Limps Home
  723. "Bugs!!!"
  724. Klandathu Drop
  725. Dear John
  726. Johnny and Dizzy
  727. "Bugs!!" (Version 1)
  728. Nikko and Robo
  729. Van Approach / Robo Awakens
  730. Police Alert / Robo Pack / Response / Armory Escape
  731. RoboCop in Pursuit / RoboCop Saves Lewis
  732. Nikko to O.C.P.
  733. Sayonara McDaggit
  734. Robo Torches Rehabs / It’s Not a Robo Knock / Robo Visits McDaggit
  735. Robo Flies / Rehabs Chase Marie
  736. Underground / Tracking Beacon / Bertha to Base
  737. Finding the Flight Pack
  738. Van Chase I
  739. Van Chase II
  740. Refuge
  741. Delta City / Media Break / Nikko
  742. Cops Help Rebels / Robo vs. Otomo
  743. Main Title / The Resistance / The Searchlight
  744. Gateway
  745. Good Cops Revolt / Johnny Rehab Commercial
  746. Rehab Raid
  747. Nikko at Station / Otomo Meets Resistance
  748. O.C.P. /Otomo / Otomo Exits
  749. The Map / Unfinished Business
  750. Flame Job / Nikko Remembers / Kanemitsu Building
  751. Robo Recalls / Murphy, Is It You?
  752. Off Island Drums
  753. Jungle Drums
  754. Paddy's Sunset/The Island
  755. Three Points To Port
  756. The Raft
  757. The Skull/Acclimation Montage
  758. Living Alone/God Carry
  759. Boat
  760. The Blue Lagoon Main Title
  761. Hut Chase
  762. The Kiss/Love Montage
  763. Baby Swim
  764. I See You Now
  765. Paddy's Swim/Paddy's Death
  766. Native Run
  767. Emmeline - Theme From The Blue Lagoon
  768. The Birth/Bad People
  769. Richard Beguiled
  770. Shark/The Hand of Fate
  771. God Head
  772. Fog
  773. The Return
  774. Wild Tree Bell
  775. Leave Me Alone
  776. Richard Floats
  777. Violet Twilight
  778. Hostage Car Shootout
  779. A Billion Dollars / Modem Time
  780. Unused Plaisir D’Amor
  781. Intruder Discovered†
  782. Ryback Startles Bobby / China Blues
  783. Misery
  784. Casey Off the Train
  785. Cliff Fight / Train Pulls Away
  786. Kitchen Fight
  787. Dead Not Dead
  788. Casey’s Family
  789. Penn’s Wish
  790. The Train Departs
  791. Casey’s Farewell / After the Train Is Gone
  792. Casey Reboards Train
  793. Meet Casey Ryback
  794. Dane Shoots Airliner
  795. Train Wreck
  796. Out the Window / Bye Bye Thriller
  797. Dane Starts Final Count
  798. Scramble Map
  799. Mercs Take Over Train
  800. The Gates of Hell
  801. Casey and Sarah / Choppers Approach
  802. Nuke ’em
  803. Lonesome Dove - Main Theme
  804. Rock Shop + Home + Van Chase + The Dream (Robocop)
  805. Hugh Torture
  806. Chief Meets Forrest
  807. Safe House/Chopper Explosion
  808. Horse Chase
  809. The Chief Is Shot
  810. The Mercs/Forest Decides
  811. Mutiny/Setting The Bombs
  812. Gunfight at Hugh’s
  813. Forrest Doesn’t Fight
  814. Seagal/Nasso Logo
  815. Kill Hugh
  816. Forrest Blown Up
  817. Forrest Enters Aegis
  818. Fire Out
  819. Snowmobile Ride
  820. Capsule Landing Initiation / Fleet Under Plasma Shelling
  821. Safe House / Chopper Explosion
  822. Zander’s End
  823. Rico’s Roughnecks Recruits / The Plasma Strikes Recur
  824. Rasczak’s Roughnecks Raid
  825. Carmen’s Message
  826. Rico’s Sweeper Squad in the Tunnels
  827. Mutiny / Setting the Bombs
  828. Rico’s Recovery
  829. The Mercs / Forest Decides
  830. Carmen & Rico’s Farewell
  831. Gus and P-Eye / The Search
  832. Rico’s Tanker Stunt
  833. Carmen’s Fleet Trainer Ride
  834. Seagal / Nasso Logo
  835. Dizzy Flores’ Funeral
  836. Return of the Rodger Young Crew / Casualties Counting
  837. Valjean’s Journey
  838. Valjean’s Confession
  839. Javert’s Suicide
  840. Cosette’s Farewell
  841. Let's Remember
  842. Javert’s Visit
  843. Valjean’s Promise
  844. The Dragon / Mordor’s Death
  845. “Bugs!!” (Version 1)
  846. Impaling the Guard / Dagoth’s Death
  847. Mordor’s Four
  848. Cutlery Interruptus / Akiro’s Magic
  849. Door Lift / Dragon’s Head / Conan the Destroyer
  850. “Bugs!!!”
  851. Farewell, Valeria
  852. Drum Prelude No. 1 / Main Title (Revised)
  853. Boating It
  854. Door Lift
  855. Drum Prelude No. 2 / End Credits
  856. Crypt Rocks
  857. Eating the Elite
  858. Dragon’s Head
  859. Forest Ride / Eating the Elite
  860. Akiro-Cavemen Fight / Elite Guard Riders
  861. Dagoth’s Death
  862. Valeria Is Hot
  863. Akiro’s Magic
  864. Princess Takes Jewel
  865. Conan the Destroyer
  866. Shadizar
  867. Town Source
  868. Zula-Bombaata Fight
  869. Chamber of Mirrors (With Synth Sweetener)
  870. Bird-Dogging the Princess
  871. Dagoth Ceremony / Impaling the Grand Vizier
  872. Cutlery Interruptus
  873. Net Fight (With Sweetener)
  874. ’Americans!’
  875. Dallas’ Sonar
  876. ’Buckaroo’
  877. ’Torpedo Impact… Now!’
  878. ’Let Them Sing’ (Hymn) / US National Command Meeting
  879. Gladiator (Teaser Trailer)
  880. Konovalov’s Attack
  881. Jonesys’ Theory
  882. Course Two‐Five‐Zero / On Course
  883. Mini‐Sub / Contact
  884. Course Two‐Five‐Zero / Interlude / Two‐Five‐Zero / Padorin Reads
  885. Doom Decapited
  886. Conan Captured
  887. At the Court of King Osric
  888. Discipline of Steel / What's Best in Life
  889. Wifeing (Love Theme From Conan the Barbarian)
  890. Epilogue
  891. Doesn’t Matter Anymore
  892. Relationship Montage (Pt. 1)
  893. Jane Putdown
  894. I Need You
  895. Tuttle Out
  896. OK, Billy Chapel
  897. Dinner / Elevator
  898. Locker Room
  899. Clouds
  900. Mickey’s Save
  901. Jane’s Home
  902. Birch Strikeout
  903. Torn Dollar Bill
  904. Cat And Mouse
  905. Gus Hits It
  906. Jane To Game
  907. Coming Back?
  908. Park Farewell
  909. Heather Comes Along
  910. New York
  911. For Love Of The Music
  912. Gus Farewell
  913. Run To Park
  914. Old School
  915. Hard Pitching
  916. Billy Traded
  917. Main Theme (from For Love Of The Game)
  918. Apology
  919. Can’t Get Clear
  920. You’ll Be Back
  921. Marston’s Game
  922. Cora’s Story
  923. The Redcoats Move On
  924. Marston’s Murderers
  925. Quigley and Cora
  926. The Desert Trek
  927. Arrival
  928. Aborigines
  929. Bunyan & Babe


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