Basil Poledouris Songtexte
Hymn to Red October (Main Title)
Prologue / Anvil of Crom (From "Conan the Barbarian")
Riddle of Steel / Riders of Doom
Hymn to Red October (Main Titles)
Gas Station / Leaving Belle's
Geboren am 21. August 1945, Gestorben am 08. November 2006
The Touch (Soundtrack)
- Legend of the Touch
- The Monkey King Enthralls
- The Loveable Thief
- The Heart of Don Huang
- In the Heart of the Night
- Memories of Days gone
- Trouble Under Blue Skies
- To the Rescue
- "Who Will Know?"
- Glimpses Down the Path
- A Light Dimmed
- Farewell King Soul
- Healing of Hearts
- Thru' the Forest
- Secrets Revealed
- "I'll Never Leave You"
- Destiny Awaits
- I Believe
- Time to Choose
- The Touch
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Soundtrack)
Wind / A Whale For The Killing (Soundtrack)
- Prologue
- Love In The Sewers
- The Dinghy Race (Senta)
- The Break-Up
- Windward Work
- Downwind
- Defeat
- The Glider
- Sail Locker
- The Petroglyph
- Contest
- Windshadow
- Whomper Trials
- The Bike Ride
- To Australia
- Dead Air
- Winning
- Irolita
- A Whale For The Killing - Main Title
- The Storm Clears
- Barris Way
- Meet the Whale
- Whale Call
- Whale Macabre
- Save The Whale
- Go To Sleep Whale
- Choices
- A Whale of a Tale
Mehr Songtexte

- Rope Down
- StoreHouse Shootout
- Three Friends Theme (instrumental)
- Murdering Horse Theives
- Murphy's Death
- Robo Vs. ED-209
- Reel
- Column of Sadness
- The Heart of Dun Huang
- Farewell Kind Soul
- Fire on the Mountain: The Ride
- Fire on the Mountain: Tree Chop
- Fire on the Mountain: Drop Off / Rascal
- Fire on the Mountain: Gracias
- Fire on the Mountain: Boots / Cruza / Cabdle
- Fire on the Mountain: Forever / Shutters
- Fire on the Mountain: Mountain Lost
- Fire on the Mountain: Good-bye Ol' Horse
- Fire on the Mountain: End Titles
- Flyers: Aerail Ballet
- Martin and Agnes Love Theme
- Denouement / End Titles
- St. Martin Leads the Way
- Driven From the City
- Cask and St. Martin
- Agnes's Wagon
- Assault on Agnes
- The Feast
- The Locket
- Out of the Well
- Palmer's Mansion / Robin Hood
- Fire Drill / La Crosse / Hoover Award
- Diceman's Dilemma / Shopping for Preppies
- Come F You Want To
- Living on the Edge
- Double Trouble
- The Diceman Cometh
- Dizzy's Funeral
- Into It
- Polijarny Inlet
- Putin's Demise
- Gravin Dock #4 / Two Keys
- Dallas' Sonar
- Course Two-Five-Zero / On Course
- 'Let Them Sing' (Hymn) / US National Command Meeting
- Three Days Only
- The Chase Begins
- 'Buckaroo'
- Jonesys' Theory
- Ryan Leaves to Dallas
- Turbulence / Chopper
- New Orders
- Red Alert
- A Chance
- 'Americans!'
- Konovalov's Attack
- 'Torpedo Impact... Now!'
- Torpedo, Bullets and the Cook / Kaboom!!!
- The New World (Hymn) / End Title
- Demo Theme #1
- Demo Theme #2
- Course Two-Five-Zero
- Finding The Disk
- Off the Train
- The Message
- Ryback After the Train
- On the Train
- Casey Is Back
- The Ghost Town
- Green Light to Bombers
- Trageting the F-117
- Casey on War I
- Casey on War II
- Casey on War II (alternative)
- Casey to the Rescue
- The Hostages Are Safe / Graveyard
- Casey Ryback
- The Train Is Going
- Family Story
- Choppers Are on Their Way
- Taking the Train
- Access Codes / On the Run
- Casey Goes Outside
- Casey Goes Outside (alternative)
- On the Roof
- Stealing Grazer One
- China Target
- Target Acquisition
- One Time Offer / The Phone
- Plane Target / Casey Fights
- Searching for Herb
- Searching for Herb (alternative)
- Dane Message
- Dane Message (alternative)
- Pentagon Threat
- Intruder Discovered (Roof Fight)
- We Got Him
- Dead, Not Dead (Searching Ryback)
- We Need a Bait / Making a Bomb
- The Cliff
- Illusion's Lake
- A Message From Carmen
- A New Unit
- An Ugly Planet
- Carmen's Departure
- Carmen's Shuttle Flight
- Dizzy's Death
- Fed Net #2
- Fed Net #3
- Fed Net #4
- Federal Network Intro
- Football Game
- Friends Vow
- Fun Order
- Live Fire Exercise
- Psychic Abilities
- Punishment: Asteroid Grazing
- Rasczak's Roughnecks
- Return To Base
- Rico & Dizzy
- Rico's Communication
- The Compound
- Ticonderoga Departure
- Tragedy at Buenos Aires
- Wargames
- Whiskey Outpost Rescue
- A Kiss in the Park (unused)
- Bug City
- Friends Vow (extended)
- Have Not Been To Paradise
- Intense
- Radio Shack (unused)
- Return to Base (extended)
- Rico's Roughnecks
- Strafing Run (unused)
- The Dinghy Race
- Wind Song
- Brain Bug
- Starship Troopers
- Flesh and Blood: Prelude
- Conan the Barbarian: Anvil of Crom
- The Hunt for Red October: Hymn to Red October
- Monsters: [untitled]
- A Team With Billy
- The Tree of Woe
- The Discipline of Steel
- Part IV
- Losing Carmen
- Time for Counterstrike
- M83 take 53
- Tango Urilla Mop-up
- Encounter With Rexor
- M52 take 82
- Clear the Mechanism
- Conan Leaves Valeria / The Search
- The Beginning
- Fantine Sells Her Hair
- Hot Shots! Part Deux
- My Name Is Murphy
- The Funeral (National Anthem of the Soviet Union)
- In the Court of King Osric
- The Baby
- The Big Chase
- Knocked Down
- The Aborigines Return
- M11 take 5
- Battle Preparations
- Number 2 Chair
- M92 alt B take 72
- Clarence Frags Bob
- Suite Of Themes
- Fixing Jane's Car
- Flight of the Intruder
- M62 overlay take 94
- Tavern Source
- A Perfect Game
- Gas Station Blow-Up
- Early Birds
- Seagal Pictures Logo Theme
- $90,000
- The Bank, Part II
- Valjean's Journey
- Mountain of Power Procession
- M51 take 61
- Attack of the Helicopters
- A Year Earlier...
- In Space
- Twirl
- Strike 3
- Levitation Truck
- The Tradition of the Games
- The Bank, Part III
- Return to the Blue Lagoon
- M102 take 11
- Quigley & Cora
- Klendathu Massacre
- Murphy Goes Home
- Thinking of Marius
- The Readcoats Move On
- M31 take 36
- Memories of the Glove
- M101 take 25
- Kids and Bugs
- Ambush At Planet P
- Orgy Fight
- Javert
- M12 take 24
- In the House
- Escape from the Tower of Set / Valeria's Gift
- We're Still Alive
- London
- M21 take 17
- The Accident
- End
- M71 alt take 90
- Les Miserables
- Anvil of Crom (by Erich Kunzel)
- Desert Trek
- Flying Bug!
- The Street of Deviants / Hopefuls at the Tower of Set
- Funeral Pyre
- Saving Amy / The Big Chase
- Fire!
- She's Not There
- M82 take 48
- Bugs Strike Again
- Big Is Better
- Evasion!
- A Lone Survivor
- Daryl Shot / Windmill
- A Message from Charity: [untitled]
- Marston's Attack
- Doom Decapitated
- Flight From Vigau
- Nuke'em
- Bug Threat
- Outside
- Destruction of the Roger Young
- M72 take 43
- The Truck Stops / Entering the Truck
- Dead Tanks
- Across the Board (End Credits)
- The Quarry
- Wealth Can Be Wonderful / King Osric
- Meeting Valeria / Stealing the Eye of the Serpent
- Hostilities
- Drive Montage
- Epilogue / End Titles
- The Death of Rexor / Conan the Assassin
- M86 take 74
- M65 take 56
- Civilisation
- Escape
- Robo Drives to Jones
- Brainy Bug
- An Age Undreamed of / Anvil of Crom
- Riders of Doom
- Texaco Station / Under the Truck
- Care Package
- Vanished Without a Trace
- Wolf Witch
- Gift of Fury
- Royus Interrupts
- Getting Answers
- The Tower of Set / Snake Attack (Las Cantigas de Santa Maria)
- Belle's Diner
- Quigley Pans Out
- Death and Freedom (Rejected version) / End Credits
- M101A overlay take 98
- O.C.P. Monitors
- Chamber of Mirrors (from Conan the Destroyer)
- 50 Minutes Left
- Battle Preparations / Battle of the Mounds, Part I
- Main Title, Billy Chapel Story
- The Arrival
- Part V
- Cosette's Farewell
- In the Bank
- OCP Monitors
- No Man's Land
- Part I
- Finding The (Disk)
- You'll Be Back
- Valjean and Cosette
- The Bodies
- M62 take 22
- Quigley Down Under: Main Title
- The Awakening
- Paris
- [untitled]
- M32 take 40
- Love in the Sewer
- Ricos Perceptional Powers
- M71 take 57
- In the Barn
- Fight in the Jeep
- The End of Thulsa Doom
- Matthew Quigley / End Credits
- Whiskey Outpost
- M23
- Orphans of Doom
- Caring for Fantine
- Looking for Me
- Infidels
- Wives Seat
- The Tree of Woe / Recovery
- Valjean's Promise
- The Tower of Set
- The Bridge
- Sgt. Zim
- Children of Doom
- Retreat!
- M22 pickup wild take 14
- Live Fire!
- I'll Be There
- Quigley Gets Beat Up
- Federal Network
- Heaven for Thieves
- Javert Suspects
- Directive 4
- Valjean's Confession
- Wifeing
- Coming Back
- Valjean Saves Marius
- Love Scene
- Revolution Time
- Death of Rexor
- Marston's Game
- Murphy Dies in O.R.
- Bumper #1 take 83 wild
- M63 take 45
- I Am Evil! / Hitting the Camel
- M24 take 29
- Who's With Me
- Anvil of Crom
- Death and Freedom / End Credits
- The Kitchen / The Orgy
- Car Chase
- Battle of the Mounds, Part II
- Rasczajk's Roughnecks
- Marius Follows Cosette
- The Battle of the Mounds / Resourceful Warriors
- Battle of the Mounds, Part III / Night of Doom
- Negotiating
- The Battle of the Mounds, Part II
- It's War
- The Roughnecks
- The Tavern
- Intro / Fed Net March
- Earl & Jeff
- Murphy's Dream
- Tower of Set
- M101A take 26
- Javert's Suicide
- M61 take 99
- Farewell
- Winter
- Pit Fights
- Stopping the Truck
- Jump Ball
- The Leaving / The Search
- M101B take 27
- The Bank, Part I
- Theology
- Battle of the Mounds
- An Age Undreamed of / Anvil of Crom (with Mako dialogue)
- Resourceful Warriors
- Klendathu Assult
- The Sheriff Arrives
- Jed and Matt / Bella Letter
- Gas Station
- The Discipline of Steel / What Is Best in Life
- Wargame Victory
- Conan the King / End Titles
- New Boyfriend
- The Bishop
- Wired
- The Kitchen / The Orgy / Stealing the Princess / You!
- Dingo Attack
- Marius and Cosette
- Bumper #2 alternate take 85 wild
- Head Chop
- Incoming!
- Russian Army Cadence (Solo Percussion)
- Missing Persons
- Tuttle, Parts II, Memories
- The Witch
- The Death of Fantine
- Under the Boat
- The Warning
- Like You Did a Million Times
- M93 take 76
- Attack of the Wolverines
- The Rescue
- The Sheriff
- After the Gunfight / Freedom
- M64 take 21
- Javert's Visit
- M81 take 44
- "I'll Never Leave You"
- Wrong Fire
- Showers
- Conan the King / End Titles (with Mako dialogue)
- Drop'em
- Have a Heart
- Abandon Ship!
- Carmen's Test Flight
- M85 take 50
- Javert Rides to Paris
- Wheel of Pain
- The Aborigines
- Last Dance
- Helpless Woman
- M41 Bumper take 91
- M101B pickup wild take 28
- Riddle of Steel
- Throwing Hard
- Breakfast
- Part III
- How Can You Leave Me Now
- Robo & Ed 209 Fight
- Prologue (film version) / Anvil of Crom
- Sky Shots / October
- Robocop 3
- Nukem
- The Wifeing
- M22 take 15
- Bumper #2 take 86 wild
- Rescue Party
- A Mistake
- The Ticonderago
- Theme From Les Miserables
- Force Shoots Robo
- Gladiator
- How Do You Like to Be Kissed
- Funeral Attack
- Recovery
- A Call Home From Rico
- M25_26 take 32
- The Mountain of Power / Capture
- Walk in the Park
- Summer Lovers
- Punishment
- Javert Is Too Late
- Part II
- M91 take 64
- Today, I'm Throwing Hard
- Robo Lives
- Toni's Death / Toni's Last Grenade
- M84 take 80
- The Stabbing
- Medic!
- Shadizar / Dream Quest
- Introduction
- Drum Postlude / End Credits
- Drum Prelude / Main Title
- Net Fight
- Akiro – Cavemen Fight
- Pit Band
- Chamber of Mirrors
- Winds of the Woods
- Door Lift / Dragon's Head / Conan the Destroyer
- Impaling the Guard / Dagoth's Death
- Bird – The Princess / Boating In
- Cutlery Interruptus / Akiro's Magic
- Farewell Valeria
- Eating the Elite / Crypt Rocks
- The Ending
- Princess Takes the Jewel / Forest Ride
- Mordor's Four
- Akiro – Cavemen Fight / Elite Guard Riders
- Dagoth Ceremony (original version with choir)
- The Dragon / Mordor's Death
- Town Source Music
- Zula – Bombaata Fight
- Dagoth Ceremony
- Ice Palace
- Main Titles/ The Caravan
- Indulgence/Mettle
- Feast for Martin
- Warpaint
- Orphans Of Doom/The Awakening
- Rescue Me
- Prepare for Battle
- Prologue (W/Narration)/Anvil Of Crom
- "Las Cantigas De Santa Maria" (The Snake)
- Martin's Withdrawal / The Pointer / The Castle
- The Box (with percussion overlay)
- Denouncement / End Title
- Street of Deviants
- The Defilers
- Theology/Civilization
- The Kitchen/The Orgy
- The Leaving/The Search
- Battle Of The Mounds Part I
- Battle Of The Mounds Part III (Revised)/Night Of Doom
- Battle Of The Mounds Part II
- The Tower Of Set Part 1
- The Plague Dog
- Conan The King/End Title
- Capture
- Hopefuls at the Tower of Set
- The Rape
- The Hall of King Osric
- The Mountain of Power Procession
- Lesson in Nature
- The Noose
- Wifeing (Theme Of Love From "Conan The Barbarian")
- Tree Of Woe/Recovery
- Agnes and Kathleen
- Orphans Of Doom (Chorus and Harp)/The Awakening
- Riddle Of Steel/Riders Of Doom
- Column Of Sadness/Wheel Of Pain
- Warm Welcome
- Saint Martin
- The Burning Wheel
- Battle Of The Mounds Part III
- The Discipline Of Steel/Freedom Council
- Orphans of Doom (orchestra and solo voice)
- A Rotten Trick
- Prologue/Anvil Of Crom
- The Snake/Infidels
- Zed Force
- The Wait
- Star Mother
- Prelude And Fedora Appears
- - - -
- Metamorphosis
- Rain
- Battle Montage
- Rising of the Moon
- Mitaura
- Butcher!
- Trek
- Sorrow
- Learoyd Saves Nigel
- March Of The Revolution
- No Escape
- The Jungle
- The Bank
- Dejected
- Earl and Cop Shot / Speeding Truck Climb
- Souvenir De Corfu
- The Oscar
- Flare of Youth
- War Is Over
- Bringing Money to Earl /Jeff in the Truck / Jeff Stabs Earl / Cop Pursues
- Search In The Villa
- Prologue - The Trek
- Always The Actress
- Grief
- Village Sqaure
- The Woman Saved Me
- Disappointed
- Fedora's Daughter
- Fandango
- Learoyd Sacrifices
- Truck Ramming / Climb the Truck / The Truck Falls
- Main Title (South China Sea)
- Discovered
- Learoyd Slays Lian the Magnificent
- Village Attack
- Honeymoon
- Learoyd Saves the Child
- Japanese Radio Source Cue
- La Carta De Rehen
- Trawwg March
- Deception
- Starship Troopers: Bugs
- Gus & P-Eye - The Search
- Statue / Deets Dies
- Arkansas Pilgrim (Clara, July, Lorena)
- Theme From "Lonesome Dove"
- Farewell Ladies - Finale
- Sunny Slopes of Yesterday
- Gus Dies
- Cowboys Down the Street
- Track 6
- Track 2
- Main Titles: Dark Territory
- Track 7
- Track 3
- Track 8
- Track 4
- Song: After the Train Has Gone
- Track 9
- Casey's Farewell
- Track 5
- Track 1
- Track 10
- Track 15
- Track 11
- Track 12
- Track 13
- Track 14
- Takeoff
- Johnson's Home
- Cherry 2000 Theme
- The Photograph
- Never Happened
- Outer Doors
- Tupolov’s Torpedo / Torpedo Hits
- Submarine Dive / Necessary Force
- Kaboom !!!
- Ryan Lifts Off / Emergence
- End Title (Ancestral Aid / Hymn to Red October [Main Titles] / Nuclear Scam)
- The Line / Red Route I
- Course Two-Five-Zero / Interlude / Two-Five-Zero / Padorin Reads
- Ryan’s Wheels (revised) / Tupolov / Buckaroo
- Mini-Sub / Contact
- Necessary Force
- Tyler’s Office / Ramius and the Doctor / Dallas Listens
- The Anthem of the Soviet Union (vocal)
- Hymn to Red October (Main Titles)
- - Prologue / Anvil of Crom (From "Conan the Barbarian")
- - Red Dawn Main Title (From Red Dawn / L'Aube Rouge)
- - Robocop Home (From Robocop)
- - Love Theme (From "Conan the Barbarian")
- - Farewell to the King (From Farewell to the King / L'Adieu Au Roi)
- - Column of Sadness / Wheel of Pain
- - Battle of the Mounds, Part 1 (From Conan the Barbarian)
- - The Orgy (From Conan the Barbarian)
- - The Funeral Pyre (From Conan the Barbarian)
- - Riddle of Steel / Riders of Doom (From "Conan the Barbarian")
- - Orphans of Doom / The Awakening (From Conan the Barbarian)
- - The Trek (From Farewell to the King / L'Adieu Au Roi)
- - Robocop Van Chase (From Robocop)
- - Showdown (From Robocop)
- - Death and Freedom (End Title) (From Red Dawn / L'Aube Rouge)
- - The Gift of Fury (From "Conan the Barbarian")
- - Atlantean Sword (From "Conan the Barbarian")
- - Nigel's Trip (From Farewell to the King / L'Adieu Au Roi)
- - The Search (From Conan the Barbarian)
- - Wolverines (From Red Dawn / L'Aube Rouge)
- - Theology / Civilization (From "Conan the Barbarian")
- Murphy’s Dream
- Gas Station Blow‐Up
- 's Not Gone, She's Free (Damaged) (original Soundtrack)
- The Sky Marshal
- Cruiser Pilot Carmen Ibanez Takeoff and Warp Drive
- Fade Into You
- Zander's End
- Capsule Landing Initiation /Fleet Under Plasma Shelling
- Destruction of the Rodger Young / Lifepod Escape
- Rico's Tanker Stunt
- Dizzy Flores' Funeral
- A New Sky Marshal
- Carmen's Fleet Trainer Ride
- Tristar Logo
- Dancing Continues / Rico & Dizzy Intimate
- The Canyon / Outpost Fort Arrival
- Invasion Live Coverage
- Interiors Inspection
- Administrative Punishment
- Boot Camp Greetings
- Lieutenant Rasczak Introduces
- Live-Fire Assault Range Exercise
- Carmen & Rico's Farewell
- Cyrano the Ferret
- General Owen
- Arachnids Attack / Ambushed
- Rico's Roughnecks Recruits / The Plasma Strikes Recur
- Fednet Continued
- Breaking News
- Starship Collision / Mobile Infantry Drop
- Rasczak's Roughnecks Raid
- Rico's Sweeper Squad in the Tunnels
- The Dance
- Rough Landing / Cavern Confrontation
- End Credits Suite
- Evacuation Vessel / Rasczak Dies / Dizzy Is Stabbed
- Return of the Rodger Young Crew /Casualties Counting
- Rico's Recovery
- Carl and the Capture / Zim the Hero
- The Menace
- Carmen's Message
- Dizzy Instructs the Tigers
- Dizzy Dies / Starfleet Strategy Shift
- Buenos Aires Sports Arena
- Propaganda Spot / Fleet Battle Station
- Course Check Emergency Evasion Asteroid Grazing
- Rapid Retreat Watkins Keeps the Nuke
- Rico Scores
- Telpathy Test
- Rico Wins the Match
- “Las Cantigas de Santa Maria” (The Snake)
- Tree of Woe / Recovery
- The Snake / Infidels
- Battle of the Mounds, Part III (revised) / Night of Doom
- Orphans of Doom (chorus and harp) / The Awakening
- Prologue (w/ narration) / Anvil of Crom
- Battle of the Mounds, Part III
- Battle of the Mounds, Part I
- Conan the King / End Title
- Indulgence / Mettle
- Wifeing (theme of love from Conan the Barbarian)
- The Discipline of Steel / Freedom Council
- The Tower of Set, Part 1
- Fed-Net #1 / Bug Attack on Newsman
- Klendathu Battle (Version 1)
- Teamwork
- Undocking
- War!!
- Fed-Net #3 / Countdown to Victory
- Battle Ready
- Fed-Net #2 / Crime and Punishment
- Hopper Canyon / Mess Hall Mess
- Fed-Net #4
- Friends Forever
- Radio Shack / Whiskey Outpost Pt. 2 / Death of Dizzy
- Rico’s Roughnecks / Destruction of the Rodger Young / Bug City
- Transporting
- Klendathu Battle
- Breckinridge Killed
- Brainbug / Cave Nuke
- Carmen’s Shuttle Ride
- Kiss in the Park
- Call to War / Bad News From Home
- Rasczak’s Roughnecks
- Telepathy Practice / Carl Orders Cyrano
- The Fleet Limps Home
- "Bugs!!!"
- Klandathu Drop
- Dear John
- Johnny and Dizzy
- "Bugs!!" (Version 1)
- Nikko and Robo
- Van Approach / Robo Awakens
- Police Alert / Robo Pack / Response / Armory Escape
- RoboCop in Pursuit / RoboCop Saves Lewis
- Nikko to O.C.P.
- Sayonara McDaggit
- Robo Torches Rehabs / It’s Not a Robo Knock / Robo Visits McDaggit
- Robo Flies / Rehabs Chase Marie
- Underground / Tracking Beacon / Bertha to Base
- Finding the Flight Pack
- Van Chase I
- Van Chase II
- Refuge
- Delta City / Media Break / Nikko
- Cops Help Rebels / Robo vs. Otomo
- Main Title / The Resistance / The Searchlight
- Gateway
- Good Cops Revolt / Johnny Rehab Commercial
- Rehab Raid
- Nikko at Station / Otomo Meets Resistance
- O.C.P. /Otomo / Otomo Exits
- The Map / Unfinished Business
- Flame Job / Nikko Remembers / Kanemitsu Building
- Robo Recalls / Murphy, Is It You?
- Off Island Drums
- Jungle Drums
- Paddy's Sunset/The Island
- Three Points To Port
- The Raft
- The Skull/Acclimation Montage
- Living Alone/God Carry
- Boat
- The Blue Lagoon Main Title
- Hut Chase
- The Kiss/Love Montage
- Baby Swim
- I See You Now
- Paddy's Swim/Paddy's Death
- Native Run
- Emmeline - Theme From The Blue Lagoon
- The Birth/Bad People
- Richard Beguiled
- Shark/The Hand of Fate
- God Head
- Fog
- The Return
- Wild Tree Bell
- Leave Me Alone
- Richard Floats
- Violet Twilight
- Hostage Car Shootout
- A Billion Dollars / Modem Time
- Unused Plaisir D’Amor
- Intruder Discovered†
- Ryback Startles Bobby / China Blues
- Misery
- Casey Off the Train
- Cliff Fight / Train Pulls Away
- Kitchen Fight
- Dead Not Dead
- Casey’s Family
- Penn’s Wish
- The Train Departs
- Casey’s Farewell / After the Train Is Gone
- Casey Reboards Train
- Meet Casey Ryback
- Dane Shoots Airliner
- Train Wreck
- Out the Window / Bye Bye Thriller
- Dane Starts Final Count
- Scramble Map
- Mercs Take Over Train
- The Gates of Hell
- Casey and Sarah / Choppers Approach
- Nuke ’em
- Lonesome Dove - Main Theme
- Rock Shop + Home + Van Chase + The Dream (Robocop)
- Hugh Torture
- Chief Meets Forrest
- Safe House/Chopper Explosion
- Horse Chase
- The Chief Is Shot
- The Mercs/Forest Decides
- Mutiny/Setting The Bombs
- Gunfight at Hugh’s
- Forrest Doesn’t Fight
- Seagal/Nasso Logo
- Kill Hugh
- Forrest Blown Up
- Forrest Enters Aegis
- Fire Out
- Snowmobile Ride
- Capsule Landing Initiation / Fleet Under Plasma Shelling
- Safe House / Chopper Explosion
- Zander’s End
- Rico’s Roughnecks Recruits / The Plasma Strikes Recur
- Rasczak’s Roughnecks Raid
- Carmen’s Message
- Rico’s Sweeper Squad in the Tunnels
- Mutiny / Setting the Bombs
- Rico’s Recovery
- The Mercs / Forest Decides
- Carmen & Rico’s Farewell
- Gus and P-Eye / The Search
- Rico’s Tanker Stunt
- Carmen’s Fleet Trainer Ride
- Seagal / Nasso Logo
- Dizzy Flores’ Funeral
- Return of the Rodger Young Crew / Casualties Counting
- Valjean’s Journey
- Valjean’s Confession
- Javert’s Suicide
- Cosette’s Farewell
- Let's Remember
- Javert’s Visit
- Valjean’s Promise
- The Dragon / Mordor’s Death
- “Bugs!!” (Version 1)
- Impaling the Guard / Dagoth’s Death
- Mordor’s Four
- Cutlery Interruptus / Akiro’s Magic
- Door Lift / Dragon’s Head / Conan the Destroyer
- “Bugs!!!”
- Farewell, Valeria
- Drum Prelude No. 1 / Main Title (Revised)
- Boating It
- Door Lift
- Drum Prelude No. 2 / End Credits
- Crypt Rocks
- Eating the Elite
- Dragon’s Head
- Forest Ride / Eating the Elite
- Akiro-Cavemen Fight / Elite Guard Riders
- Dagoth’s Death
- Valeria Is Hot
- Akiro’s Magic
- Princess Takes Jewel
- Conan the Destroyer
- Shadizar
- Town Source
- Zula-Bombaata Fight
- Chamber of Mirrors (With Synth Sweetener)
- Bird-Dogging the Princess
- Dagoth Ceremony / Impaling the Grand Vizier
- Cutlery Interruptus
- Net Fight (With Sweetener)
- ’Americans!’
- Dallas’ Sonar
- ’Buckaroo’
- ’Torpedo Impact… Now!’
- ’Let Them Sing’ (Hymn) / US National Command Meeting
- Gladiator (Teaser Trailer)
- Konovalov’s Attack
- Jonesys’ Theory
- Course Two‐Five‐Zero / On Course
- Mini‐Sub / Contact
- Course Two‐Five‐Zero / Interlude / Two‐Five‐Zero / Padorin Reads
- Doom Decapited
- Conan Captured
- At the Court of King Osric
- Discipline of Steel / What's Best in Life
- Wifeing (Love Theme From Conan the Barbarian)
- Epilogue
- Doesn’t Matter Anymore
- Relationship Montage (Pt. 1)
- Jane Putdown
- I Need You
- Tuttle Out
- OK, Billy Chapel
- Dinner / Elevator
- Locker Room
- Clouds
- Mickey’s Save
- Jane’s Home
- Birch Strikeout
- Torn Dollar Bill
- Cat And Mouse
- Gus Hits It
- Jane To Game
- Coming Back?
- Park Farewell
- Heather Comes Along
- New York
- For Love Of The Music
- Gus Farewell
- Run To Park
- Old School
- Hard Pitching
- Billy Traded
- Main Theme (from For Love Of The Game)
- Apology
- Can’t Get Clear
- You’ll Be Back
- Marston’s Game
- Cora’s Story
- The Redcoats Move On
- Marston’s Murderers
- Quigley and Cora
- The Desert Trek
- Arrival
- Aborigines
- Bunyan & Babe