Action, Reaction, Satisfaction
Artcore 14 - Different Lives
Artcore 15 - Live Different
- Leviathan / Wichita / The Last Warning
- Midnight Train 2018
- Eavesdropping
- Sol Invictus
- Pörköltszaft
- Dreaming (About You)
- Lies
- XN Part II
- Focus Relaxation
- Leaves
- La Baletta DBS
- Ezerkettes
- Barry Scott
- Tec2B
- Hudsie Vibe
- Luxushűtő
- Artcore Disco
- Encore
- Ambassador of Peace
- Time For...
- V63 057 / M62 232
- Smooch
- Vattamoha / Vattacukor
- Izba Izba