Aric Lavie Songtexte
Geboren am 09. März 1927, Gestorben am 29. Juni 2004
- Maki Sakinai
- At Chaki Li Ve'echzor
- Kol Yom
- Kol Hachalomot
- Hamehandes
- Haya Oh Lo Haya
- Ze Kore
- Hamonit Hatsehuba
- Emek
- Noa
- Yare'ach
- Yesh Bishvil Ma
- Shir Hastav
- Ishti Haktana
- Avakesh
- Hakatar
- Kineret
- Hasela Ha'adom
- Illuminations
- Borkei Lachish (The Shepherds of Lachish)
- Canal Saint Martin
- Ballad of the Red Rock